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Model Questions For एसएससी - सीजीएल परीक्षा (SET-5) तर्कशक्ति

Model Questions For एसएससी - सीजीएल परीक्षा (SET-5) तर्कशक्ति

Q1. किसी खास कोड में GOAL को BPHM और MIND को OJEN लिखा जाता है, तो उसी कोड में SOAR को क्या लिखा जायेगा?

(a) BPTS
(b) STBP
(c) BPST
(d) PBST

Q2. किसी निश्चित कूट भाषा में COIMBATORE को DPJNCB UPSF लिखा जाये, तो उसी कूट भाषा में INDORE को क्या लिखा जायेगा?


Q3. . मेघना कार चलाती हुई 10 किमी दक्षिण जाती है, फिर वह दाएँ मुड़कर 6 किमी जाती है । पुनः वह दाएँ मुड़ती है और 10 किमी जाकर रुक जाती है । वह प्रारंभिक स्थान से अब कितनी दूरी पर है?

(a) 16 किमी
(b) 6 किमी
(c) 4 किमी
(d) 12 किमी

निर्देश ;प्रश्न 4-5: निम्नलिखित में परस्पर संबन्धित शब्दों के जोड़े दिखाए गए है। उस जोड़े को चुनिए, जो सर्वाधिक उपर्युक्त सम्बन्धवाले शब्दों को जोड़ता है।

Q4. उपग्रह: ग्रहपथ::?

(a) प्रक्षेपास्त्र: प्रक्षेपमार्ग
(b) तीर: परास
(c) गोली: नली
(d) ऊपर उठाने का यंत्र: धुरा

Q5. भुरभुरा: टूटना:: ?

(a) काँच: तिड़कना
 (b) पैना: खरोंच
 (c) वृक्ष: हवा
 (d) लचीला: मुड़ना

Printed Study Kit for SSC CGL (Tier-1) Exam

एसएससी CGL(Tier-1) HINDI परीक्षा ​​अध्ययन सामग्री


1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a)  5. (d)

SSC Courses and Programs: 

Model Questions For एसएससी - सीजीएल परीक्षा (SET-6)सामान्य जानकारी/ जागरूकता

Model Questions For एसएससी - सीजीएल परीक्षा (SET-6) सामान्य जानकारी/ जागरूकता

Q1. एल्युमीनियम को शुद्ध किया जा सकता है

(a) ऑक्सीकरण द्वारा
(b) आसवन द्वारा
(c) विद्युत-अपघटन द्वारा
(d) ओजोन-अपघटन द्वारा

Q2. अशुद्ध कपूर को शुद्ध किया जाता है

(a) ऊध्र्वपातन द्वारा
(b) प्रभाजी क्रिस्टलन द्वारा
(c) प्रभाजी आसवन द्वारा
(d) भापीय आसवन द्वारा

Q3. प्रकाश-संश्लेषण के दौरान हरे पौधे किसका अवशोषण करते हैं?

(a) नाइट्रोजन
(b) कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड
(c) कार्बन मोनोक्साइड
(d) ऑक्सीजन

Q4. ग्रीनहाउस प्रभाव का कारण क्या है?

(a) नाइट्रोजन
(b) कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड
(c) कार्बन मोनोक्साइड
(d) नाइट्रोजन डाइऑक्साइड

Q5. मुद्रणालय में प्रयुक्त टाइप धातु किसका एलॉय है?

(a) सीसा और ताँबा
(b) सीसा और एण्टीमनी
(c) सीसा और बिस्मथ
(d) सीसा और जिंक

Printed Study Kit for SSC CGL (Tier-1) Exam

एसएससी CGL(Tier-1) HINDI परीक्षा ​​अध्ययन सामग्री


1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b)  5. (b)

SSC Courses and Programs: 

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 03 July 2019" Morning Shift (Reasoning)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 03 July 2019"

Morning Shift (Reasoning)

Q1. Three of the following four words are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd word out.


1. Driving
2. Parasailing
3. Surfing
4. Swimming

Correct Answer: Driving

Q2. Three statements are given, followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow (s) from the statements.

Some tractors are boats.
All cups are boats.
All jars are tractors.

I. Some tractors are cups.
II. No jar is boat.
III. Some cups are jars.


1. Only conclusions II and III follow.
2. None of the conclusions follows.
3. Only conclusions I and II follow.
4. Only conclusions I and III follow.

Correct Answer: None of the conclusions follows.

Q3. Select the word-pair in which the two words are related in the same way as are the two words in the following word-pair.
Year : June


1. Week : Thursday
2. April : Month
3. Week : Calendar
4. Year : Century

Correct Answer: Week : Thursday

Q4. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.
(11, 13, 17)


1. (31, 37, 43)
2. (5, 7, 9)
3. (29, 31, 41)
4. (19, 23, 29)

Correct Answer: (19, 23, 29)

Q5. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.
(11, 13, 288)


1. (3, 5, 31)
2. (13, 17, 415)
3. (7, 11, 162)
4. (19, 23, 828)

Correct Answer:  (7, 11, 162)

Q6. In a code language, LOGITECH is written as CFCEBAYD. How will INFORMATION be written as in that language?



Correct Answer: EEBFIDWBEFE


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Study Material for Junior Engineer (Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering) Examination

Study Kit for SSC CGL EXAM

Q7. How many triangles are present in the following figure?


1. 24
2. 30
3. 26
4. 28

Correct Answer: 28

Q8. Painter' is related to 'Paintbrush' in the same way as 'Farmer' is related to '_______'.


1. Harvest
2. Plough
3. Colour
4. Crops

Correct Answer: Plough

Q9. Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the gaps of the given letter series will complete the series.


1. dbcaca
2. dcabac
3. dcbaac
4. dcabca

Correct Answer: dcbaac

Q10. Two different position of the same dice are shown. Which number will be at the top if 2 is at the bottom ?


1. 4
2. 1
3. 6
4. 3

Correct Answer: 6

Q11. Which number will replace the question mark (?) in the following series?
3, 14, 29, 38, 51, 58, 69, ?


1. 47
2. 37
3. 74
4. 73

Correct Answer: 74

Q12. Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to the first number.
68 : 100 :: 45 : _____


1. 114
2. 141
3. 14
4. 41

Correct Answer: 41

Q13. Which two signs should be interchanged in the following equation to make it correct?
28 - 42 ÷ 2 + 276 × 23 = -44


1. × and ÷
2. + and -
3. + and ÷
4. × and +

Correct Answer: × and ÷

Q14. Select the figure that will come next to the following figure series.

Q15. Twenty teams take part in a football tournament. Each team has to play every other team. How many games would be played in the tournament?


1. 170
2. 190
3. 180
4. 195

Correct Answer: 190

Q16. Arrange the following words in the order as they would appear in English dictionary.

1. Denote
2. Destiny
3. Diagonal
4. Demand
5. Density


1. 4, 1, 2, 5, 3
2. 4, 3, 2, 1, 5
3. 4, 1, 5, 2, 3
4. 3, 5, 1, 4, 2

Correct Answer: 4, 1, 5, 2, 3

Q17. Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.

Q18. Select the option that is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster.
MARK : FHMP :: LOAN : ______



Correct Answer:  EVVS

Q19. Three of the following four letter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd one out.


1. OKL
2. EZV
3. UPF
4. AVZ

Correct Answer: OKL

Q20. If FINGER is coded as 15232112239 and MARKET is coded as 14192916252, then how will MILTON be coded as?


1. 21223239525
2. 22122353295
3. 22213235295
4. 2222213355

Correct Answer: 22213235295

Q21. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrate the relationship between the following series
Lecturers, Singers, Men

Q22. There are two Married couples in a family. % has two children. A is wife of @, who is brother of #. F is daughter of %. U is sister of S, who is son of @. T is son of #, who is a male.
How is A is related to %?


1. Sister
2. Sister in law
3. Brother in law
4. Brother

Correct Answer: Sister in law

Q23. Three of the following four numbers are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the number that is different from the rest.


1. 2421
2. 5472
3. 7261
4. 4842

Correct Answer: 7261

Q24. Select the options in which the given figure is embedded.

Q25. A paper is folded and cut as shown in the following figures. How will it appears when unfolded?

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Model Questions For एसएससी - सीजीएल परीक्षा (SET-3) संख्याकी अभिक्षमता

Model Questions For एसएससी - सीजीएल परीक्षा (SET-3)  संख्याकी अभिक्षमता

Q1. कोई व्यक्ति 3250 रु. के ऋण के भुगतान के लिए प्रथम मास में 20 रु. देता है, तथा उसके उपरान्त प्रत्येक मास के भुगतान में 15 रु. की वृद्धि करता है। ऋण के पूर्ण भुगतान में उसे कुल कितने मास का समय लगेगा?

