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(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series E)

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series E)


1. Total Number of Questions-100. Each Question is of three marks.
2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
3. No mark will be deducted for un-attempted questions.
4. Do not write on the Question Paper or make any mark on it.

Q1. If the centre of a circle is (-6,8) and it passes through the origin, then equation to its tangent at the origin is

(a) 2y = x
(b) 4y = 3x
(c) 3y = 4x
(d) 3x + 4y = 0

Q2. The liquid is flowing separately through each of two pipes whose diameters are in the ratio of 2:1, if the ratio of the velocities of flow in the two pipes by 1:2, then the ratio of the amounts of the liquid flowing per sec through the pipe will be

(a) 2:1
(b) 1:1
(c) 4:1
(d) 1:8

Q3. Given P(A) = 1/4, P(B)=1/3 and P(AUB)= 1/2. Value of P(A/B) is

(a) 1/4
(b) 1/3
(c) 1/6
(d) 1/7

Q4. The angle between two vectors a = i+2j-k and b=2i+j+k is

(a) 30 deg
(b) 45 deg
(c) 60 deg
(d) 90 deg

Q5. Newton is unit of force. It is the unit in

(a) MKS system
(b) CGS system
(c) FPS system
(d) none of these

Companies / Organisations: 

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series F)

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series F)


1. Total Number of Questions-100. Each Question is of three marks.
2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
3. No mark will be deducted for un-attempted questions.
4. Do not write on the Question Paper or make any mark on it.

Q1. One quick way to view the entire drawing area is to use the Zoom command by typing ________.

(a) type Z enter A enter
(b) type Z enter E enter
(c) type SHOWALL enter
(d) type ALL enter

Q2. When setting up a mechanical drawing in AutoCAD the drafter should set the units to ________.

(a) fractional
(b) decimal
(c) architectural
(d) metric

Q3. In a class B push-pull amplifier, the transistors are biased slightly above cut-off to avoid

(a) crossover distortion
(b) unusually high efficiency
(c) negative feedback
(d) a low input impedance

Q4. The depletion-mode MOSFET

(a) can operate with only positive gate voltages
(b) can operate with only negative gate voltages
(c) cannot operate in the ohmic region
(d) can operate with positive as well as negative gate voltages

Q5. Ailerons are used to control

(a) Yaw of aircraft
(b) pitch
(c) roll
(d) None of these

(Ebook) AFCAT Exam Question Papers PDF


Companies / Organisations: 

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series G)

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series G)


1. Total Number of Questions-100. Each Question is of three marks.
2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
3. No mark will be deducted for un-attempted questions.
4. Do not write on the Question Paper or make any mark on it.

Q1. If the centre of a circle is (-6,8) and it passes through the origin, then equation to its tangent at the origin is

(a) 2y=x
(b) 4y=3x
(c) 3y=4x
(d) 3x+4y=0

Q2. The liquid is flowing separately through each of two pipes whose diameters are in the ratio of 2:1, if the ratio of the velocities of flow in the two pipes by 1:2, then the ratio of the amounts of the liquid flowing per sec through the pipe will be

(a) 2:1
(b) 1:1
(c) 4:1
(d) 1:8

Q3. Given P(A) = 1/4, P(B)=1/3 and P(AUB)= 1/2. Value of P(A/B) is

(a) 1/4
(b) 1/3
(c) 1/6
(d) 1/7

Q4. The angle between two vectors a = i+2j-k and b=2i+j+k is

(a) 30 deg
(b) 45 deg
(c) 60 deg
(d) 90 deg

Q5. Newton is unit of force. It is the unit in

(a) MKS system
(b) CGS system
(c) FPS system
(d) None of these

Companies / Organisations: 

एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "27 मार्च 2018" दोपहर की पाली (सामान्य जागरूकता) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018" Afternoon Shift (General Awareness)

एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "27 मार्च 2018" दोपहर की पाली (सामान्य जागरूकता) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018" Afternoon Shift (General Awareness)

QID : 1 - निम्नलिखित में कौन-सा एक एम-1 (M-1) का घटक है?


1) बचत जमा
2) क्रेडिट कार्ड
3) चेकेबल जमा
4) सोना

Correct Answer: चेकेबल जमा

QID : 2 - अदृश्य निर्यात का अर्थ है ___________ का निर्यात।


1) सेवाओं
2) निषिद्ध वस्तुएं
3) प्रतिबंधित वस्तुएं
4) ओजीएल सूची के अनुसार वस्तुएं

Correct Answer:  सेवाओं

QID : 3 -  अर्जेंटीना के पम्पास क्षेत्र में उरुग्वे की ओर से चलने वाली तेज ठंडी हवाओं को क्या कहा जाता है?


1) लेवांट
2) पैम्पीरो
3) हरमट्टन
4) काराबुरान

Correct Answer: पैम्पीरो

QID : 4 -  निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा नगर किसी नदी के तट पर नहीं बसा है?


1) सूरत
2) कटक
3) भोपाल
4) मैसूर

Correct Answer: भोपाल

QID : 5 -  निम्नलिखित मुगल बादशाहों में से किसने अपनी आत्मकथा फारसी में लिखी?


1) बाबर
2) अकबर
3) जहांगीर
4) औरंगजेब

Correct Answer:  जहांगीर

QID : 6 -  निम्नलिखित में से किस वर्ष ‘कास्ट डिसऐबिलिटिज एक्ट' पारित किया गया था?


1) 1850
2) 1860
3) 1863
4) 1876

Correct Answer: 1850

QID : 7 -  सिखों के 10वें गुरु गोविन्द सिंह किसके पुत्र थे?


1) गुरु नानक देव
2) गुरु अर्जुन देव
3) गुरु रामदास
4) गुरु तेग बहादुर

Correct Answer:  गुरु तेग बहादुर

QID : 8 -  दिसंबर 2017 में निम्नलिखित में से किस खाड़ी देश ने ‘ज्वाइंट को-ऑपरेशन कमिटी’ के नाम से एक नया आर्थिक और सहभागिता समूह बनाने की घोषणा की है?


1) यूएई और सऊदी अरब
2) कतर और यूएई
3) बहरीन और कुवैत
4) ओमान और सऊदी अरब

Correct Answer:  यूएई और सऊदी अरब

QID : 9 -  भारतीय खाद्य और कृषि परिषद् (ICFA) द्वारा दिए जाने वाले प्रतिष्ठित वैश्विक कृषि नेतृत्व पुरस्कार-2017 से किस मुख्यमंत्री को सम्मानित किया गया है?


1) चंद्रबाबू नायडू
2) नीतीश कुमार
3) के. चंद्रशेखर राव
4) वसुंधरा राजे

Correct Answer:  के. चंद्रशेखर राव

QID : 10 -  वर्तमान में, नेपाल के राष्ट्रपति कौन हैं?


1) बिद्या देवी भंडारी
2) राम बरन यादव
3) खिलराज रेग्मी
4) गिरिजा प्रसाद कोईराला

Correct Answer: बिद्या देवी भंडारी

QID : 11 -  हाइड्रोजनीकरण प्रक्रिया निम्नलिखित में से किससे संबंधित है?


1) रबर
2) पेट्रोलियम
3) ताँबा
4) खाद्य वसा

Correct Answer:  खाद्य वसा

QID : 12 -  निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा तत्व सामान्यतः रेडियो सक्रिय नहीं है?


1) थोरियम
2) पोलोनियम
3) जर्मेनियम
4) प्लूटोनियम

Correct Answer:  जर्मेनियम

Printed Study Kit for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam

एसएससी - सीएचएसएल परीक्षा ​​अध्ययन सामग्री


एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "27 मार्च 2018" दोपहर की पाली (मात्रात्मक रूझान) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018" Afternoon Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "27  मार्च 2018" दोपहर की पाली (मात्रात्मक रूझान) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018" Afternoon Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

QID : 1 -  जब एक संख्या 63 से विभाजित किया जाता है तो शेषफल 26 के रूप में प्राप्त होता है। जब उसी संख्या को 3 से विभाजित किया जाता है तो शेषफल क्या होगा?


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 5

Correct Answer: 2

QID : 2 -

QID : 3 -


1) 32
2) 46
3) 58
4) 60

Correct Answer: 32

QID : 4 -

QID : 5 -  यदि चतुर्भुज के चार कोण (6x-18), (80-4x), (4x + 14), (12x-58) हैं, तो चतुर्भुज के सबसे छोटे कोण का मान ज्ञात कीजिये।


1) 4°
2) 10°
3) 18°
4) 20°

Correct Answer: 4°

QID : 6 -  मान लें कि त्रिभुज ABC का क्षेत्रफल 24 वर्ग इकाइयों के बराबर है। भुजा AB, BC, CA के मध्य बिंदुओं को मिलाने से बनाने वाले त्रिभुज का क्षेत्रफल (वर्ग इकाइयों में) ज्ञात कीजिये।


1) 6
2) 12
3) 18
4) 24

Correct Answer: 6

QID : 7 - यदि A, B से 50% अधिक है, तो B, A का कितना प्रतिशत है?


1) 66.66
2) 33.33
3) 150
4) 75

Correct Answer: 66.66

QID : 8 - C तथा D की आय का अनुपात 3 : 2 है। D तथा E की आय का अनुपात 5 : 4 है। यदि C की आय का एक-तिहाई, E की आय के आधे भाग से 4000 रु अधिक है, तो D की आय (रु में) क्या है?


1) 40000
2) 43000
3) 50000
4) 60000

Correct Answer: 40000

QID : 9 -  A, B तथा C, एक व्यापार शुरू करते हैं तथा उनके निवेश का अनुपात 8 : 5 : 3 है। यदि अंत में उनके लाभ का अनुपात 4 : 15 : 6 है, तो उनके निवेश की समय अवधि का अनुपात क्या है?


1) 1 : 6 : 5
2) 2 : 3 : 4
3) 1 : 6 : 4
4) 2 : 6 : 3

Correct Answer: 1 : 6 : 4

QID : 10 -  5 विषयों में से, प्रथम 3 विषयों में राकेश के औसत अंक 79 थे तथा अंतिम 3 विषयों में औसत अंक 86 थे। यदि तीसरे विषय में उसके अंक 80 थे, तो सभी 5 विषयों में उसके औसत अंक कितने थे?