(a) 6
(b) 25
(c) 23
(d) 20

Q2. पूर्णांकी मानों के लिए, वह सबसे बड़ी संख्या, जो अनुक्रम (n – 1)n(n + 1), n(n + 1) (n + 2), (n + 1) (n + 2) (n + 3),............. के प्रत्येक पद को पूर्णत: विभाजित करेगी, होगी

(a) 12
(b) 6
(c) 3
(d) 2

Q3. अनुक्रम 7, 28, 63, 124, 215, 342, 511 का अशुद्ध पद है

(a) 7
(b) 28
(c) 124
(d) 215

Q4. अनुक्रम 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, _, 29 का छठा (छवाँ) पद होगा?

(a) 4
(b) 19
(c) 25
(d) 22

Q5. मैंने एक बिल की कुल राशि के भाग का भुगतान कर दिया। यदि बिल की राशि में से 400 रु. बकाया रह गए हों, तो बिल की कुल राशि कितनी थी?

(a) 1,200 .
(b) 1,500
(c) 1,800
(d) 1,000

Printed Study Kit for SSC CGL (Tier-1) Exam

एसएससी CGL(Tier-1) HINDI परीक्षा ​​अध्ययन सामग्री


1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (c)  5. (d)

SSC Courses and Programs: 

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019" Evening Shift (General Awareness)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019"

Evening Shift (General Awareness)

Q1. Srirangapatnam Fort is located in __________.

Options :

1. Telangana
2. Kerala
3. Tamil Nadu
4. Karnataka

Correct answer: Karnataka

Q2. Which one of the following is defined as "a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks"?

Options :

1. Software
2. Malware
3. Processor
4. Hardware

Correct answer: Software

Q3. Marmagao Port is located in _______.

Options :

1. Gujarat
2. West Bangal
3. Goa
4. Odisha

Correct answer:  Goa

Q4. Which of the following mountain ranges is home to the second highest peak of the world, K2?

Options :

1. ZOptions :kar Range
2. Pir Panjal Range
3. East Karakoram Range
4. Ladakh Range

Correct answer:  East Karakoram Range

Q5. Select the option that does NOT have the correct pair of state and its chief minister?

Options :

1. Sikkim – P S Golay
2. Odisha – Naveen Patnaik
3. Andhra Pradesh – Jaganmohan Reddy
4. Arunachal Pradesh – Gegong Apang

Correct answer:  Sikkim – Arunachal Pradesh – Gegong Apang

Q6. In which state are the Dilwara Jain Temples situated?

Options :

1. Madhya Pradesh
2. Maharashtra
3. Rajasthan
4. Bihar

Correct answer:  Rajasthan

Q7. After winning ‘Australian Open 2018’, the total number of Grand Slam Men’s singles titles won by Roger Federer is:

Options :

1. 18
2. 20
3. 24
4. 21

Correct answer:  20

Q8. Which of the following states won the most medals in Khelo India School Games' first event, 2018?

Options :

1. Maharashtra
2. Jharkhand
3. Haryana
4. Delhi

Correct answer:  Haryana

Q9. Which of the following options is a degenerative disorder of the brain and one of several conditions that causes an increased decline in mental functions, dementia, resulting in memory loss and confusion?

Options :

1. Alzheimer's disease
2. Stroke
3. amnesia
4. Schizophrenia (Scrinophrenia)

Correct answer:  Alzheimer's disease

Q10. India is a federal republic with 29 states and ______union territories.

Options :

1. seven
2. four
3. five
4. six

Correct answer:  seven

Q11. Which one of the following allows the user to store, organise, calculate and manipulate the available data in a tabular format?

Options :

1. Microsoft Word
2. Microsoft Powerpoint
3. Notepad
4. Microsoft Excel

Correct answer: Microsoft Excel

Q12. According to the Indian Bureau of Mines Report 2018, which of the following is the largest mica producing state in India?

Options :

1. Bihar
2. Andhra Pradesh
3. Odisha
4. Punjab

Correct answer:  Andhra Pradesh

Printed Study Kit for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019" Evening Shift (Reasoning)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019"

Evening Shift (Reasoning)

Q1. M is the brother of N. N is the brother of P. Q is the father of M. Based on these statements, which of the following statements cannot be definitely true?

Options :

1. M is the brother of P
2. P is the brother of M
3. N is the son of Q
4. N is the brother of M

Correct answer: P is the brother of M

Q2. Three different positions of the same dice are shown. Which alphabet will appear on the opposite surface on which alphabet P appears ?

Options :

1. T
2. Z
3. X
4. S

Correct answer: Z

Q3. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.
(6, 36, 1296)

Options :

1. (10, 100, 5000)
2. (7, 49, 2409)
3. (4, 16, 64)
4. (3, 9, 81)

Correct answer: (3, 9, 81)

Q4. Select the option in which the given figure is embedded.

Q5. Select the word-pair in which the two words are related in the same way as are the two words in the following word-pair.
Seismology : Earthquakes : : _____ : ______

Options :

1. Ornithology : Birds
2. Nephrology : Nerves
3. Phycology : Fungi
4. Entomology : Plants

Correct answer: Ornithology : Birds

Q6. Select the figure that will come next in the following figure series.

Q7. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrated the relationship between the following classes.
Moon, Venus, Universe

Q8. Rohit's age is 10 years less than half of his mother's age who is 5 years younger than Rohit's father. If Rohit's father is 47 years old, what is Rohit's age?

Options :

1. 11 years
2. 21 years
3. 14 years
4. 10 years

Correct answer: 11 years


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Study Material for Junior Engineer (Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering) Examination

Study Kit for SSC CGL EXAM

Q9. ‘Man’ is related to 'Mammal’ in the same way as ‘Rat’ is related to ‘_________’.

Options :

1. Burrow
2. Mice
3. Rodent
4. Reptile

Correct answer: Reptile

Q10. Which number will replace the question mark (?) in the following series?
4, 16, 36, 64, 100, 144, 196, ?

Options :

1. 284
2. 246
3. 225
4. 256

Correct answer:  256

Q11. A figure of transparent sheet with a pattern is given below. Select the option that shows how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.

Q12. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.
( 3, 5, 34)

Options :

1. (6, 7, 89)
2. (1, 2, 12)
3. ( 9, 10, 190)
4. (4, 7, 65)

Correct answer: (4, 7, 65)

Q13. Three of the following four words are alike in a certain way and one is different. Choose that different word.

Options :

1. The pitch
2. Nozzle
3. Arena
4. skating ring

Correct answer: The pitch

Q14. Three of the following four numbers are alike in a certain way and one is different.
Pick the number that is different from the rest.

Options :

1. 373
2. 313
3. 353
4. 323

Correct answer: 323

Q15. Two statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.

No ball is pen. All pens are boxes.

I. Some boxes are pens.
II. Some boxes are balls. III. No box is ball.

Options :

1. Either conclusion II or III follows
2. Conclusion I and either II or III follows
3. Only conclusion I follows
4. All conclusions follow

Correct answer: Only conclusion I follows

Q16. Select the letter cluster that will come next in the following series.

Options :

1. UPJ
2. TQJ
3. UQI
4. TPJ

Correct answer: UPJ

Q17. Vikarm is twice as old as his brother Ajay. 5 years ago, Vikram was 3 times as old as Ajay. How old is Vikram now?

Options :

1. 17
2. 22
3. 20
4. 18

Correct answer: 20

Q18. Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror if placed to the right of the figure.

Q19. Which two signs should be interchanged in the following equation to make it correct?
5 × 15 ÷ 7 - 20 + 4 = 77

Options :

1. (+ and -)
2. ( ÷ and +)
3. (+ and ×)
4. (- and ×)

Correct answer: ( ÷ and +)

Q20. Select the number that will come next in the following series.
2, 6, 14, 30, 62, ?

Options :

1. 122
2. 98
3. 126
4. 134

Correct answer: 126

Q21. If R = 36 and BIN = 50, then how will you code 'TALE'?

Options :

1. 110
2. 54
3. 76
4. 19

Correct answer: 76

Q22. Three of the following four letter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd one out.

Options :


Correct answer: OQTX

Q23. How many triangle are there in the following figure ?

Options :

1. 6
2. 10
3. 9
4. 8

Correct answer: 10

Q24. Select the option that is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster.
DFHJ : MOQS : : CGGK : ______

Options :


Correct answer: LPPT

Q25. Mayank's father has a brother, Prakash, whose daughter, Ritu is Kavita's mother. Sonu is Ritu's only brother. How is Sonu related to Mayank?
Options :

1. Nephew
2. Brother
3. Son
4. Cousin

Correct answer: Cousin

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019" Evening Shift (English Language)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019"

Evening Shift (English Language)

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

"Tenzing and Hillary have done it! Mount Everest has been conquered!" This news evoked (1) ______ reactions. Somehow, there was a sense of disappointment (2) ______ the fact that the great mountain had been (3) ______. It would have been nice to (4) ______ the Everest as an (5) ______ part of the Earth.

SubQuestion No : 1
Q1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1


1. intruding
2. inspired
3. intimate
4. interesting

Correct answer : interesting

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

"Tenzing and Hillary have done it! Mount Everest has been conquered!" This news evoked (1) ______ reactions. Somehow, there was a sense of disappointment (2) ______ the fact that the great mountain had been (3) ______. It would have been nice to (4) ______ the Everest as an (5) ______ part of the Earth.

SubQuestion No : 2
Q2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2


1. on
2. at
3. of
4. for

Correct answer : at

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

"Tenzing and Hillary have done it! Mount Everest has been conquered!" This news evoked (1) ______ reactions. Somehow, there was a sense of disappointment (2) ______ the fact that the great mountain had been (3) ______. It would have been nice to (4) ______ the Everest as an (5) ______ part of the Earth.

SubQuestion No : 3
Q3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3


1. invaded
2. challenged
3. occupied
4. conquered

Correct answer : conquered

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

"Tenzing and Hillary have done it! Mount Everest has been conquered!" This news evoked (1) ______ reactions. Somehow, there was a sense of disappointment (2) ______ the fact that the great mountain had been (3) ______. It would have been nice to (4) ______ the Everest as an (5) ______ part of the Earth.

SubQuestion No : 4
Q4. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4


1. left
2. had left
3. be leaving
4. have left

Correct answer : have left

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

"Tenzing and Hillary have done it! Mount Everest has been conquered!" This news evoked (1) ______ reactions. Somehow, there was a sense of disappointment (2) ______ the fact that the great mountain had been (3) ______. It would have been nice to (4) ______ the Everest as an (5) ______ part of the Earth.

SubQuestion No : 5
Q5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 5


1. unavailed
2. unruly
3. unassailable
4. unusual

Correct answer : unassailable

Q6. Identify the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If no substitution is required, select No substitution.
Of Rama and Usha the later is the most responsible.


1. the latter is the more
2. No substitution.
3. the latter is most
4. the later is more

Correct answer : the latter is the more


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Q7. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
The ______ appears to be rather rough today for the ships to sail.


1. atmosphere
2. environment
3. weather
4. climate

Correct answer : weather

Q8. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. Practicing hard, she hoped to win an Olympic medal some day.
B. As she sped down the slope she had a terrible accident.
C. But, she didn't know it would be her last run ever.
D. Ann Thompson was going to make her practice ski run before lunch.



Correct answer :  DACB

Q9. Select the correctly spelt word.


1. compitition
2. contruction
3. distruction
4. repetition

Correct answer : repetition

Q10. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.


1. dense
2. weak
3. thin
4. strong

Correct answer : dense

Q11. Select the most appropriate word for the group of words.
One who is in charge of a museum or art gallery


1. instructor
2. collector
3. monitor
4. curator

Correct answer : curator

Q12. Select the most appropriate passive form of the given sentence.
Have you paid your outstanding bills?


1. Are your outstanding bills being paid?
2. Will your outstanding bills be paid?
3. Have your outstanding bills being paid?
4. Have your outstanding bills been paid?

Correct answer : Have your outstanding bills being paid?

Q13. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.


1. timely
2. barely
3. rarely
4. likely

Correct answer : timely

Q14. Identify the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If no substitution is required, select No substitution.
By next week I will have been made all the reservations for the trip to Europe.


1. will have been making
2. will had make
3. will have made
4. No substitution.

Correct answer : will have made

Q15. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
The archaeologist made a ______ discovery.


1. sensible
2. senile
3. sensitive
4. sensational

Correct answer : sensational

Q16. Select the wrongly spelt word.


1. elementery
2. hereditary
3. jewellery
4. missionary

Correct answer : elementery

Q17. Select the most appropriate word for the group of words.
One whose hobby is stamp collection


1. panegyrist
2. phonologist
3. philanthropist
4. philatelist

Correct answer : philatelist

Q18. Select the most appropriate indirect form of the given sentence.
The lawyer said to the accused, "Where were you at the time of the burglary?"


1. The lawyer asked the burglar if he was there at the time of burglary.
2. The lawyer asked the burglar where he was at the time of burglary.
3. The lawyer asked the burglar where were you at the time of burglary.
4. The lawyer asked the burglar that where was he at the time of burglary.

Correct answer :  The lawyer asked the burglar where he was at the time of burglary.

Q19. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To bark up the wrong tree


1. to eat an unpalatable fruit by mistake
2. to be wrong about the reason for something
3. to be mistaken about the name of a tree
4. to bury money under a tree and forget the place

Correct answer :   to be wrong about the reason for something

Q20. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To grease the palm


1. to cheat someone
2. to give support
3. to give a massage
4. to bribe someone

Correct answer : to bribe someone

Q21. Identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
The ambulance have arrived on time, the accident victim was taken to the hospital.


1. The ambulance
2. was taken to the hospital
3. the accident victim
4. have arrived on time

Correct answer : have arrived on time

Q22. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. They had come from different parts of the city.
B. Men, tall and skinny, short and fat gathered in Dubai.
C. They were all named Mohammad!
D. But, all of them had one thing in common.



Correct answer : BADC

Q23. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.


1. interior
2. ulterior
3. superior
4. exterior

Correct answer : superior

Q24. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.


1. purposeful
2. plentiful
3. pitiful
4. powerful

Correct answer : pitiful

Q25. Identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
The Principal requested to the Chief Guest to inaugurate the sports meet.


1. to the Chief Guest
2. The Principal requested
3. to inaugurate
4. the sports meet

Correct answer : to the Chief Guest

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019" Afternoon Shift (General Awareness)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019"

Afternoon Shift (General Awareness)

Q.1 Which is the largest bone in the human body?

Options :

1. Malleus
2. Incus
3. Stapes
4. Femur

Correct answer : Femur

Q.2 When is 'International Dance Day' celebrated by the International Theatre Institute (ITI), the main partner for performing arts of UNESCO?

Options :

1. 8th May
2. 7th June
3. 29th April
4. 23rd March

Correct answer : 29th April

Q.3 Who among the following has the power to promulgate ordinances under Article 123 of the Constitution of India?

Options :

1. The President
2. The Attorney-General
3. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
4. The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha

Correct answer : The President

Q.4 Who amongst the following established an institution named 'Kalashram' for imparting training in dance and associated disciplines?

Options :

1. Shambhu Maharaj
2. Pandit Birju Maharaj
3. Sitara Devi
4. Lachhu Maharaj

Correct answer : Pandit Birju Maharaj

Q.5 Where was Khelo India Youth Games 2019 held?

Options :

1. Delhi
2. Noida
3. Pune
4. Ludhiana

Correct answer : Pune

Q.6 Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in the year _______.

Options :

1. 1920
2. 1924
3. 1934
4. 1921

Correct answer : 1921

Q.7 In March 2019, the Reserve Bank of India bought how many USD billions through long-term forex swap auction in a bid to ease liquidity ahead of elections?

Options :

1. USD 1 billion
2. USD 5 billion
3. USD 2 billion
4. USD 4 billion

Correct answer : USD 5 billion

Q.8 Which book among the following won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2019?

Options :

1. The Underground Railroad
2. Less
3. The Sympathizer
4. The Overstory

Correct answer : The Overstory

Q.9 In which city of India would you find the Swami Vivekananda Airport?

Options :

1. Ranchi
2. Durgapur
3. Kanyakumari
4. Raipur

Correct answer : Raipur

Q.10 In May 2019, who among the following was appointed by the UN Secretary-General as the new Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)?

Options :

1. Lieutenant General Shailesh Tinaikar
2. Private Ankush Cheema
3. Lieutenant General Frank Kamanzi
4. Colonel Amit Gupta

Correct answer : Lieutenant General Shailesh Tinaikar

Q.11 Sanjhi Art is associated to which of the following states of India?

Options :

1. Rajasthan
2. Gujarat
3. West Bengal
4. Uttar Pradesh

Correct answer : Uttar Pradesh

Q.12 Who among the following created the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) with a memory to hold both, a stored program as well as data?