1) 81
2) 82
3) 83
4) 85

Correct Answer: 83

QID : 11 -  एक निश्चित राशि साधारण ब्याज की एक दर से 15 वर्षों में स्वयं की दोगुनी हो जाती है। समान साधारण ब्याज दर से वह कितने वर्षों में स्वयं का 5 गुना हो जाएगी?


1) 45
2) 37.5
3) 75
4) 60

Correct Answer: 60

QID : 12 -  रमेश एक वस्तु को 5% की हानि पर बेचता है। यदि वह उसे 30% कम मूल्य में खरीदता है तथा 38.5 रु कम में बेचता, तो उसका लाभ 20% होगा। वस्तु का क्रय मूल्य (रु में) क्या है?


1) 450
2) 300
3) 350
4) 250

Correct Answer: 350

QID : 13 - यदि अंकित मूल्य तथा विक्रय मूल्य का अनुपात 11 : 10 है, तो छूट प्रतिशत क्या है?


1) 11.11
2) 17.28
3) 12.5
4) 9.09

Correct Answer: 9.09

Printed Study Kit for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam

एसएससी - सीएचएसएल परीक्षा ​​अध्ययन सामग्री


एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "27 मार्च 2018" दोपहर की पाली (तर्क शक्ति) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018" Afternoon Shift (Reasoning)

एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "27 मार्च 2018" दोपहर  की पाली (तर्क शक्ति) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018" Afternoon Shift (Reasoning)

QID : 1 -  निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित शब्द युग्म को चुनिए।

घोंसला : पक्षी : : ? : ?


1) राजा : महल
2) शूकरशाला : घोड़ा
3) जाल : मकड़ी
4) सिंह : मांद

Correct Answer: जाल : मकड़ी

QID : 2 - निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित संख्या को चुनिए।

47 : 57 : : 93 : ?


1) 103
2) 122
3) 114
4) 98

Correct Answer: 103

QID : 3 -  निम्नलिखितप्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित अक्षर युग्म को चुनिए।

UCG : WEI : : ? : ?


1) RPC : TRE
2) PWC : RYD
3) JLR : KNT
4) LPJ : NQL

Correct Answer: RPC : TRE

QID : 4 -  निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम शब्द युग्म को चुनिए।


1) वर्ग – चार
2) षट्भुज – छह
3) शंकु – आकृति
4) त्रिभुज – तीन

Correct Answer:  शंकु – आकृति

QID : 5 -  नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न में, चार संख्या युग्म दिए गए हैं। (–) के बायीं ओर दी संख्या (–) के दायीं ओर दी गई संख्या से तर्क/नियम से सम्बंधित है। तीन उसी एक तर्क/नियम के आधार पर समान हैं। दिए गए विकल्पों में से भिन्न को चुनिए।


1) 2 – 8
2) 4 – 12
3) 8 – 24
4) 10 – 30

Correct Answer: 2 – 8

QID : 6 -  निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम अक्षर/अक्षरों को चुनिए।


1) HQX
2) CLU
3) ENW
4) GPY

Correct Answer: HQX

QID : 7 -  निम्नलिखित शब्दों को शब्दकोश में आने वाले क्रम के अनुसार लिखें।

1. Sloven
2. Slur
3. Smack
4. Slogan
5. Sluggy


1) 25143
2) 32541
3) 12453
4) 41523

Correct Answer: 41523

QID : 8 -  निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से लुप्त अंक ज्ञात कीजिए।

1912, 2012, 2133, 2277, 2446, ?


1) 2642
2) 2964
3) 2738
4) 2858

Correct Answer: 2642

QID : 9 -  एक अनुक्रम दिया गया है, जिसमें से एक पद लुप्त है। दिए गए विकल्पों में से वह सही विकल्प चुनिए, जो अनुक्रम को पूरा करे।




Correct Answer: ENSX

QID : 10 -  Z की वर्तमान आयु 55 वर्ष है। यदि 11 वर्ष पूर्व, C की आयु Z की आयु का 1/11 थी, तो कितने वर्ष पश्चात C की आयु 37 वर्ष हो जाएगी?


1) 22
2) 20
3) 17
4) 15

Correct Answer: 22

QID : 11 -दिए गए विकल्पों में से वह शब्द चुनिए जो दिए गए शब्द के अक्षरों का प्रयोग करके नहीं बनाया जा सकता है।



1) Dog
2) Going
3) Mid
4) Might

Correct Answer: Might

QID : 12 -  एक विशिष्ट कोड भाषा में, “SLOPE” को “54973” लिखा जाता है तथा “CRAMP” को “18627” लिखा जाता है। इस कोड भाषा में “PROMO” को किस प्रकार लिखा जाएगा?


1) 76828
2) 96838
3) 76939
4) 78929

Correct Answer: 78929

QID : 13 -किसी निश्चित कोड भाषा में '÷' , '+' को प्रदर्शित करता है, '-' , 'x' को प्रदर्शित करता है, '+', '÷' को प्रदर्शित करता है और 'x', '-' को प्रदर्शित करता है। निम्नलिखित प्रश्न का उत्तर ज्ञात करें।

1 x 16 ÷ 15 - 10 + 6 = ?


1) 42
2) 19
3) 30
4) 10

Correct Answer: 10

Printed Study Kit for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam

एसएससी - सीएचएसएल परीक्षा ​​अध्ययन सामग


SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018" After noon Shift (General Awareness)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018"

After noon Shift (General Awareness)

QID : 1 - Which of the following is a component of M-1?


1) savings deposits
2) credit card
3) checkable deposits
4) gold

Correct Answer: checkable deposits

QID : 2 - Invisible export means export of ___________.


1) services
2) prohibited goods
3) restricted goods
4) goods as per OGL list

Correct Answer: services

QID : 3 - What is called the speedy cold winds blowing from the Uruguay side in the Pampas region of ​​Argentina?


1) Levant
2) Pampero
3) Harmattan
4) Karaburan

Correct Answer: Pampero

QID : 4 - Which of the following cities is NOT situated on the banks of any river?


1) Surat
2) Cuttack
3) Bhopal
4) Mysore

Correct Answer: Bhopal

QID : 5 - Who among the following Mughal Emperors wrote his autobiography in Persian?


1) Babar
2) Akbar
3) Jahangir
4) Aurangzeb

Correct Answer: Jahangir

QID : 6 - In which of the following years was the 'Caste Disabilities Act' passed?


1) 1850
2) 1860
3) 1863
4) 1876

Correct Answer: 1850

QID : 7 - Gobind Singh, the 10th Guru of Sikhs, was the son of whose?


1) Guru Nanak Dev
2) Guru Arjun Dev
3) Guru Ramdas
4) Guru Teg Bahadur

Correct Answer: Guru Teg Bahadur

QID : 8 - Which of the following gulf countries has announced to form new economic and partnership group named 'Joint Cooperation Committee' in December 2017?


1) UAE and Saudi Arabia
2) Qatar and UAE
3) Bahrain and Kuwait
4) Oman and Saudi Arabia

Correct Answer: UAE and Saudi Arabia

QID : 9 - Which Chief Minister was awarded for the prestigious Global Agriculture Leadership Award 2017 by the Indian Council of Food and Agriculture (ICFA)?


1) Chandrababu Naidu
2) Nitish Kumar
3) K. Chandrashekhar Rao
4) Vashundhara Raje

Correct Answer: K. Chandrashekhar Rao

QID : 10 - At present, who is the President of Nepal?


1) Bidya Devi Bhandari
2) Ram Baran Yadav
3) Khil Raj Regmi
4) Girija Prasad Koirala

Correct Answer: Bidya Devi Bhandari

QID : 11 - Hydrogenation process is associated with which of the following?


1) Rubber
2) Petroleum
3) Copper
4) Edible fats

Correct Answer: Edible fats

QID : 12 - Which element is generally NOT radioactive?


1) Thorium
2) Polonium
3) Germanium
4) Plutonium

Correct Answer: Germanium

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018" Afternoon Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018"

Afternoon Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

QID : 1 -  जब एक संख्या 63 से विभाजित किया जाता है तो शेषफल 26 के रूप में प्राप्त होता है। जब उसी संख्या को 3 से विभाजित किया जाता है तो शेषफल क्या होगा?


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 5

Correct Answer: 2

QID : 2 -


QID : 3 -


1) 32
2) 46
3) 58
4) 60

Correct Answer: 32

QID : 4 -


QID : 5 - If four angles of a quadrilateral are (6x-18), (80-4x), (4x+14), (12x-58), then find the value of the smallest angle of the quadrilateral.


1) 4°
2) 10°
3) 18°
4) 20°

Correct Answer: 4°

QID : 6 - Assume that the area of a triangle ABC is equal to 24 sq units. Find the area (in sq. units) of the triangle formed by joining the midpoints of side AB, BC, CA.


1) 6
2) 12
3) 18
4) 24

Correct Answer: 6

QID : 7 - If A is 50% more than B, then B is what percent of A?


1) 66.66
2) 33.33
3) 150
4) 75

Correct Answer: 66.66

QID : 8 - The ratio of incomes of C and D is 3 : 2. Ratio of income of D and E is 5 : 4. If one-third of C’s income is Rs 4000 more than the half of E’s income, then what is the D’s income (in Rs)?


1) 40000
2) 43000
3) 50000
4) 60000

Correct Answer: 40000

QID : 9 - A, B and C start a business and the ratio of their investment is 8 : 5 : 3. If at the end the ratio of their profits is 4 : 15 : 6, then what is the ratio of time period of their investment?


1) 1 : 6 : 5
2) 2 : 3 : 4
3) 1 : 6 : 4
4) 2 : 6 : 3

Correct Answer: 1 : 6 : 4

QID : 10 - Of the 5 subjects, the average marks of Rakesh in first 3 Subjects was 79 and the average marks in the last 3 subjects was 86. If his marks in the third subject was 80, then what was his average marks in all the 5 subjects?


1) 81
2) 82
3) 83
4) 85

Correct Answer: 83

QID : 11 - A certain sum of money becomes double of itself in 15 years at a rate of simple interest. In how many years will it become 5 times of itself at the same rate of simple interest?