Options :

1. Arthur Samuel
2. John von Neumann
3. Bletchley Park
4. Thomas H Flowers

Correct answer : John von Neumann

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019" Afternoon Shift (Reasoning)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019"

Afternoon Shift (Reasoning)

Q1. If ‘TRANSFER’ is coded as '2018114196518', then how will ‘INCLUDED’ be coded as in that language?
Options :

1. 91431221454
2. 18231220454
3. 91331121454
4. 81431222353

Correct answer : 91431221454

Q2. In a code language, COLD is written as ALHY. How will IRON be written in the same language?
Options :


Correct answer : GOKI

Q3. Two years ago a man was six times as old as his son. In 18 years, he will be twice as old as his son. What are their present ages of the man and his son?
Options :

1. 32 and 13 years
2. 32 and 7 years
3. 34 and 9 years
4. 34 and 7 years

Correct answer : 32 and 7 years

Q4. Which two signs should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
14 + 4 ÷ 5 – 18 × 2 = 25

Options :

1. × and +
2. × and –
3. × and ÷
4. ÷ and +

Correct answer : × and ÷

Q5. If 'E' is coded as '5' and 'PEN' is coded as '35' then how will 'PAGE' be coded?

Options :

1. 36
2. 29
3. 27
4. 28

Correct answer : 29

Q6. Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the gaps of the given letter series will complete the series.
U _ _ R P K Q _ U K D _ P K _ R _ K D R _ K _ R

Options :


Correct answer : KDRRQUPQ

Q7. Select the correct alternative to indicate the arrangement of the following phrases in a logical and meaningful order.

1. World
2. Mumbai
3. Gateway of India
4. Asia
5. Maharashtra
6. India

Options :

1. 3, 2, 5, 4, 6, 1
2. 3, 2, 5, 6, 1, 4
3. 3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 1
4. 3, 2, 6, 5, 4, 1

Correct answer : 3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 1


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Q8. Select the option figure which contains figure X embedded in it as its part. (Rotation is not allowed)

Q9. Three different positions of life same dice, which has one to six dots on its six faces, are shown below. When six dots are at the bottom then the number of dots on the top will be:

Options :

1. 5
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4

Correct answer : 2

Q10. Which two numbers should be interchanged in the following equation to make it correct?
618 + 37 × 12 –703 ÷ 14 = 767

Options :

1. 14 and 37
2. 12 and 37
3. 618 and 14
4. 703 and 12

Correct answer :14 and 37

Q11. Rishabh is Namita's only brother. Rishabh's wife, Mridu has a brother Sonu. Illena is Namita's only niece. How is Sonu related to Illena?

Options :

1. Brother
2. Maternal uncle
3. Father
4. Paternal uncle

Correct answer : Maternal uncle

Q12. Select the word-pair in which the two words are related in the same way as are the two words in the following word-pair.
Waiter : Serve

Options :

1. Lawyer : Legal
2. Architect : Fashion
3. Engineer : Technical
4. Mechanic : Repair

Correct answer : Mechanic : Repair

Q13. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.
8, 6, 28

Options :

1. 6, 4, 30
2. 10, 5, 85
3. 12, 6, 98
4. 7, 2, 45

Correct answer : 6, 4, 30

Q14. Which number will replace the question mark (?) in the following series?
7, 11, ?, 31, 47

Options :

1. 29
2. 5
3. 19
4. 55

Correct answer : 19

Q15. Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.

Q16. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrated the relationship between the following classes.
Sikkim, Manipur, Imphal

Q17. How many triangles are there in the figure given below?

Options :

1. 34
2. 33
3. 35
4. 32

Correct answer : 33

Q18. Three of the following four numbers are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the number that is different from the rest.

Options :

1. 99
2. 89
3. 83
4. 97

Correct answer : 99

Q19. Select the number-pair in which the two numbers are related in the same way as are the two numbers of the following number-pair.
4 : 49

Options :

1. 6 : 64
2. 5 : 81
3. 7 : 100
4. 8 : 144

Correct answer : 7 : 100

Q20. Three of the following four letter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd one out.

Options :


Correct answer : PSZV

Q21. Three of the following four words are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd word out.

Options :

1. Slippers
2. Shoes
3. Shirt
4. Sandals

Correct answer : Shirt

Q22. Select the term that will come next in the following series.

Options :

1. QVQ
2. RVQ
3. RUP
4. RVP

Correct answer : RVQ

Q23.  A figure of transparent sheet with a pattern is given below. Figure out from amongst the four options as to how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.

Q24. In a code language, ‘HEDONISM’ is written as ‘QFGJOUKP’. How will ‘PROFITED’ be written as in that language?

Options :


Correct answer : HQTRFGVK

Q25. Select the figure that will come next in the following figure series.

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019" Afternoon Shift (English Language)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 July 2019"

Afternoon Shift (English Language)

Q1. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.

Options :

1. plentiful
2. scarce
3. common
4. minor

Correct answer : plentiful

Q2. Select the most appropriate word for the group of words.
That which cannot be heard

Options :

1. incorrigible
2. inaudible
3. invisible
4. incredible

Correct answer : inaudible

Q3. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
She kept her clothes neatly arranged in the ______ .

Options :

1. wardrobe
2. godown
3. warehouse
4. larder

Correct answer : wardrobe

Q4. Select the wrongly spelt word.

Options :

1. affluence
2. attendance
3. affilate
4. alliance

Correct answer : affilate

Q5. Identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
The number of visitors at the fair were much larger than expected.

Options :

1. The number of
2. visitors at the fair
3. were much larger
4. than expected

Correct answer : were much larger

Q6. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

Options :

1. foolish
2. crazy
3. sensible
4. sensitive

Correct answer : sensible

Q7. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. Children are the most adversely affected.
B. Their eyesight goes weak from their very childhood.
C. Watching television continuously is very harmful for the eyes.
D. This debilitating effect on eyes results in severe headaches as well.

Options :


Correct answer : CABD

Q8. Select the most appropriate indirect form of the given sentence.
She said, "Deepak slipped when he was trying to skate."

Options :

1. She said that Deepak was slipping when he was trying to skate.
2. She said that Deepak has slipped when he was trying to skate.
3. She said that Deepak slipped when he was trying to skate.
4. She said that Deepak had slipped when he was trying to skate.

Correct answer : She said that Deepak slipped when he was trying to skate.

Q9. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
The old man has lost his memory. He is suffering from ______ .

Options :

1. acacia
2. anaesthesia
3. amnesia
4. ambrosia

Correct answer : ambrosia

Q10. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Options :

1. to have talent in painting
2. to have talent in gardening
3. to be envious
4. to be angry

Correct answer : to have talent in gardening

Q11. Select the most appropriate passive form of the given sentence.
How much monthly rent did you pay for the house?

Options :

1. How much monthly rent was being paid for the house?
2. How much monthly rent was paid for the house?
3. How much monthly rent is being paid for the house?
4. How much monthly rent is paid for the house?

Correct answer :  How much monthly rent is paid for the house?

Q12. Identify the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If no substitution is required, select No substitution.
Those who have not received the invitation he should leave.

Options :

1. they should leave
2. should leave
3. he should be leaving
4. No substitution

Correct answer : they should leave

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In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

Agatha Christie is a well known writer of mystery books. The (1) ______ in each of her stories involves everyday characters (2) ______ we can relate to. This makes her stories more (3) ______ because whatever she writes about can happen (4) ______ any of us. What makes her stories more interesting (5) ______ the twist at the end.

SubQuestion No : 13
Q13. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1

Options :

1. plot
2. style
3. ending
4. title

Correct answer : plot

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

Agatha Christie is a well known writer of mystery books. The (1) ______ in each of her stories involves everyday characters (2) ______ we can relate to. This makes her stories more (3) ______ because whatever she writes about can happen (4) ______ any of us. What makes her stories more interesting (5) ______ the twist at the end.

SubQuestion No : 14
Q14. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2

Options :

1. those
2. that
3. these
4. whose

Correct answer : that

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

Agatha Christie is a well known writer of mystery books. The (1) ______ in each of her stories involves everyday characters (2) ______ we can relate to. This makes her stories more (3) ______ because whatever she writes about can happen (4) ______ any of us. What makes her stories more interesting (5) ______ the twist at the end.

SubQuestion No : 15
Q15. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3

Options :

1. realistic
2. sarcastic
3. artistic
4. exotic

Correct answer : realistic

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

Agatha Christie is a well known writer of mystery books. The (1) ______ in each of her stories involves everyday characters (2) ______ we can relate to. This makes her stories more (3) ______ because whatever she writes about can happen (4) ______ any of us. What makes her stories more interesting (5) ______ the twist at the end.