1) 45
2) 37.5
3) 75
4) 60

Correct Answer: 60

QID : 12 - Ramesh sells an article at a loss of 5%. If he buys it for 30% less price and sells it for Rs. 38.5 less, then his profit will be 20%. What is the cost price (in Rs) of the article?


1) 450
2) 300
3) 350
4) 250

Correct Answer: 350

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Study Kit for SSC CGL EXAM


SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018" Afternoon Shift (Reasoning)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018"

Afternoon Shift (Reasoning)

QID : 1 - In the following question, select the related word pair from the given alternatives.

Nest : Bird : : ? : ?


1) King : Palace
2) Sty : Horse
3) Web : Spider
4) Lion : Den

Correct Answer: Web : Spider

QID : 2 - In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.

47 : 57 : : 93 : ?


1) 103
2) 122
3) 114
4) 98

Correct Answer: 103

QID : 3 - In the following question, select the related letter pair from the given alternatives.

UCG : WEI : : ? : ?


1) RPC : TRE
2) PWC : RYD
3) JLR : KNT
4) LPJ : NQL

Correct Answer: RPC : TRE

QID : 4 - In the following question, select the odd word pair from the given alternatives.


1) Square – Four
2) Hexagon – Six
3) Cone – Figure
4) Triangle – Three

Correct Answer: Cone – Figure

QID : 5 - In the following question, four number pairs are given. The number on left side of (–) is related to the number on the right side of (–) with some Logic/Rule/Relation. Three are similar on basis of same Logic/Rule/Relation. Select the odd one out from the given alternatives.


1) 2 – 8
2) 4 – 12
3) 8 – 24
4) 10 – 30

Correct Answer: 2 – 8

QID : 6 - In the following question, select the odd letter/letters from the given alternatives.


1) HQX
2) CLU
3) ENW
4) GPY

Correct Answer: HQX

QID : 7 - Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.

1. Sloven
2. Slur
3. Smack
4. Slogan
5. Sluggy


1) 25143
2) 32541
3) 12453
4) 41523

Correct Answer: 41523

QID : 8 - In the following question, select the missing number from the given series.

1912, 2012, 2133, 2277, 2446, ?


1) 2642
2) 2964
3) 2738
4) 2858

Correct Answer: 2642

QID : 9 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.




Correct Answer: ENSX

QID : 10- Z’s present age is 55 years. If 11 years ago, C’s age was 1/11 of Z’s age, then after how many years C’s age will become 37 years?


1) 22
2) 20
3) 17
4) 15

Correct Answer: 22

QID : 11 - From the given alternatives, select the word which CANNOT be formed using the letters of the given word.



1) Dog
2) Going
3) Mid
4) Might

Correct Answer: Might

QID : 12 - In a certain code language, “SLOPE” is written as “54973” and “CRAMP” is written as “18627”. How is “PROMO” written in that code language?


1) 76828
2) 96838
3) 76939
4) 78929

Correct Answer: 78929

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018" Afternoon Shift (English Language)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 27 March 2018"

Afternoon Shift (English Language)

QID : 1 - In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

Cybercrime cases pose various kinds of (1)/ challenges which requires strengthening of (2)/ the institutional mechanism. (3)/ No error (4)


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Correct Answer: 2

QID : 2 - In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

Four famous Sikh shrines in Delhi will go green (1)/ by employing solar energy (2)/ to meet its daily power needs from April. (3)/ No error (4)


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Correct Answer: 3

QID : 3 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Ignoring someone in pain is an ______ act.


1) immortal
2) aggravating
3) immoral
4) fecund

Correct Answer: immoral

QID : 4 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

She must ______ a great time at her birthday party.


1) be having
2) has
3) be had
4) is having

Correct Answer: be having

QID : 5 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.



1) Accuse
2) Relieve
3) Condemn
4) Exacerbate

Correct Answer: Relieve

QID : 6 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.



1) Methodical
2) Penetrable
3) Random
4) Artful

Correct Answer: Random

QID : 7 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.



1) Aggressive
2) Agreeable
3) Noisy
4) Differ

Correct Answer: Agreeable

QID : 8 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.



1) Release
2) Confine
3) Detain
4) Commit

Correct Answer: Release

QID : 9 - Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

Ever since

P : outbreaks have been an annual occurrence
Q : Indian shores during the 2009 pandemic,
R : the influenza virus, H1N1 landed on


1) PQR
2) RPQ
3) QRP
4) RQP

Correct Answer: RQP

QID : 10 - A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Who burned the food?


1) By who was this food burned?
2) By whom was that food burned?
3) By whom was the food burned?
4) By whom is this food burned?

Correct Answer: By whom was the food burned?

QID : 11 - A sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.

She says, “I am playing tennis.”


1) She says that she was playing tennis.
2) She was playing tennis.
3) She said she was playing tennis.
4) She says that she is playing tennis.

Correct Answer: She says that she is playing tennis.

QID : 12 - In the following question, a word has been written in four different ways out of which only one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.


1) Forceibly
2) Forciebly
3) Fourcibley
4) Forcibly

Correct Answer: Forcibly

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Study Kit for SSC CGL EXAM


एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "24 मार्च 2018" शाम की पाली (सामान्य जागरूकता ) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018" Evening Shift (General Awareness)

एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "24 मार्च 2018" शाम  की पाली (सामान्य जागरूकता ) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018" Evening Shift (General Awareness)

QID : 1 -  निम्नलिखित में से किसने मुद्रा को उसके प्रकृति के आधार पर दो भागों में बांटा है?


1) जॉन मेनार्ड कीन्स
2) एडम स्मिथ
3) कार्ल मार्क्स
4) मिल्टन फ्राइडमैन

Correct Answer:  जॉन मेनार्ड कीन्स

QID : 2 -  सिडो (SIDO) निम्नलिखित में से किसके विकास से संबंधित है?


1) लघु उद्योग
2) इस्पात उद्योग
3) सॉफ्टवेयर उद्योग
4) चीनी उद्योग

Correct Answer:  लघु उद्योग

QID : 3 -  बहमनी शासक ताजुद्दीन फिरोज ने विजयनगर के किस शासक की पुत्री से विवाह किया था?


1) हरिहर II
2) देवराय I
3) देवराय II
4) कृष्णदेवराय

Correct Answer: देवराय I

QID : 4 -  किसके शासनकाल में वकील पद को समाप्त कर दिया गया?


1) अकबर
2) जहांगीर
3) शाहजहां
4) औरंगजेब

Correct Answer: शाहजहां

QID : 5 -  एंजिल जलप्रपात किस नदी पर स्थित है?


1) अमेज़न
2) ओरिनोको
3) कैरोनी
4) पराना

Correct Answer:  कैरोनी

QID : 6 - भारत के मुख्य-भूमि की दक्षिणी सीमा है _____________।


1) 6o 4 N
2) 7o 4 N
3) 8o 4 N
4) 6o 8 N

Correct Answer: 8o 4 N

QID : 7 -  जैन साहित्य को _________ भी कहा जाता है।


1) पिटक
2) आगम
3) कल्प
4) सुत्त

Correct Answer: आगम

QID : 8 - द्विपक्षीय सामरिक साझेदारी और सुरक्षा सहयोग में मजबूती लाने के लिए भारत और निम्नलिखित में से किस देश ने पहली बार विदेश सचिवों और सुरक्षा सचिवों की वार्ता 12 दिसंबर, 2017 को नई दिल्ली में की?


1) जापान
2) सिंगापुर
3) ऑस्ट्रेलिया
4) दक्षिण अफ्रीका

Correct Answer: ऑस्ट्रेलिया

QID : 9 -  जनवरी, 2018 में, डॉ. विनोद पॉल विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) द्वारा प्रतिष्ठित एहसान डोगरामासी फैमिली हेल्थ फाउंडेशन पुरस्कार से सम्मानित होने वाले प्रथम भारतीय बने हैं। वह _______ के एक सदस्य हैं।


1) नीति आयोग
2) यूपीएससी
3) लोक सभा
4) राज्य सभा

Correct Answer: नीति आयोग

QID : 10 -  नेपाली भाषा किस लिपि में लिखी जाती है?


1) उचेन
2) मिथिलाक्षर
3) देवनागरी
4) कोई विकल्प सही नहीं है।

Correct Answer:  देवनागरी

QID : 11 -  निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सही है?


1) NaCl का तुल्यांकी भार तथा आण्विक भार समान है।
2) H2SO4 का तुल्यांकी भार तथा आण्विक भार समान है।
3) CaCl2 का तुल्यांकी भार तथा आण्विक भार समान है
4) Na2SO4 का तुल्यांकी भार तथा आण्विक भार समान है

Correct Answer: NaCl का तुल्यांकी भार तथा आण्विक भार समान है।

QID : 12 -  निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी तरंग निर्वात में गमन नहीं कर सकती है?


1) एक्स-किरणें
2) रेडियो तरंगे
3) पराबैंगनी किरणें
4) पैरासोनिक किरणें

Correct Answer:  पैरासोनिक किरणें

Printed Study Kit for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam

एसएससी - सीएचएसएल परीक्षा ​​अध्ययन सामग्री


एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "24 मार्च 2018" शाम की पाली (मात्रात्मक रुझान ) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018" Evening Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "24 मार्च 2018" शाम  की पाली (मात्रात्मक रुझान ) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018" Evening Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

QID : 1 -


1) 1.5
2) 2
3) 2.5
4) 3

Correct Answer: 2

QID : 2 -


1) 65/19
2) 68/19
3) 67/19
4) 64/19

Correct Answer: 65/19

QID : 3 -


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Correct Answer: 3

QID : 4 -  7x+8ky-16=0 और 14x+112y-21= 0 समीकरण के युग्म हैं। k का मान ज्ञात करें जिसके लिए प्रणाली असंगत है।


1) 2
2) 3
3) 5
4) 7

Correct Answer: 7

QID : 5 -


1) 50o
2) 60o
3) 70o
4) 80o

Correct Answer: 70o

QID : 6 - समकोण त्रिभुज में वो बिंदु जहां से समकोण बनता है, _________कहलाता है।


1) अंतःकेंद्र
2) परिकेंद्र
3) केन्द्रक
4) लम्बकेंद्र

Correct Answer: लम्बकेंद्र

QID : 7 -  A के पास B से तीन गुना राशि हैं तथा B के पास C से 40% अधिक राशि हैं। यदि तीनों की राशियों का औसत 1320 रु हैं, तो A के पास कितनी राशि (रु में) हैं?


1) 2410
2) 2520
3) 2250
4) 3240

Correct Answer: 2520

QID : 8 -  दो अभ्यर्थी X तथा Y के अंक 4 : 7 के अनुपात में हैं। यदि X के अंक 140 है, तो Y के अंक क्या होंगे?


1) 210
2) 180
3) 245
4) 225

Correct Answer: 245

QID : 9 -  13 रु/कि.ग्रा. मूल्य वाले नमक को 7 रु/कि.ग्रा. मूल्य वाले नमक के साथ किस अनुपात में मिलाया जाए ताकि 9 रु/कि.ग्रा. मूल्य वाला एक मिश्रण प्राप्त हो जाए?


1) 4 : 7
2) 3 : 5
3) 2 : 3
4) 1 : 2

Correct Answer: 1 : 2

QID : 10 - एक समूह के 8 सदस्यों की औसत आयु 36 वर्ष है। सबसे बड़े सदस्य की आयु 32 वर्ष है। यदि हम उस सबसे बड़े सदस्य को समूह से हटा दे, तो शेष सदस्यों की औसत आयु (वर्षों में) क्या होगी?


1) 38.5
2) 42.67
3) 48.5
4) 36.57

Correct Answer: 36.57

QID : 11 - 10000 रु को 18% प्रति वर्ष की ब्याज दर से चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज पर (वार्षिक संयोजन पर) रखा गया है। यदि ब्याज का संयोजन अर्धवार्षिक किया जाए, तो कितना और अधिक ब्याज (रु में) प्राप्त होगा?


1) 243
2) 324
3) 81
4) 162

Correct Answer: 81

QID : 12 - राहुल चीनी बेचने पर 16% हानि होने का दावा करता है तथा 1 कि.ग्रा. की जगह पर 680 ग्रा. के भार का प्रयोग करता है। कुल लाभ प्रतिशत क्या है?


1) 23.52
2) 16
3) 28.57
4) 19.24

Correct Answer: 23.52

Printed Study Kit for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam

एसएससी - सीएचएसएल परीक्षा ​​अध्ययन सामग्री


एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "24 मार्च 2018" शाम की पाली (तर्क शक्ति) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018" Evening Shift (Reasoning)

एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "24 मार्च 2018" शाम की पाली (तर्क शक्ति) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018" Evening Shift (Reasoning)

QID : 1 - निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित शब्द युग्म को चुनिए

तराजू : द्रव्यमान : : ? : ?


1) गति : ओडोमीटर
2) सेकण्ड : समय
3) थर्मामीटर : तापमान
4) अमीटर : वायु

Correct Answer: थर्मामीटर : तापमान

QID : 2 -  निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित संख्या को चुनिए।

54 : 135 : : 32 : ?


1) 90
2) 80
3) 65
4) 74

Correct Answer: 80

QID : 3 -निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित अक्षर/अक्षरों को चुनिए।

RTK : NPG : : XSP : ?


1) TPM
2) SOM
3) SPL
4) TOL

Correct Answer: TOL

QID : 4 -  निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम शब्द युग्म को चुनिए।


1) चींटी – कीट
2) कुर्सी – फर्नीचर
3) स्केच पेन – लेखन सामग्री
4) पक्षी – तोता

Correct Answer: पक्षी – तोता

QID : 5 - नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न में, चार संख्या युग्म दिए गए हैं। (–) के बायीं ओर दी संख्या (–) के दायीं ओर दी गई संख्या से किसी तर्क/नियम से सम्बंधित है। तीन उसी एक तर्क/नियम के आधार पर समान हैं। दिए गए विकल्पों में से भिन्न को चुनिए।


1) 12 – 8
2) 28 – 24
3) 66 – 62
4) 84 – 76

Correct Answer: 84 – 76

QID : 6 - निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम अक्षर/अक्षरों को चुनिए।


1) RNJ
2) TPL
3) AWS
4) EBX

Correct Answer: EBX

QID : 7 -दिए गए विकल्पों में से, शब्दकोश के अनुसार, कौन सा शब्द पहले स्थान पर आयेगा?

1. Packing
2. Panda
3. Painless
4. Pacts
5. Panic


1) Panda
2) Pacts
3) Painless
4) Packing

Correct Answer: Packing

QID : 8 -  निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से लुप्त अंक ज्ञात कीजिए।

60, – 52, 44, – 36, 28, ?


1) – 18
2) – 12
3) – 24
4) – 20

Correct Answer: – 20

QID : 9 -  एक अनुक्रम दिया गया है, जिसमें से एक पद लुप्त है। दिए गए विकल्पों में से वह सही विकल्प चुनिए, जो अनुक्रम को पूरा करे।

L, P, T, ?, B, F, ?


1) X, J
2) Y, K
3) W, I
4) Y, J

Correct Answer: X, J

QID : 10 -  अंकित पूर्व की ओर 17 कि.मी. चलता है। वह बायीं ओर मुड़ता है तथा 17 कि.मी. चलता है। वह पुनः बायीं ओर मुड़ता है तथा 24 कि.मी. चलकर बिन्दु A पर पहुँचता है। आरंभिक बिन्दु तथा बिन्दु A के मध्य की सीधी रेखा दूरी (कि.मी. में) क्या है?


1) 13√2
2) 14√4
3) 4√2
4) 11√2

Correct Answer: 13√2

QID : 11 -दिए गए विकल्पों में से वह शब्द चुनिए जो दिए गए शब्द के अक्षरों का प्रयोग करके नहीं बनाया जा सकता है।



1) Ring
2) Spring
3) Nothing
4) Sun

Correct Answer: Nothing

QID : 12 -  एक विशिष्ट कोड भाषा में, “MAID” को “13194” लिखा जाता है तथा “TEAR” को “205118” लिखा जाता है। इस कोड भाषा में “OHMS” को किस प्रकार लिखा जाएगा?


1) 198135
2) 6191312
3) 1213195
4) 1581319

Correct Answer: 1581319

Printed Study Kit for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam

एसएससी - सीएचएसएल परीक्षा ​​अध्ययन सामग्री


SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018" Evening Shift (General Awareness)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018"

Evening Shift (General Awareness)

QID : 1 - Who among the following has classified money in to two types on the basis of its nature?


1) John Maynard Keynes
2) Adam Smith
3) Karl Marx
4) Milton Friedman

Correct Answer: John Maynard Keynes

QID : 2 - SIDO is related to the development of which of the following?


1) Small industry
2) Steel industry
3) Software industry
4) Sugar industry

Correct Answer: Small industry

QID : 3 - Bahmani ruler Tajuddin Firuz married the daughter of which of the following Vijayanagara rulers?


1) Harihar II
2) Devaraya I
3) Devaraya II
4) Krishnadevaraya

Correct Answer: Devaraya I

QID : 4 - In whose reign, the office of the Vakil was abolished?


1) Akbar
2) Jahangir
3) Shah Jahan
4) Aurangzeb

Correct Answer: Shah Jahan

QID : 5 - Angel Falls is situated on which river?


1) Amazon
2) Orinoco
3) Caroni
4) Parana

Correct Answer: Caroni

QID : 6 - The southern boundary of India's mainland is _____________.


1) 6o 4 N
2) 7o 4 N
3) 8o 4 N
4) 6o 8 N

Correct Answer: 8o 4 N

QID : 7 - Jain literature is also called as _________.


1) Pitaka
2) Agam
3) Kalpa
4) Sutt

Correct Answer: Agam

QID : 8 - In a bid to boost their bilateral strategic partnership and to increase defence co-operation, India and which of the following countries held their inaugural Foreign Secretaries and Defence Secretaries dialogue in New Delhi on December 12, 2017?


1) Japan
2) Singapore
3) Australia
4) South Africa

Correct Answer: Australia

QID : 9 - In January 2018, Dr. Vinod Paul became first Indian to be awarded prestigious Ihsan Dogramaci Family Health Foundation Prize by World Health Organisation (WHO). He is a member of ________.


1) NITI Aayog
3) Lok Sabha
4) Rajya Sabha

Correct Answer: NITI Aayog

QID : 10 - Nepali language is written in which script?


1) Uchen
2) Tirhuta
3) Devanagari
4) No option is correct.

Correct Answer: Devanagari

QID : 11 - Which of the following statements is CORRECT?


1) NaCl has same equivalent weight and molecular weight.
2) H2SO4 has same equivalent weight and molecular weight.
3) CaCl2 has same equivalent weight and molecular weight.
4) Na2SO4 has same equivalent weight and molecular weight

Correct Answer: NaCl has same equivalent weight and molecular weight.

QID : 12 - Which of the following wave CANNOT propagate in a vacuum?


1) X-rays
2) Radio waves
3) UV-rays
4) Ultrasonic waves

Correct Answer: Ultrasonic waves

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Study Material for Junior Engineer (Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering) Examination

Study Kit for SSC CGL EXAM


SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018" Evening Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018"

Evening Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

QID : 1 -


1) 1.5
2) 2
3) 2.5
4) 3

Correct Answer: 2

QID : 2 -


1) 65/19
2) 68/19
3) 67/19
4) 64/19

Correct Answer: 65/19

QID : 3 -


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Correct Answer: 3

QID : 4 - The pair of equations are 7x+8ky-16=0 and 14x+112y-21=0. Find the value of ‘k’ for which the system is inconsistent.


1) 2
2) 3
3) 5
4) 7

Correct Answer: 7

QID : 5 -


1) 50o
2) 60o
3) 70o
4) 80o

Correct Answer: 70o

QID : 6 - The point where the triangle forms the right angle in the right angled triangle is known as the ________.


1) in-centre
2) circum-centre
3) centroid
4) ortho-centre

Correct Answer: ortho-centre

QID : 7 - A has thrice as much amount as that of B and B has 40% more amount than C. If the average of the amount of all three of them is Rs 1320, then what amount (in Rs) A has?