SubQuestion No : 16
Q16. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4

Options :

1. from
2. to
3. on
4. by

Correct answer : to

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

Agatha Christie is a well known writer of mystery books. The (1) ______ in each of her stories involves everyday characters (2) ______ we can relate to. This makes her stories more (3) ______ because whatever she writes about can happen (4) ______ any of us. What makes her stories more interesting (5) ______ the twist at the end.

SubQuestion No : 17
Q17. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 5

Options :

1. were
2. is
3. are
4. was

Correct answer : is

Q18. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. They have no mind of their own.
B. It is misleading to imagine that computers can think like humOptions :.
C. However, they make it possible for people to accumulate thoughts.
D. They cannot do so.

Options :


Correct answer :  BDAC

Q19. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.

Options :

1. casual
2. alien
3. modern
4. rural

Correct answer :   rural

Q20. Identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
The soldiers had no choice when to obey the commander.

Options :

1. the commander
2. The soldiers
3. when to obey
4. had no choice

Correct answer : had no choice

Q21. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Options :

1. to daydream
2. to be very tall
3. to feel giddy
4. to be very lazy

Correct answer : to daydream

Q22. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

Options :

1. cruel
2. frank
3. sweet
4. arrogant

Correct answer : frank

Q23. Identify the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If no substitution is required, select No substitution.
No other man in the city is as rich than he is.

Options :

1. as rich as he
2. No substitution
3. more richer than he
4. so much rich as he

Correct answer : as rich as he

Q24. Select the correctly spelt word.

Options :

1. guillty
2. genuine
3. genaral
4. generus

Correct answer : genuine

Q25. Select the most appropriate word for the group of words.
A remedy for all diseases

Options :

1. antibiotic
2. panacea
3. antidote
4. patent

Correct answer : panacea

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 05 July 2019" Evening Shift (Reasoning)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 05 July 2019"

Evening Shift (Reasoning)

Q1. A figure of transparent sheet with a pattern is given below. Select the option that shows how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.

Q2.  Two different positions of the same dice are shown below, the six faces of which are numbered 1 to 6. Find the number opposite to the face having 3.


1. 2
2. 4
3. 1
4. 6

Correct answer : 2

Q3. In a code language, PROMOTE is written as QTROGVQ. How will LICENSE be written as in that language?



Correct answer : EKNGGUP

Q4. Select the word-pair in which the two words are related in the same way as are the two words in the following word-pair.
Architect : House map


1. Lawyer : Court
2. Carpenter : Furniture
3. Doctor : Hospital
4. Teacher : Writer

Correct answer : Carpenter : Furniture

Q5.  Select the option in which Figure- X is embedded. (Rotation is not allowed)

Q6. Select the figure that will come next in the following figure series.

Q7. ‘Disease’ is related to ‘Diabetes’ in the same way as ‘Vehicle’ is related to ‘_________’.


1. Driver
2. Chassis
3. Fuel
4. Car

Correct answer : Car

Q8. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrated the relationship between the following classes.
Metal, Iron, Mercury

Q9. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.
(88, 56, 72)


1. (34, 28, 21)
2. (62, 48, 52)
3. (66, 48, 57)
4. (18, 24, 28)

Correct answer : (66, 48, 57)

Q10. Which two signs should be interchanged in the following equation to make it correct?
211 × 14 + 627 ÷ 33 – 17 = 520


1. × and –
2. + and –
3. + and ÷
4. ÷ and ×

Correct answer :  × and –

Q11. How many triangles are present in the given figure?


1. 31
2. 30
3. 32
4. 29

Correct answer : 30

Q12. Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 05 July 2019" Morning Shift (General Awareness)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 05 July 2019"

Morning Shift (General Awareness)

Q1. According to Article 243 V of the Constitution of India, the minimum age requirement for becoming a member of a Municipalty is ___________.


1. 28 years
2. 21 years
3. 32 years
4. 24 years

Correct answer:  21 years

Q2. In which state is the Kamakhya Temple situated?


1. Assam
2. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Chhattisgarh
4. Jharkhand

Correct answer: Assam

Q3. Which of the following states is the biggest Jute producer in India?


1. Rajasthan
2. West Bengal
3. Karnataka
4. Nagaland

Correct answer: West Bengal

Q4. In February 2018, ________ was appointed as the first independent female director of ICC.


1. Nita Ambani
2. Indra Jai Singh
3. Indra Nooyi
4. Chanda Kochhar

Correct answer:  Indra Nooyi

Q5. Which of the following countries will host the World Leaders Conference to Combat Anti-Semitism in October 2020?


1. Sweden
2. Norway
3. Denmark
4. Belgium

Correct answer:  Sweden

Q6. Which part of the human body gets affected by the illness called osteoporosis?


1. Kidney
2. Bones
3. Lungs
4. Brain

Correct answer: Bones

Q7. When is the World Thyroid Day observed every year?


1. 25th May
2. 25th October
3. 5th September
4. 15th January

Correct answer: 25th May

Q8. What is the SI unit of electrical resistance?


1. Ohm
2. Mole
3. Volt
4. Ampere

Correct answer: Ohm

Q9. Who among the following is called the 'father of supercomputing'?


1. Vint Cerf
2. Alan Perlis
3. Ken Thompson
4. Seymour Cray

Correct answer: Seymour Cray

Q10. In May 2019, ____________, an Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) professor, was awarded the '2019 Dr Lee Jong-wook Memorial Prize for Public Health' at the 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva.


1. Seema Sahay
2. Alagarasu Kalichamy
3. Balram Bhargava
4. Ajay Vir Singh

Correct answer: Balram Bhargava

Q11. The Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine (popularly called BCG vaccine) is a vaccine to prevent which of these diseases?


1. Polio
2. Typhoid
3. Tuberculosis
4. Jaundice

Correct answer: Tuberculosis

Q12. A company that has been founded after 2003 and that has a current valuation of more than 1 billion USD is referred to as in the industry by which term?


1. Blue Moon Startup Company
2. Unicorn Startup Company
3. 5th Gear Startup Company
4. Stratosphere Startup Company

Correct answer:  Unicorn Startup Company


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Q13. Which country houses the headquarters of the intergovernmental organisation, ‘The International Bureau of Weights and Measures’?


1. France
2. Belgium
3. Switzerland
4. Austria

Correct answer: France

Q14. Which of the following airports was crowned the 'World’s Best Airport' for the seventh time in a row by the Skytrax World Airport Awards 2019?


1. Haneda International Airport
2. Indira Gandhi International Airport
3. Changi Airport
4. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport

Correct answer: Changi Airport

Q15. Who among the following won an award in the 'Best Actor (Female)' category at the 64th Filmfare Awards held in 2019?


1. Alia Bhatt
2. Sara Ali Khan
3. Janhvi Kapoor
4. Neena Gupta

Correct answer: Alia Bhatt

Q16. Which of the districts listed as options is not one of the three districts in the Chambal division of the state of Madhya Pradesh?


1. Sheopur
2. Bhind
3. Chhindwara
4. Morena

Correct answer: Chhindwara

Q17. In which state is 'Tarnetar' fair celebrated annually?


1. Telangana
2. Madhya Pradesh
3. Manipur
4. Gujarat

Correct answer: Gujarat

Q18. Which of the following words was inserted in the Preamble by the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution of India?


1. Belief
2. Political
3. Integrity
4. Economic

Correct answer: Integrity

Q19. Jadugora, in Singhbhum district, Jharkhand is an important mine for which of the following?


1. Manganese
2. Emerald
3. Uranium
4. Coal

Correct answer: Uranium

Q20. Which one of the following statements about gratuity is NOT CORRECT?


1. Gratuity can be paid before the completion of five years of the death of an employee or if he has become disabled due to accident or disease.
2. Gratuity is given by the employer to his/her employee for the services rendered by him/her during the period of employment.
3. A person is eligible to receive gratuity only if he has completed minimum seven years of service with an organisation.
4. Gratuity is usually paid at the time of retirement but it can be paid before retirement provided certain conditions are met.

Correct answer: A person is eligible to receive gratuity only if he has completed minimum seven years of service with an organisation.

Q21. Who among the following Australian cricket players was NOT banned by Cricket Australia for ball tampering in 2018?


1. Cameron Bancroft
2. Steve Smith
3. Glenn Maxwell
4. David Warner

Correct answer: Glenn Maxwell

Q22. In the context of computers, what is the full form of PDF?


1. PowerPoint Document Format
2. Personal Document Format
3. Portable Document Format
4. Portable Details Format

Correct answer: Portable Document Format

Q23. Who was affectionately called 'The Grand Old Man of India"?