1) 2410
2) 2520
3) 2250
4) 3240

Correct Answer: 2520

QID : 8 - Marks of two candidates X and Y are in the ratio of 4 : 7. If the marks of X is 140, then what will be the marks of Y?


1) 210
2) 180
3) 245
4) 225

Correct Answer: 245

QID : 9 - In what ratio salt costing Rs 13/kg mixed with another salt costing Rs 7/ kg to get a mixture costing Rs 9/kg?


1) 4 : 7
2) 3 : 5
3) 2 : 3
4) 1 : 2

Correct Answer: 1 : 2

QID : 10 - The average age of 8 members of a group is 36 years. The age of the eldest member is 32 years. If we exclude that eldest member from the group, then what will be the average age (in years) of the remaining members?


1) 38.5
2) 42.67
3) 48.5
4) 36.57

Correct Answer: 36.57

QID : 11 - Rs 10000 is kept at compound interest at an interest rate of 18% per annum (compounding annually). If the compounding of interest is done half yearly, then how much more interest (in Rs) will be obtained?


1) 243
2) 324
3) 81
4) 162

Correct Answer: 81

QID : 12 - Rahul professes to lose 16% on selling sugar and uses a weight of 680 gm instead of 1 kg. What is the total profit percentage?


1) 23.52
2) 16
3) 28.57
4) 19.24

Correct Answer: 23.52

QID : 13 - Two successive discounts of 5% and 15% are given by Rakesh on a table. If the marked price of the table is Rs 2000, then what is the value (in Rs) of discount?


1) 385
2) 425
3) 330
4) 500

Correct Answer: 385

Printed Study Kit for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam

Study Material for Junior Engineer (Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering) Examination

Study Kit for SSC CGL EXAM


(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series H)

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series H)


1. Total Number of Questions-50. Each Question is of three marks.
2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
3. No mark will be deducted for un-attempted questions.
4. Do not write on the Question Paper or make any mark on it.

Q1. If a plane is parallel to the plane of projection, it appears

(a) true size
(b) as a line or edge
(c) foreshortened
(d) as an oblique surface

Q2. How is a J-K Flip Flop made to toggle

(a) J=0, K=0
(b) J=1, K=0
(c) J=0, K=1
(d) J=1, K=1

Q3. No. of flip-flops used in decade counter

(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) None of these

Q4. The decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number E5 is

(a) 279
(b) 229
(c) 427
(d) 3000

Q5. Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing?

(a) Disk unit
(b) Control unit
(c) ALU
(d) Modem

Q6. Difference between Decision-Tables and Decision Tree is (are) :

(a) value to end user
(b) form of representation
(c) one shows the logic while other shows the process
(d) all of the above

Q7. The reservation system of Indian railways is an example of

(a) transaction processing system
(b) interactive decision support system
(c) management controls system
(d) expert system

Q8. The network layer, in reference to the OSI model, provide

(a) data link procedures that provide for the exchange of data via frames that can be sent and received
(b) the interface between the X.25 network and packet mode device
(c) the virtual circuit interface to packet-switched service
(d) all of the above

Q9. Which of the following is an important characteristic of LAN?

(a) application independent interfaces
(b) unlimited expansion
(c) low cost access for low bandwidth channels
(d) parallel transmission

Q10. Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used for transferring electronic mail messages from one machine to another?

(a) FTP
(b) SNMP
(c) SMTP
(d) RPC

Companies / Organisations: 

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018" Evening Shift (English Language)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 24 March 2018"

Evening Shift (English Language)

QID : 1 - In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

Writing therapy posit that writing about one's (1)/ feelings gradually eases the impact (2)/ of emotional trauma. (3)/ No error (4)


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Correct Answer: 1

QID : 2 - In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

The rotational period and seasoned cycles of the Mars are (1)/ similar to those of the Earth, as (2)/ is the tilt that produces the seasons. (3)/ No error (4)


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Correct Answer: 1

QID : 3 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

They ______ the storm approaching.


1) seen
2) looked
3) admired
4) saw

Correct Answer: saw

QID : 4 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

This is ______ worse than I thought it would be.


1) far
2) about
3) more
4) the

Correct Answer: far

QID : 5 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.



1) Stingy
2) Generous
3) Careful
4) Sparse

Correct Answer: Generous

QID : 6 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.



1) Wild
2) Apprentice
3) Fugitive
4) Ancient

Correct Answer: Apprentice

QID : 7 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.



1) Wind
2) Scream
3) Cry
4) Peace

Correct Answer: Peace

QID : 8 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.



1) Examine
2) Interrogate
3) Dig
4) Ignore

Correct Answer: Ignore

QID : 9 - Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

Pablo Picasso
P : showed his truly
Q : a very young age
R : exceptional talent from


1) RQP
2) PQR
3) PRQ
4) RPQ

Correct Answer: PRQ

QID : 10 - A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Someone has collected the papers.


1) The papers have been collected by someone.
2) The papers are collected by someone.
3) The papers are being collected.
4) The papers is collected by someone.

Correct Answer: The papers have been collected by someone.

QID : 11 - A sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.

Mr. Pattinson said, “I brought a chocolate for you.”


1) Mr. Pattinson brought a chocolate for me.
2) Mr. Pattinson said that he had brought a chocolate for me.
3) A chocolate was brought by Mr. Pattinson for me.
4) Mr. Pattinson said he brought a chocolate for me.

Correct Answer: Mr. Pattinson said that he had brought a chocolate for me.

QID : 12 - In the following question, a word has been written in four different ways out of which only one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.


1) Exipberamce
2) Exuberance
3) Axuberence
4) Exubereance

Correct Answer: Exuberance

Printed Study Kit for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam

Study Material for Junior Engineer (Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering) Examination

Study Kit for SSC CGL EXAM


(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series J)

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series J)


1. Total Number of Questions-50. Each Question is of three marks.
2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
3. No mark will be deducted for un-attempted questions.
4. Do not write on the Question Paper or make any mark on it.

Q1. If x=a(cos t + t sin t), y=a(sin t – t cos t). The value of dy/dx is

(a) cos t
(b) sin t
(c) tan t
(d) sec2 t

Q2. The area of three faces of a cuboid are in the ratio 2:3:4 and its volume is 9000 cm3. The length of the shortest edge is

(a) 15 cm
(b) 30 cm
(c) 20 cm
(d) 60 cm


Q4. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?

(a) 8/2
(b) 9/20
(c) 8/15
(d) 2/20

Q5. The projection of a vector on another vector is

(a) Scalar
(b) Vector
(c) neither vector nor scalar
(d) either scalar or vector

Q6. In MKS system, we measure

(a) mass in kilogram
(b) distance in meter
(c) time in second
(d) all of these

Q7. When the separation between two charges is made four times, the force between them

(a) increases four times
(b) decreases four times
(c) increases sixteen times
(d) decreases sixteen times

Q8. When a conductor cuts magnetic flux, an emf is induced in the conductor. This is  known as

(a) Joule's law
(b) Faraday's law
(c) Coulomb's law
(d) Ampere’s law

Q9. X-rays are used for the study of crystal structure because

(a) X-rays are completely absorbed by the crystal
(b) the wavelength of X-ray is of the same order of magnitude in the inter-atomic spacing in crystals
(c) the wavelength of X-rays is very small in comparison with the inter-atomic spacing in crystals
(d) the crystals are completely transparent to X-rays

Q10. A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 10 days. If today there are 125 g of it left, what was its original weight 40 days earlier

(a) 600 g
(b) 1000 g
(c) 1250 g
(d) 2000 g

Companies / Organisations: 

एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "21 मार्च 2018" सुबह की पाली (मात्रात्मक रूझान) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 21 March 2018" Morning Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "21  मार्च 2018" सुबह की पाली (मात्रात्मक रूझान) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 21 March 2018" Morning Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

QID : 1 -


1) 0
2) 3
3) 5
4) 6

Correct Answer: 6

QID : 2 -


1) 283
2) 276
3) 273
4) 374

Correct Answer: 273

QID : 3 -  यदि रेखा के समीकरण 4x+5y-6=0 और 16x+20y+20=0 हैं, तो इन रैखिक समीकरणों की जोड़ी के कितने समाधान होंगे?


1) 0
2) 1
3) 2
4) अनंत

Correct Answer: 0

QID : 4 -




3) 12

4) 24

Correct Answer:

QID : 5 -



2) QC कभी भी PB के समान्तर नहीं है


Correct Answer:

QID : 6 -  10 सेमी की जीवा द्वारा वृत के केंद्र पर बना कोण 120° है, तो जीवा की केंद्र बिंदु से दूरी (सेमी में) ज्ञात करें।


QID : 7 - यदि P : Q = 9 : 7 है, तो (P – Q) : (P + Q) का मान क्या है?


1) 1 : 2
2) 1 : 8
3) 1 : 4
4) 2 : 13

Correct Answer: 1 : 8

QID : 8 - 84 रु प्रति कि.ग्रा. वाली कितनी (कि.ग्रा. में) गेहूँ को 60 रु प्रति कि.ग्रा. वाले 81 कि.ग्रा. गेहूँ के साथ मिलाना चाहिए ताकि मिश्रण को 75.9 रु प्रति कि.ग्रा. में बेचने पर 15% का लाभ हो?


1) 27
2) 20.5
3) 22.75
4) 24

Correct Answer: 27

QID : 9 - A, B तथा C की औसत ऊँचाई 148 से.मी. है। यदि A एवं B की औसत ऊँचाई 136 से.मी. है तथा B एवं C की औसत ऊँचाई 125 से.मी. है, तो B की ऊँचाई (से.मी. में) कितनी है?


1) 56
2) 78
3) 112
4) 130

Correct Answer: 78

QID : 10 - एक 17500 रु की राशि का कुछ भाग साधारण ब्याज की 24% की वार्षिक दर तथा बचा हुआ भाग साधारण ब्याज की 10% की वार्षिक दर पर उधार दिया गया। 5 वर्ष पश्चात कुल 13300 रु ब्याज प्राप्त होता है। 24% तथा 10% की दर से उधार दी गई राशियों का अनुपात क्या है?