1. Rajendra Prasad
2. Lal Bahadur Shastri
3. Bipin Chandra Pal
4. Dadabhai Naoroji

Correct answer: Dadabhai Naoroji

Q24. In which year was the Non-Cooperation Movement launched?


1. 1856
2. 1920
3. 1919
4. 1877

Correct answer: 1920

Q25. Who was the coach of the Indian Under-19 men’s cricket team, which won the Under-19 World Cup 2018?


1. Lalchand Rajput
2. Robin Singh
3. Rahul Dravid
4. Anil Kumble

Correct answer:  Rahul Dravid

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 JULY 2019" Morning-Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 04 JULY 2019"

Morning-Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

Q1. If 12 cot² θ- 31 cosecθ + 32 = 0, 0° < θ< 90°, then the value of sin will be:

1. 2/3 ,1/4
2. 4/5 ,3/4
3. 5/4 ,4/3
4. 1/3 ,3/2

Correct answer:  4/5 ,3/4

Q2. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 5, 20 and 60 days respectively. Working together, they can complete the same work in how many days?

1. 23/4
2. 15/4
3. 13/4
4. 21/4

Correct answer: 15/4

Q3. A man bought 2 articles for Rs. 3050 each. He sold one article at 10% loss and another at 20% profit. The total profit/loss percentage he earned is:

1. 10% profit
2. 5% loss
3. 10% loss
4. 5% profit

Correct answer: 5% profit

Q4. A number is decreased by 30%, then increased by 30%, then further increased by 30%. What is the net increase/decrease percent in the number (correct to the nearest integer)?

1. 19% increase
2. 18% decrease
3. 19% decrease
4. 18% increase

Correct answer: 18% increase

Q5. 9 years ago, the average age of a family of five members was 33 years. Now, three new members join whose ages are in ascending order with consecutive gaps of 8 years. If the present average age of the family is the same as it was 9 years ago, what is the age (in years) of the youngest new member?

1. 26
2. 29
3. 35
4. 17

Correct answer: 26

Q6.  In triangle ABC, D and E are two points on the sides AB and AC respectively so that DE || BC and AD/BD = 3/4. The ratio of the area of ABC to the area of trapezium DECB is :

1. 96 : 121
2. 121 : 36
3. 121 : 96
4. 36 : 121

Correct answer: 121 : 96

Q7. The simplified value of
15 of 8 + 6 +[(27-3) ÷ 6 + 4] is :

1. 128
2. 130
3. 134
4. 136

Correct answer: 134

Q8. If  x4 + 4 = 1442, (x>0) then the value of x + x¯1  is:

1.  4√10
2. 15
3. ²√10
4. ³√10

Correct answer:  ²√10

Q9. A car covers 25 km at a uniform speed. If the speed had been 8 km/h more, it would have taken 10 hours less for the same journey. What is the speed of the car (in km/h)?

1. 4
2. 2
3. 2.5
4. 3

Correct answer: 2

Q10. The given Bar Graph presents the Imports and Exports of an item (in tonnes) manufactured by a company for the five financial years, 2013-2014 to 2017-2018.

In which financial year the percentage increase in Imports and Exports taken together is the highest is the highest in comparison to its previous financial year?

1. 2015 - 2016
2. 2014 - 2015
3. 2016 - 2017
4. 2017 - 2018

Correct answer:  2016 - 2017

Q11. Three numbers are in the ratio 1/2 : 2/3 : 3/4. The difference between the greatest and the smallest number is 27. The smallest number is:

1. 54
2. 40
3. 81
4. 69

Correct answer: 69

Q12. A circle is inscribed in a triangle ABC. It touches sides AB, BC and AC at the points P, Q and R respectively. If BP = 9 cm, CQ = 10 cm and AR = 11 cm, then the perimeter (in cm) of the ABC is:

1. 57.5
2. 75
3. 72.5
4. 60

Correct answer: 60

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EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness (Set-5)

EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness

1. Consider the following statements:

1. The southern part of India lies within the tropics.
2. The northern part of the country lies in the subtropical zone.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

2. Consider the following statements:

1. Mercury is the smallest and closest planet to the sun.
2. It is considered as Earth’s twin because of their close proximity in size, mass and density.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) Only 1
(b) only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

3. Consider the following statements:

1. Uranus orbits around the sun in a clockwise direction from east to west.
2. It is a giant planet 50 times larger than the earth.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

4. Consider the following statements:

1. The largest planet Jupiter’s surface is cold probably about –13°C.
2. It takes 29½ years to complete its orbit.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

5. Consider the following statements:

1. Gavity anomalies gives us information about the distribution of mass of the material in the crust of the earth.
2. Seismic activity is one of the most important sources of information about the interior of the earth.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

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EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness (Set-4)

EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness

1. UN Security Council 1267 Committee is related to which of the following?

A. Economic sanction on uncivilised nations
B. Sanctions on any terrorist organisations across the world
C. Sanctions to cover individuals and entities associated with Al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden and/or the Taliban wherever located.
D. None of the above

2. Which of the following is correct regarding India's current account deficit (CAD)?

1. India's yearly CAD in terms of GDP has continuously increased during last decade
2. India has highest trade deficit with the USA

A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both
D. None

3. Which of the following correctly explains Marginal cost of funds-based lending rate?

A. Refers to the minimum interest rate of a bank below which it cannot lend at any circumstances
B. It is average lending rate of the banks calculated based on volume of lending
C. refers to the minimum interest rate of a bank below which it cannot lend, except in some cases allowed by the RBI
D. None of the above

4. According to figures of 2015-16, which among the following indirect taxes were highest?

A. Service tax
B. Excise duty
C. Custom duty
D. Other sources

5. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

A. New Horizon : Pluto
B. MOM : Mercury
C. Messenger : Mercury
D. All are correctly matched

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 05 July 2019" Morning Shift (Reasoning)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 05 July 2019"

Morning Shift (Reasoning)

Q1. Three persons A, B and C have different amounts of rupees with them. If A takes ₹6 from C, A will have equal amount as B has. A and B together have total ₹74. How many rupees does B have?


1. 44
2. 40
3. 34
4. 30

Correct answer : 40

Q2. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.
(5, 7, 11)


1. (23, 29, 31)
2. (15, 17, 23)
3. (17, 19, 21)
4. (14, 16, 18)

Correct answer : (23, 29, 31)

Q3. Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the gaps of the given letter series will complete the series.
s_ _m r q c t_p d m _ q _ t s _ _ m r q c t


1. rdsrcrd
2. pdsrcrd
3. pdsrbpd
4. pdsrcpd

Correct answer : pdsrcpd

Q4. Two statements are given, followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.

All purses are rupees.
Some rupees are coins.

I. Some purses are coins.
II. No purse is coin.
III. No rupee is coin.


1. Either Conclusion I or II follows.
2. Only Conclusion II and III follow.
3. Only Conclusion I and II follow.
4. Only Conclusion I and III follow.

Correct answer : Either Conclusion I or II follows.

Q5. Which number will replace the question mark (?) in the following series?
16, 18, 21, 26, 33, ?


1. 45
2. 43
3. 46
4. 44

Correct answer : 44

Q6. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.
(2, 4, 8)


1. (4, 16, 64)
2. (1, 2, 6)
3. (5, 25, 625)
4. (3, 9, 34)

Correct answer : (4, 16, 64)

Q7. Select the number-pair in which the two numbers are related in the same way as are the two numbers of the following number-pair.
19 : 380


1. 14 : 196
2. 13 : 182
3. 12 : 146
4. 17 : 289

Correct answer : 13 : 182

Q8. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship between the following classes.
Fuel, Diesel, Liquid

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Q9. Three of the following four words are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd word out.


1. History
2. Political Science
3. Sociology
4. Biology

Correct answer : Biology

Q10. A figure of transparent sheet with a pattern is given below. Select the option that shows how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.

Q11. ‘Kidney’ is related to ‘Excretion’ in the same way as ‘Heart’ is related to ‘_________’.


1. Blood Circulation
2. Heart Chambers
3. Human body
4. Artery

Correct answer : Blood Circulation

Q12. How many triangle are present in the given figure?


1. 23
2. 25 
3. 22
4. 24

Correct answer : 24

Q13. Select the correct mirror image is the given figure when the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.