1) 12 : 13
2) 3 : 4
3) 3 : 2
4) 13 : 22

Correct Answer: 13 : 22

QID : 11 -  यदि कुल वस्तुओं के 60% को 50% हानि पर बेचा गया है तथा शेष वस्तुओं को 50% लाभ पर बेचा गया, तो कुल हानि प्रतिशत क्या होगा?


1) 20
2) 15
3) 25
4) 10

Correct Answer: 10

QID : 12 - यदि 20%, 30% तथा 40% की तीन क्रमिक छूट दी जाती है, तो निवल (नेट) छूट (प्रतिशत में) क्या होगी?


1) 80
2) 87.6
3) 90
4) 66.4

Correct Answer: 66.4

Printed Study Kit for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam

एसएससी - सीएचएसएल परीक्षा ​​अध्ययन सामग्री


एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "19 मार्च 2018" सुबह की पाली (तर्क शक्ति) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 19 March 2018" Morning Shift (Reasoning)

एस.एस.सी. सीएचएसएल (टियर -1) परीक्षा पेपर 2017 "19 मार्च 2018" सुबह की पाली (तर्क शक्ति) SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 19 March 2018" Morning Shift (Reasoning)

QID : 1 -  निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित शब्द युग्म को चुनिए।

सड़क : डामर : : ? : ?


1)  गन्ना : चीनी
2) कपड़ा : कमीज़
3) कलम : पेंसिल
4)  धातु : अयस्क

Correct Answer:  धातु : अयस्क

QID : 2 - निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित संख्या को चुनिए।

697 : 976 : : 532 : ?


1) 320
2) 354
3) 237
4) 325

Correct Answer: 325

QID : 3 - निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित अक्षर/अक्षरों को चुनिए।

RTU : SUW : : CEF : ?


1) FGI
2) DGH
3) EGF
4) DFH

Correct Answer: DFH

QID : 4 - निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम शब्द युग्म को चुनिए।


1) ऑक्सीजन – गैस
2) धातु – प्लैटिनम
3)तरल – जल
4) ठोस – लोहा

Correct Answer:  ऑक्सीजन – गैस

QID : 5 - नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न में, चार संख्या युग्म दिए गए हैं। (–) के बायीं ओर दी संख्या (–) के दायीं ओर दी गई संख्या से तर्क/नियम से सम्बंधित है। तीन उसी एक तर्क/नियम के आधार पर समान हैं। दिए गए विकल्पों में से भिन्न को चुनिए।


1) 27 – 32
2) 31 – 36
3) 33 – 38
4) 23 – 27

Correct Answer: 23 – 27

QID : 6 - निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम अक्षर/अक्षरों को चुनिए।



Correct Answer: ZWSP

QID : 7 - निम्नलिखित शब्दों को शब्दकोश में आने वाले क्रम के अनुसार लिखें।

1. Tinned
2. Timber
3. Tinkle
4. Thunderstorm
5. Thursday


1) 53214
2) 21345
3) 45231
4) 12435

Correct Answer: 45231

QID : 8 - निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए विकल्पों में से लुप्त अंक ज्ञात कीजिए।

17, 20, 23, 26, 29, ?


1) 31
2) 34
3) 30
4) 32

Correct Answer: 32

QID : 9 - एक अनुक्रम दिया गया है, जिसमें से एक पद लुप्त है। दिए गए विकल्पों में से वह सही विकल्प चुनिए, जो अनुक्रम को पूरा करे।

FT, JX, NB, RF, ?


1) TX
2) LJ
3) VJ
4) YJ

Correct Answer: VJ

QID : 10 -अमित की वर्तमान आयु, बमन की वर्तमान आयु की दोगुना है। 5 वर्ष पश्चात बमन की आयु, चेतन की वर्तमान आयु की 4 गुना होगी। यदि चेतन ने अपना छठा जन्मदिन 7 वर्ष पूर्व मनाया था, तो अमित की वर्तमान आयु (वर्षों में) क्या होगी?


1) 98
2) 110
3) 94
4) 92

Correct Answer: 94

QID : 11 - दिए गए विकल्पों में से वह शब्द चुनिए जो दिए गए शब्द के अक्षरों का प्रयोग करके नहीं बनाया जा सकता है।



1) Pass
2) Moss
3) Passion
4) Comply

Correct Answer: Comply

QID : 12 - एक विशिष्ट कोड भाषा में, “RAPID” को “GLSDU” लिखा जाता है। इस कोड भाषा में “WATER” को किस प्रकार लिखा जाएगा?



Correct Answer: UHWDZ

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 11 March 2018" Morning shift (General Awareness)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 11 March 2018"

Morning shift  (General Awareness)

QID : 1 - In which of the following is true for instruments of Monetary Policy?


1) Open market operations
2) Bank rate policy
3) Selective credit controls
4) All options are correct.

Correct Answer: All options are correct.

QID : 2 - Time period of Annual Plans was ___________.


1) 1990-1992
2) 1987-1990
3) 1992-1994
4) No option is correct.

Correct Answer: 1990-1992

QID : 3 - Who gave the title of Raja to Ranjit Singh?


1) Diwan Shah
2) Lord Lake
3) Zaman Shah
4) King of Kashmir

Correct Answer: Zaman Shah

QID : 4 - Who of the following was the last Governor General of Bengal?


1) William Bentinck
2) Warren Hastings
3) Lord Canning
4) Lord Wellesley

Correct Answer: William Bentinck

QID : 5 - Which of the following is NOT a metamorphic rock?


1) Slate
2) Schist
3) Diorite
4) Phyllite

Correct Answer: Diorite

QID : 6 - Which of the following is the second highest mountain peak in the world?


1) Godwin Austen
2) Kanchenjunga
3) Nanda Devi
4) Nanga Parvat

Correct Answer: Godwin Austen

QID : 7 - "Yakshagana" folk dance is associated to which Indian state?


1) Kerala
2) Karnataka
3) Tamil Nadu
4) Andhra Pradesh

Correct Answer: Karnataka

QID : 8 - In which of the following countries militants killed more than 230 people attacking at a mosque on 24th November, 2017?


1) Pakistan
2) Afghanistan
3) Iran
4) Egypt

Correct Answer: Egypt

QID : 9 - Who among the following has been awarded the Indira Gandhi Award for National Integraty on October 31, 2017?


1) Praveen Nair
2) Pankaj Ruhela
3) T.M. Krishna
4) K.R. Reddy

Correct Answer: T.M. Krishna

QID : 10 - Pakistan is located in which part of Asia?


1) Southern Asia
2) Northern Asia
3) Eastern Asia
4) No option is correct.

Correct Answer: Southern Asia

QID : 11 - What is the other name of sodium carbonate?


1) Baking soda
2) Washing soda
3) Baking powder
4) No option is correct.

Correct Answer: Washing soda

QID : 12 -


1) I – 3, II – 4, III – 1, IV – 2
2) I – 4, II – 3, III – 1, IV – 2
3) I – 3, II – 4, III – 2, IV – 1
4) I – 3, II – 2, III – 1, IV – 4

Correct Answer: I – 3, II – 4, III – 1, IV – 2

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 11 March 2018" Morning shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 11 March 2018"

Morning shift; (Quantitative Aptitude)

QID : 1 -


1) 4
2) 3
3) 2
4) 1

Correct Answer: 2

QID : 2 - Divide 150 into two parts such that the sum of their reciprocals is 3/112. Calculate both the parts.


1) 50, 90
2) 70, 80
3) 60, 90
4) 50, 100

Correct Answer: 70, 80

QID : 3 -


QID : 4 -


1) 2
2) 4
3) 6
4) 8

Correct Answer: 6

QID : 5 -


QID : 6 - If the side of the equilateral triangle is 8√3 cm, then what is the length (in cm) of the in radius of the triangle?


1) 2
2) 4
3) 8√3
4) 16√3

Correct Answer: 4

QID : 7 - The population of a town is 350000. It increases annually at the rate of 20%. What will be the population after 2 years?


1) 490000
2) 497000
3) 504000
4) 508000

Correct Answer: 504000

QID : 8 - The incomes of P and Q are in the ratio 4 : 7 and their expenditures are in the ratio 3 : 7. If P saves Rs 10000 and Q saves Rs 7000, then what will be the income (in Rs) of P?


1) 28000
2) 23000
3) 30000
4) 19000

Correct Answer: 28000

QID : 9 - Akash starts a business with Rs 85000 and Payal joins him with Rs 102000. If the profit at the end of a year is divided in the ratio 1 : 1, then after how many months did Payal join Akash?


1) 3
2) 2
3) 9
4) 8

Correct Answer: 2

QID : 10 - What is the average of all the one digit, two digit and three digit natural numbers?


1) 300
2) 500
3) 1000
4) 1250

Correct Answer: 500

QID : 11 - If the time increases by 7 years, then simple interest increases by Rs 8400 on a sum of Rs 6000. What is the rate (in percentage) of interest per annum?


1) 18
2) 12
3) 20
4) 24

Correct Answer: 20

QID : 12 - Cost price of a refrigerator is Rs 13400. If loss percentage is 4%, then what is the selling price (in Rs) of the refrigerator?


1) 12203
2) 12864
3) 14420
4) 11312

Correct Answer: 12864

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 13 March 2018" Morning shift (Reasoning)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 11 March 2018"

Morning shift (Reasoning)

QID : 1 - In the following question, select the related word pair from the given alternatives.

Sedimentary : Rocks : : ? : ?


1) Rock : Strong
2) Alluvial : Soil
3) Water : Hot
4) Moon : Planet

Correct Answer: Alluvial : Soil

QID : 2 - In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.

56 : 51 : : 76 : ?


1) 71
2) 69
3) 73
4) 75

Correct Answer: 71

QID : 3 - In the following question, select the related letter/letters from the given alternatives.

WYV : PRN : : TPJ : ?


1) MIC
2) NJD
3) MJC
4) NID

Correct Answer: No Correct Answer ( Benefit to all )

QID : 4 - In the following question, select the odd word pair from the given alternatives.


1) Gold – Metal
2) Pencil – Stationery
3) Animal – Lion
4) Car – Vehicle

Correct Answer: Animal – Lion

QID : 5 - In the following question, four number pairs are given. The number on left side of (–) is related to the number on the right side of (–) with some Logic/Rule/Relation. Three are similar on basis of same Logic/Rule/Relation. Select the odd one out from the given alternatives.


1) 5 – 10
2) 6 – 11
3) 7 – 12
4) 8 – 15

Correct Answer: 8 – 15

QID : 6 - In the following question, select the odd letter/letters from the given alternatives.


1) VNG
2) PKD
3) WPI
4) XQJ

Correct Answer: No Correct Answer ( Benefit to all )

QID : 7 - Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.

1. Faint
2. Facelift
3. Facade
4. Fade
5. Fake


1) 32415
2) 52143
3) 32541
4) 25431

Correct Answer: 32415

QID : 8 - In the following question, select the missing number from the given series.

13, 17, ?, 28, 35, 43


1) 20
2) 22
3) 25
4) 26

Correct Answer: 22

QID : 9 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.



1) PKL
2) OLK
3) OML
4) OMK

Correct Answer: OLK

QID :10 - Aman started running from his school, he first ran for 11 km towards south, then he turned towards west and ran √23 km in that direction. How far (in km) and in which direction is Aman now from his school?


1) 10, South-West
2) 15, South-East
3) 12, South-West
4) 17, South-East

Correct Answer: 12, South-West

QID : 11 - From the given alternatives, select the word which CANNOT be formed using the letters of the given word.



1) Photo
2) Cat
3) Bit
4) Biology

Correct Answer: Biology

QID : 12 - In a certain code language, “blue” means “car”, “car” means “wood”, “wood” means “rice”, “rice” means “chair” and “chair” means “table”. What do we eat?


1) rice
2) chair
3) wood
4) blue

Correct Answer: chair

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 11 March 2018" Morning Shift (English Language)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 11 March 2018"

Morning Shift (English Language)

QID : 1 - In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

The person were (1)/ duly rewarded (2)/ for her bravery. (3)/ No error (4)


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Correct Answer: 1

QID : 2 - In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

We wish to make globalisation a means to expand human well being and freedom, (1)/ and to bring democracy and developmental (2)/ to local communities where people live.(3)/ No error (4)


1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Correct Answer: 2

QID : 3 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

He needs to ______ his soul.


1) bare
2) bear
3) beer
4) bee

Correct Answer: bare

QID : 4 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Career ______ the kind of lifestyle one will lead and his/her position in the society.


1) determined
2) determines
3) deter
4) has been determine

Correct Answer: determines

QID : 5 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.



1) Spoliation
2) Overstatement
3) Simplification
4) Injury

Correct Answer: Overstatement

QID : 6 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.



1) Murky
2) Clear
3) Dim
4) Dumb

Correct Answer: Clear

QID : 7 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.



1) Calm
2) Gentle
3) Palmy
4) Agitated

Correct Answer: Agitated

QID : 8 - In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.



1) Open
2) Doubtful
3) Definite
4) Controversial

Correct Answer: Definite

QID : 9 - Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

Private companies are

P : exploiting groundwater
Q : resources in India
R : due to outdated law


1) QPR
2) PQR
3) RPQ
4) PRQ

Correct Answer: PQR

QID : 10 - A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

She made a very remarkable observation.


1) A very remarkable observation made by her.
2) A very remarkable observation is make by her.
3) A very remarkable observation make by her.
4) A very remarkable observation was made by her.

Correct Answer: A very remarkable observation was made by her.

QID : 11 - A sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the four given alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.

“Do you really come from Spain?” said the Queen.


1) The Queen asked did he really came from Spain.
2) The Queen enquired about his country.
3) The Queen asked whether he really came from Spain.
4) The Queen ask which country he is from.

Correct Answer: The Queen asked whether he really came from Spain.

QID : 12 - In the following question, a word has been written in four different ways out of which only one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.


1) Exhilarate
2) Exhilrate
3) Exhielarate
4) Eshilariate

Correct Answer: Exhilarate

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(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series K)

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 01/2015 (Booklet Series K)


1. Total No. of Questions 50. Each Question is of three marks.
2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
3. No mark will be deducted for un-attempted questions.
4. Do not write on the Question Paper or make any mark on it.

Q1. When a conductor cuts magnetic flux, an emf is induced in the conductor. This is known as

(a) Joule's law
(b) Faraday's law
(c) Coulomb's law
(d) Ampere’s law

Q2. X-rays are used for the study of crystal structure because

(a) X-rays are completely absorbed by the crystal
(b) the wavelength of X-ray is of the same order of magnitude in the inter atomic spacing in crystals
(c) the wavelength of X-rays is very small in comparison with the inter atomic spacing in crystals
(d) the crystals are completely transparent to X-rays

Q3. Emitter follower is used for

(a) reducing the gain
(b) increasing the distortion
(c) impedance matching
(d) none of these

Q4. Binary equivalent of (45)10 is

(a) (11101)2
(b) (11110)2
(c) (101101)2
(d) (110101)2

Q5. In Computer memory size K indicates Kilo, which is equal to

(a) 1000
(b) 1024
(c) 100
(d) 10000

Q6. An astable multivibrator has

(a) no stable state
(b) one stable state
(c) three stable states
(d) two stable states

Q7. An ideal Op Amp has

(a) infinite input and output impedance
(b) very low input and output impedance
(c) low input impedance and very high output impedance
(d) infinite input impedance and zero output impedance

Q8. An instruction used to set the carry flag in a computer can be classified as a

(a) data transfer instruction
(b) arithmetic instruction
(c) logical instruction
(d) program control instruction

Q9. An FET is a

(a) bipolar semiconductor device
(b) unipolar semiconductor device
(c) non semiconductor device
(d) both (a) and (c)

Q10. For Gunn diodes, semiconductor material preferred is

(a) Silicon
(b) Germanium
(c) Gallium Arsenide
(d) all of these

(Ebook) AFCAT Exam Question Papers PDF


Companies / Organisations: 

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 02/2015, Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) (Booklet Series-E) (Mechanical Stream)

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 02/2015, Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT)

Booklet Series-E (Mechanical Stream)

1. Total number of Questions 50. Each Question carries three marks.
2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
3. No mark will be deducted for un-attempted questions.

Q1. Three houses are available in a locality. Three persons apply for the houses. Each applies for one house without consulting others. The probability that all the three apply for the same house is
(a) 2/9 (b) 1/9 (c) 8/9 (d) 7/9

Q2. If the area of the square is increased by 69% the side of the square increases by
(a) 13% (b) 30% (c) 39% (d) 130%

Q3. A can solve 90% of the problems given in a book and B can solve 70%. What is the probability that at least one of them will solve a problem, selected at random from the book?
(a) 0.16 (b) 0.63 (c) 0.97 (d) 0.20

Q4. An unbiased die with faces marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 is rolled four times. Out of four face values obtained, the probability that the minimum face value is not less than 2 and the maximum face value is not greater than 5 is
(a) 16/81 (b) 1/81 (c) 80/81 (d) 65/81

Q5. The projection of a vector on another vector is
(a) scalar (b) vector
(c) neither vector not scalar (d) either scalar or vector

Q6. During the execution of a CNC part program block NO20 GO2 X45.0 Y25.0 R5.0 the type of tool motion will be
(a) circular Interpolation — clockwise (b) circular Interpolation — counter-clockwise
(c) linear Interpolation (d) rapid feed

Q7. A component can be produced by any of the four processes I, II, III and IV. Process I has a fixed cost of Rs 20 and variable cost of Rs 3 per piece. Process II has a fixed cost of Rs 50 and variable cost of Re 1 per piece. Process III has a fixed cost of Rs 40 and variable cost of Rs 2 per piece. Process IV has a fixed cost of Rs 10 and variable cost of Rs 4 per piece. If the company wishes to produce 100 pieces of the component, from economic point of view it should choose

(a) Process I (b) Process II (c) Process III (d) Process IV

Q8. When a conductor cuts magnetic flux, an emf is induced in the conductor. This is known as
(a) Joule's law (b) Faraday's law (c) Coulomb's law (d) Ampere's law

Q9. X-rays are used for the study of crystal structure because
(a) X-rays are completely absorbed by the crystal
(b) the wavelength of X-ray is of the same order of magnitude in the inter-atomic spacing in crystals
(c) the wavelength of X-rays is very small in comparison with the inter-atomic spacing in crystals
(d) the crystals are completely transparent to X-rays

Q10. A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 10 days. If today there are 125 g of it left, what was its original weight 40 days earlier?
(a) 600 g (b) 1000 g (c) 1250 g (d) 2000 g

Q11. A tensile test is performed on a mild steel round bar. Its diameter after fracture will
(a) remain same (b) increase
(c) decrease (d) depend upon rate of loading

Q12. In an interchangeable assembly, shafts of size 25.000±0.040mm mate with holes of size 25.000±0.020 mm. The maximum possible clearance in the assembly will be
(a) 10 microns (b) 20 microns
(c) 30 microns (d) 60 microns

Q13. The neutral axis of a beam is subjected to __________ stress.
(a) zero (b) maximum tensile
(c) minimum tensile (d) maximum compressive

Q14. When a load on the free end of a cantilever beam is increased, failure will occur
(a) at the free end (b) at the fixed end
(c) in the middle of the beam (d) at a distance 2/3 from free end

Q15. In PERT analysis a critical activity has
(a) maximum float (b) zero float
(c) maximum cost (d) minimum cost

Q16. The capacity of a strained body for doing work on the removal of the straining force, is called
(a) strain energy (b) resilience
(c) proof resilience (d) impact energy

Q17. The hoop stress in a thin cylindrical shell is
(a) longitudinal stress (b) compressive stress
(c) radial stress (d) circumferential tensile stress

Q18. The ratio of specific weight of a liquid to the specific weight of pure water at a standard temperature is called
(a) density of liquid (b) specific gravity of liquid
(c) compressibility of liquid (d) surface tension of liquid

Q19. The purpose of a surge tank is
(a) to control the pressure variations due to rapid changes in the pipe line flow
(b) to eliminate water hammer possibilities
(c) to regulate flow of water to turbines by providing necessary retarding head of water
(d) all of the above