Q14. Two different positions of the same dice are shown below, the six faces of which are numbered 1 to 6. find the number on the face opposite to the one having '5'


1. 1
2. 4
3. 3
4. 2

Correct answer : 1

Q15. Select the word-pair in which the two words are related in the same way as are the two words in the following word-pair.
Zinc : Brass


1. Copper : Bronze
2. Gold : Ornament
3. Mercury : Thermometer
4. Silver : Ring

Correct answer : Copper : Bronze

Q16. A+ B means: ‘A is husband of B’
         A– B means: ‘A is brother of B’
         A×B means: ‘A is sister of B’
         A÷B means: ‘A is mother of B’.

If P + R ÷ S × M – K, then how is R related to K?


1. Mother
2. Daughter
3. Paternal grandmother
4. Sister

Correct answer :  Mother

Q17. In a code language, VERBATIM is written as EUHYPLWD. How will SALESMAN be written as in that language?



Correct answer : HODVQDPV

Q18. Three of the following four numbers are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the number that is different from the rest.


1. 50
2. 195
3. 170
4. 65

Correct answer : 195

Q19. Select the option that is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster.
MDUK : QHYO : : SALQ : ?



Correct answer  : WEPU

Q20. Three of the following four letter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd one out.



Correct answer : CGKQ

Q21. Which two signs should be interchanged in the following equation to make it correct?
405 + 27 × 40 – 308 ÷ 22 = 314


1. + and ÷
2. ÷ and ×
3. + and –
4. × and +

Correct answer : + and ÷

Q22. If YOGHURT is coded as 7678392, then how will QUICKLY be coded as?


1. 8393237
2. 7383237
3. 8393127
4. 8393117

Correct answer : 8393237

Q23. Select the figure that will come next in the following figure series.

Q24. Arrange the following activities in a logical and meaningful order.

1. Return journey
2. Travel arrangements
3. Hotel stay
4. Sightseeing
5. Reaching destination


1. 3, 2, 5, 4, 1
2. 2, 5, 3, 1, 4
3. 2, 5, 3, 4, 1
4. 5, 3, 4, 2, 1

Correct answer : 2, 5, 3, 4, 1

Q25. Select the option in which Figure-X is embedded. (Rotation is not allowed)

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EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness (Set-3)

EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness

1. 'Mitra Mela' was later on renamed as

(a) Anushilan samiti
(b) Abhinava Bhart Samiti
(c) Jugantar
(d) Nibandhamala

2. In the context of Non-cooperation Movement under whose chairmanship was the All India college student's conference held at Nagpur in December 1920 ?

(a) B.C. Pal
(b) C.R. Das
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai
(d) Pandit Motilal Nehru

3. What is the correct chronological order of the Buddhist councils held at the under mentioned four places ?

(a) Vaishali, Rajgriha, Kundalvan, Pataliputra
(b) Rajgriha, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kundalvan
(c) Pataliputra, Kundalvan, Vaishli, Rajgriha
(d) Rajgriha, Pataliputra, Kundalvan, Vaishli

4. Who was the first to sign the subsidiary Alliance in India ?

(a) Peshwa
(b) Nawab of Awadh
(c) Nizam of Hyderabad
(d) Ruler of Tanjore

5. Which one was the most serious political blunder of Dalhousie ?

(a) Prohibiting adoption
(b) Beginning of Railways
(b) Attempt to capture Burma
(d) Take over of Awadh

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EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness (Set-2)

EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness

1. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists

List I (founder) List II (women's political as gomisation)
A. Latika Ghosh 1. Rashtriya Stree Sangha
B. Sarojini Naidu 2. Mahila Rashtriya Sangha
C. Krishnabai Rao 3. Nari Satyagraha Samiti
D. Urmila Devi 4. Desh Sevika Sangha


        A     B     C     D
(a)     2     4     1     3
(b)     3     4     1     2
(c)     2     1     4     3
(d)     3     1     4     2

2. Consider the following statements:

Surendranath Banerjee Indian Association

1. Was concerned with a plea for the admission of Indians to the civil service.
2. Carried on a campaign against the Arms Act and the Vernacular Press Act.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

3. With reference to the Government of India Act, 1935, consider the following statements:
As per the Act, in the Governors provinces, diarchy was abolished and provincial Autonomy introduced.
All the provincial Legislatures consisted of only one chamber called Legislative Assembly.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

4. Which one of the following was not actually part of the original plan of the non-cooperation movement, but acquired great popularity among the movement in many parts of the country ?

(a) Picketing of shops selling foreign cloth
(b) Boycott of Government schools and colleges
(c) Picketing of tadi shops
(d) Boycott of the public transport and communication system.

5. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:

List I (Founders) List II (journals)
A. Zafar Ali khan 1. Kudi Arasu
B. B.C Horniman 2. Kisan Bulletin
C. E.V.R. Naickerperiyar 3. Bombay chronicle
D. Indulal Yagnik 4. Zamindar


        A     B     C     D
(a)     4     2     3     1
(b)     4     3     1     2
(c)     1     3     2     4
(d)     1     2     3     4

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 05 July 2019" Morning Shift ( English Language)


SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 05 July 2019"

Morning Shift ( English Language)

Q1. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
The man ______ heavy losses in his investments.


1. earned
2. incurred
3. raised
4. reaped

Correct answer: incurred

Q2. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
During the curfew the army was ______ at strategic locations.


1. supplied
2. dispersed
3. employed
4. deployed

Correct answer: deployed

Q3. In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
Darkness spilled like ink and began to spread at everything.


1. like ink
2. spread at everything
3. and began to
4. Darkness spilled

Correct answer: spread at everything

Q4. Select the correctly spelt word.


1. Janury
2. Novamber
3. February
4. Octuber

Correct answer: February

Q5. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. This code contains information about its nature.
B. Each living organism has a DNA code.
C. If this genetic material is altered, it would alter the organism.
D. The nature of an individual is determined by the unique genetic material in the code.



Correct answer:  BADC

Q6. Select the most appropriate indirect form of the given sentence.
Seema said to her daughter, "Don't go near the well."


1. Seema warned her daughter not to go near the well.
2. Seema requested to her daughter to go near the well.
3. Seema told her daughter that don't go near the well.
4. Seema said her daughter you shouldn't go near the well.

Correct answer: Seema warned her daughter not to go near the well.

Q7. Select the most appropriate word for the group of words.
Something that catches fire easily


1. inflammable
2. infallible
3. incredible
4. inflatable

Correct answer:  inflammable

Q8. In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
Despite of his efforts he couldn't get a decent job.


1. he couldn't get
2. a decent job.
3. his efforts
4. Despite of

Correct answer: Despite of


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Q9. Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. The fire destroyed many buildings which were rebuilt with red clay tiles.
B. In the year 1689, a huge fire engulfed the city.
C. Prague in the Czech Republic is known for its striking red roofs.
D. Even now, traditional red roofs are included in any repairs or new construction.



Correct answer: CBAD

Q10. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Gift of the gab


1. have the ability to adapt
2. achieve sudden greatness
3. receive a precious gift
4. have the talent to speak well

Correct answer: have the talent to speak well

Q11. Identify the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If no substitution is required, select No substitution.
He persisted to do that he thought was right.


1. in doing what he thought
2. No substitution
3. for doing this which he thought
4. to do what he thinks

Correct answer: in doing what he thought

Q12. Select the most appropriate passive form of the given sentence.
She Options:wered fifty questions in one hour.


1. Fifty questions have been Options:wered by her in one hour.
2. Fifty questions were Options:wered by her in one hour.
3. Fifty questions were being Options:wered by her in one hour.
4. Fifty questions are Options:wered by her in one hour.

Correct answer: Fifty questions were Options:wered by her in one hour.

Q13. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.


1. distrust
2. shame
3. praise
4. criticism

Correct answer:  praise

Q14. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.


1. simplicity
2. nobility
3. affinity
4. adversity

Correct answer: adversity

Q15. Identify the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If no substitution is required, select No substitution.
We are going to have pleasure in accepting your kind invitation.


1. We are having pleasure
2. We will have a pleasure
3. No substitution
4. We have pleasure

Correct answer: We have pleasure

Q16. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.


1. proud
2. shrewd
3. mellow
4. strict

Correct answer: strict

Q17. Select the wrongly spelt word.


1. nurture
2. particle
3. consize
4. discern

Correct answer: consize

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

In July, 1937, the Japanese used an incident to provoke a war. They (1) ______ China and occupied a major portion (2) ______ it. Chinese and Japanese (3) ______ clashed in northern China, throwing the entire country into (4) ______. Millions of people were shot (5) ______ death.

SubQuestion No : 18
Q18. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1


1. included
2. invaded
3. persuaded
4. extended

Correct answer: invaded

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

In July, 1937, the Japanese used an incident to provoke a war. They (1) ______ China and occupied a major portion (2) ______ it. Chinese and Japanese (3) ______ clashed in northern China, throwing the entire country into (4) ______. Millions of people were shot (5) ______ death.

SubQuestion No : 19
Q19. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2


1. for
2. of
3. from
4. by

Correct answer: of

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

In July, 1937, the Japanese used an incident to provoke a war. They (1) ______ China and occupied a major portion (2) ______ it. Chinese and Japanese (3) ______ clashed in northern China, throwing the entire country into (4) ______. Millions of people were shot (5) ______ death.

SubQuestion No : 20
Q20. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3


1. caravOptions:
2. crowds
3. mobs
4. troops

Correct answer:  troops

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

In July, 1937, the Japanese used an incident to provoke a war. They (1) ______ China and occupied a major portion (2) ______ it. Chinese and Japanese (3) ______ clashed in northern China, throwing the entire country into (4) ______. Millions of people were shot (5) ______ death.

SubQuestion No : 21
Q21. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4


1. tranquility
2. peace
3. turmoil
4. progress

Correct answer:  turmoil

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

In July, 1937, the Japanese used an incident to provoke a war. They (1) ______ China and occupied a major portion (2) ______ it. Chinese and Japanese (3) ______ clashed in northern China, throwing the entire country into (4) ______. Millions of people were shot (5) ______ death.

SubQuestion No : 22
Q22. Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 5


1. on
2. in
3. for
4. to

Correct answer: to

Q23. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To take the bull by the horns


1. to escape unhurt
2. to face danger boldly
3. to enjoy risky sports
4. to act foolishly

Correct answer:  to face danger boldly

Q24. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.


1. frugal
2. discreet
3. grand
4. rigid

Correct answer: frugal

Q25. Select the most appropriate word for the group of words.
One who is difficult to please


1. fanatic
2. feminist
3. fastidious
4. fatalist

Correct answer: fastidious

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EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness (Set-1)

EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness

1. Consider the following Mughal nobles:

1. Afzal Khan
2. Mahabat Khan
3. Ali Mardan Khan
4. Asaf Khan

What is the correct chronological sequence of the above nobles ?
(a) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
(b) 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
(c) 3 - 1 - 4 - 2
(d) 4 - 2 - 3 - 1

2. Who among the following played an important role in signing at the Gandhi Irwin Pact ?

1. Motilal Nehru
2. Tej Bahadur sapru
3. Madan Mohan Malaviya
4. M.R. Jayakar
5. C.Y. Chintamani

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 4
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 4 and 5

3. Which one of the following statements is not true in relation to Annie Besant ?

(a) She was an Irish Lady
(b) She was actively connected with the theosophical society.
(c) She was connected with the Home-Rule Movement.
(d) She was the founder of a woman's university.

4. Which comment among the following is not true in relation to the politics at the Muslim League after the provincial legislative Assembly elections of-1937 ?

(a) Muslim league was inclined to form coalition ministries with Indian National congress
(b) Jinnah criticised the congress as 'drunk with power'
(c) Muslim league got a Report prepared about ill treatment of the Mulslims in congress government provinces.
(d) Muslim league ministries of Bengal, Sindh and N.W.F.P. resigned

5. Consider the following:

1. The Amrita Bazar Patrika was started in 1868.
2. Aruna Asaf Ali was the founder of the congress women volunteers corps.
3. Bina Das fired at the Governor while receiving her degree at the convocation.
4. Latika Ghose took part in the Chittagong armoury raid. Which of the statements given above are correct?

(a) 1, 2 and 4
(b) 1, 3 and 4
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 2 and 4 only

EPFO Enforcement Officer Exam Study Notes

(E-Book) UPSC EPFO Enforcement Officer Question Papers PDF

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 08 July 2019" Evening Shift (General Awareness)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2018 "held on 08 July 2019"

Evening Shift (General Awareness)

Q1. Which one of the following nations will host the FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup in 2020?

1. Nepal
2. Bangladesh
3. China
4. India

Correct answer: India

Q2. The _______ is the stem-like part of the leaf that joins the blade to the stem.


1. Vein
2. Midrib
3. Stipules
4. Petiole

Correct answer: Petiole

Q3. _______ is a type of good for which demand increases as its price rises.


1. Giffen Good
2. Club Good
3. Consumer Good
4. Capital Good

Correct answer: Giffen Good

Q4. In 2019, radar imaging satellite RISAT-2B was launched successfully by the Sathish Dhawan Space Centre located in _______.


1. Mumbai
2. Sriharikota
3. Balasore
4. Thiruvananthapuram

Correct answer: Sriharikota

Q5. Flower colours of red, pink, blue and purple come mainly from pigments called _______.


1. Anthocyanins
2. Lycopene
3. Chlorophyll
4. Carotenoids

Correct answer: Anthocyanins

Q6. After the battle of ________ in 1757, the British achieved political power in lndia.


1. Buxar
2. Plassey
3. Saragarhi
4. Aliwal

Correct answer: Plassey

Q7. Which author has been awarded the 27th Vyas Samman of the K.K. Birla Foundation in 2018?


1. Mamta Kalia
2. Yogita Yadav
3. Pankaj Dubey
4. Ashish Chaudhary

Correct answer: Mamta Kalia

Q8. In Parliamentary proceedings, how many matters per day as per their priority in the ballot are allowed to be raised during 'Zero Hour'?


1. 19
2. 18
3. 21
4. 20

Correct answer: 20


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Q9. In which state was the second edition of the Indian Open International Boxing Tournament held?


1. Odisha
2. Assam
3. Karnataka
4. Madhya Pradesh

Correct answer: Assam

Q10. Which one of the following is NOT a output device?


1. Plotter
2. Joystick
3. Projector
4. Headphones

Correct answer: Joystick

Q11. The Indian movie star Rahul Bose was associated with ______ sport of India.


1. Squash
2. Rowing
3. Rugby
4. Football

Correct answer: Rugby

Q12. Which Sikh Guru compiled the ‘Adi Granth’ the holy scripture of Sikhism?


1. Guru Arjan Dev
2. Guru Ram Das
3. Guru Amar Das
4. Guru Hargobind

Correct answer: Guru Arjan Dev

Q13. In 1973, the Project Tiger was started in ________National Park.


1. Sanjay Gandhi
2. Sunderbans
3. Bhitarkanika
4. Jim Corbett

Correct answer:  Sunderbans

Q14. A/an _______ stock is the stock of a large, well-established and financially sound company that has operated for many years.


1. Blue-Chip
2. Income
3. Defensive
4. Cyclical

Correct answer: Blue-Chip

Q15. A chain of islands closely scattered in a body of water is called:


1. Canyon
2. Strait
3. Archipelago
4. Reef

Correct answer:  Archipelago

Q16. Matters, which are not points of order, can be raised by way of Special Mentions under Rule ________ of Lok Sabha.


1. 302
2. 377
3. 223
4. 214

Correct answer: 377

Q17. The famous dancer Chemancheri Kunhiraman Nair is associated with which of the following dance forms?


1. Sattriya
2. Kathakali
3. Mohiniyattam
4. Manipuri

Correct answer: Kathakali

Q18. In India the Ursa Major Constellation is also known as:


1. Maharshi
2. Swadeshi
3. Devarshi
4. Saptarshi

Correct answer: Saptarshi

Q19. Which process refers to the starting up of a computer and the loading of the required parts of the operating system into the RAM?


1. Swipping
2. Booting
3. Mapping
4. Tagging

Correct answer: Booting

Q20. Who among the following wrote the book 'Wise and Otherwise'?


1. Arundhati Roy
2. Gita Piramal
3. Sudha Murthy
4. Jhumpa Lahiri

Correct answer: Sudha Murthy

Q21. Which Indian contemporary artist was awarded the 7th Joan Miro Prize 2019?


1. Arpita Singh
2. Atul Dodiya
3. Nalini Malani
4. Vivan Sundaram

Correct answer:  Nalini Malani

Q22. As of june 2019, which Indian state has the lowest number of districts?


1. Telangana
2. Goa
3. Arunachal Pradesh
4. Sikkim

Correct answer: Goa

Q23. With which of the following sports is the term 'twiddle' associated?


1. Table Tennis
2. Cricket
3. Hockey
4. Rugby

Correct answer: Table Tennis

Q24. A/an _______ is the wide end of a river that meets the sea.


1. Meander
2. Estuary
3. Creek
4. Gorge

Correct answer: Estuary

Q25.Bumchu' is a unique cultural festival celebrated in the Indian state of:


1. Assam
2. Sikkim
3. Odisha
4. West Bengal

Correct answer:  Sikkim

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