Q20. The S-N curve for steel becomes asymptotic nearly at
(a) 103 cycles (b) 104 cycles
(c) 106 cycles (d) 109 cycles

Q21. The divergent portion of a venturimeter is made longer than convergent portion in order to
(a) avoid the tendency of breaking away the stream of liquid
(b) to minimise frictional losses
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

Q22. Silicon in cast iron
(a) makes the iron soft and easily machinable
(b) increases hardness and brittleness
(c) makes the iron white and hard
(d) aids fusibility and fluidity

Q23. The process which improves the machinability of steels, but lowers the hardness and tensile strength, is
(a) normalising (b) full annealing
(c) process annealing (d) spheroidising

Q24. The malleability is the property of a material by virtue of which a material
(a) regains its shape and size after the removal of external forces
(b) retains the deformation produced under load permanently
(c) can be drawn into wires with the application of a tensile force
(d) can be rolled or hammered into thin sheets

Q25. A ladder is resting on a rough ground and leaning against a smooth vertical wall. The force of friction will act
(a) downward at its upper end (b) upward at its upper end
(c) zero at its upper end (d) perpendicular to the wall at its upper end

Q26. Water at 42°C is sprayed into a stream of air at atmospheric pressure, dry bulb temperature of 40°C and a wet bulb temperature of 20°C. The air leaving the spray humidifier is not saturated. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Air gets cooled and humidified (b) Air gets heated and humidified
(c) Air gets heated and dehumidified (d) Air gets cooled and dehumidified

Q27. The efficiency of a lifting machine is the ratio of
(a) output to the input
(b) work done by the machine to the work done on the machine
(c) mechanical advantage to the velocity ratio
(d) all of the above

Q28. A lot has 10% defective items. Ten items are chosen randomly from this lot. The probability that exactly 2 of the chosen items are defective is
(a) 0.0036 (b) 0.1937 (c) 0.2234 (d) 0.3874

Q29. The gas in cooling chamber of a closed cycle gas turbine is cooled at
(a) constant volume (b) constant temperature
(c) constant pressure (d) none of these

Q30. Which of the following is the correct statement?
(a) For a given compression ratio, both Otto and Diesel cycles have the same efficiency.
(b) For a given compression ratio, Otto cycle is more efficient than Diesel cycle.
(c) For a given compression ratio, Diesel cycle is more efficient than Otto cycle.
(d) The efficiency of Otto or Diesel cycle has nothing to do with compression ratio.

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(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 02/2015, Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) Booklet Series-F (Computer Science Stream)

(Download) AFCAT Question Papers - 02/2015, Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT)

Booklet Series-F (Computer Science Stream)

1. Total number of Questions 50. Each Question carries three marks.
2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
3. No mark will be deducted for un-attempted questions.

Q1. Three houses are available in a locality. Three persons apply for the houses. Each applies for one house without consulting others. The probability that all the three apply for the same house is
(a) 2/9 (b) 1/9 (c) 8/9 (d) 7/9

Q2. What is the next number in the series 1,3,11,19,37,_____
(a) 41 (b) 56 (c) 55 (d) None of the above

Q3. An unbiased die with faces marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 is rolled four times. Out of four face values obtained, the probability that the minimum face value is not less than 2 and the maximum face value is not greater than 5 is
(a) 16/81 (b) 1/81 (c) 80/81 (d) 65/81

Q4. The projection of a vector on another vector is
(a) scalar (b) vector
(c) neither vector nor scalar (d) either scalar or vector

Q5. The value of Sin θ +cosθ will be greatest when θ =_____.
(a) 45 (b) 30 (c) 90 (d) 60

Q6. How long is an IPv6 address?
(a) 32 bits (b) 128 bytes (c) 64 bits (d) 128 bits

Q7. What flavor of Network Address Translation can be used to have one IP address allow many users to connect to the global Internet?
(a) NAT (b) Static (c) Dynamic (d) PAT

Q8. What are the two main types of access control lists (ACLs)?
(i) Standard (ii) IEEE (iii) Extended (iv) Specialized
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (ii)

Q9. What is a stub network?
(a) A network with more than one exit point.
(b) A network with more than one exit and entry point.
(c) A network with only one entry and no exit point
(d) A network that has only one entry and exit point.

Q10. Which of the following languages is more suited to a structured program?
(a) PL/1 (b) FORTRAN (c) BASIC (d) PASCAL

Q11. Which of the following is the 1's complement of 10?
(a) 01 (b) 110 (c) 11 (d) 10

Q12. The time required for the fetching and execution of one simple machine instruction is
(a) delay time (b) CPU cycle (c) real time (d) seek time

Q13. A single packet on a data link is known as
(a) Path (b) Frame (c) Block (d) Group

Q14. ASCII stands for
(a) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(b) All purpose Scientific Code for Information Interchange
(c) American Security Code for Information Interchange
(d) American Scientific Code for Information Interchange

Q15. A program that converts computer data into some code system other than the normal one is known as
(a) Encoder (b) Simulation (c) Emulator (d) Coding

Q16. Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?
(a) control unit and registers (b) registers and main memory
(c) control unit and ALU (d) ALU and bus

Q17. The function of CPU is
(a) to provide a hard copy
(b) to read, interpret and process the information and instruction
(c) to communicate with the operator
(d) to provide external storage of text

Q18. When an input electrical signal A=10100 is applied to a NOT gate, its output signal is
(a) 01011 (b) 10001 (c) 10101 (d) 00101

Q19. Your router has the following IP address on Ethernet: Which of the following can be valid host IDs on the LAN interface attached to the router?
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(a) (i) only (b) (ii) and (iii) only
(c) (iii) and (iv) only (d) None of the above

Q20. Frames from one LAN can be transmitted to another LAN via the device
(a) Router (b) Bridge (c) Repeater (d) Modem

Q21. Which of the following is not a logical data-base structure?
(a) tree (b) relational (c) network (d) chain

Q22. Conversion of decimal number 6110 to its binary number equivalent is
(a) 1100112 (b) 110011102 (c) 1111012 (d) 111112

Q23. What logic function is obtained by adding an inverter to the inputs of an AND gate?
(a) OR (b) NAND (c) XOR (d) NOR

Q24. A medium for transferring data between two locations is called
(a) Network (b) Communication channel
(c) Modem (d) Bus

Q25. What is the name of the technique in which the operating system of a computer executes several programs concurrently by switching back and forth between them?
(a) Partitioning (b) Multitasking (c) Windowing (d) Paging

Q26. The slowest transmission speeds are those of
(a) twisted-pair wire (b) coaxial cable
(c) fibre-optic cable (d) microwaves

Q27. A computer program consists of
(a) system flowchart (b) program flowchart
(c) algorithms written in computer's language (d) discrete logical steps.

Q28. Which is the computer memory that does not forget?
(a) ROM (b) RAM
(c) NVRAM (d) All of the above

Q29. A combinational logic circuit which is used when it is desired to send data from two or more source through a single transmission line is known as
(a) encoder (b) decoder (c) multiplexer (d) demultiplexer

Q30. Which of the following services use TCP?
(i) DHCP (ii) SMTP (iii) HTTP (iv) TFTP (v) FTP
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii), (iii) and (v)
(c) (i),(ii) and (iv) (d) (i), (iii) and (iv)

Q31. Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?
(a) static RAM (b) dynamic RAM
(c) EPROM (d) ROM

Q32. An adder in which the bits of the operands are added one after another is
(a) half-adder (b) full-adder
(c) serial adder (d) all of the above

Q33. The register which contains the instruction that is to be executed is known as
(a) Index register (b) Instruction register
(c) Memory address register (d) Memory data register

Q34. Which of the following is used to hold ROM, RAM, CPU and expansion cards?
(a) computer bus (b) motherboard
(c) cache memory (d) all of the above

Q35. A hard disk is divided into tracks which are further subdivided into
(a) clusters (b) sectors
(c) vectors (d) heads

Q36. Out of the following pairs, choose the pair in which the physical quantities do not have identical dimension?
(a) Pressure and Young's modules
(b) Planck's constant and Angular momentum
(c) Impulse and moment of force
(d) Force and rate of change of linear Momentum

Q37. Out of the following, which is not emitted by radioactive substance?
(a) electrons (b) electromagnetic radiations
(c) alpha particles (d) neutrons

Q38. Sound produced at a point is heard by a person after 5 seconds, while the same sound is heard by another person after 6 seconds. If the speed of sound is 300 m/s, what could be the maximum and minimum distances between the two persons?
(a) 1.8 km, 0.15 km (b) 2.2 km, 0.20 km
(c) 2.8 km, 0.25 km (d) 3.3 km, 0.30 km Q39. The most electro-negative element among the following is
(a) sodium (b) bromine (c) fluorine (d) oxygen

Q40. The nuclear particles which are assumed to hold the nucleons together are
(a) electrons (b) positrons (c) neutrons (d) mesons

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SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 8 March 2018" Afternoon Shift (General Awareness)

SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 8 March 2018"

Afternoon Shift (General Awareness)

QID : 1 - In which of the following types of economy are the factors of production owned individually?


1) Capitalist
2) Socialist
3) Mixed
4) Both Capitalist and Socialist

Correct Answer: Capitalist

QID : 2 - Which committee was set up to review the concept of the poverty line?


1) S Tendulkar Committee
2) Lakdawala Committee
3) Wanchoo Committee
4) Dutt Committee

Correct Answer: S Tendulkar Committee

QID : 3 - Which of the following places presents the oldest evidence of Neolithic Era?


1) Chirnd
2) Mehrgarh
3) Burghome
4) Daimabad

Correct Answer: Mehrgarh

QID : 4 - Which mosque is considered to be the style of Bengal style in Agra?


1) Nagina Masjid
2) Moti Masjid
3) Jama Masjid
4) Badshahi Masjid

Correct Answer: No Correct Answer ( Benefit to all )

QID : 5 - According to the distance of planets from the Sun, which of the following order is correct?


1) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
2) Mercury, Earth, Mars, Venus
3) Mercury, Mars, Earth, Venus
4) Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth

Correct Answer: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

QID : 6 - How many states of India have sea-shore?


1) 7
2) 8
3) 9
4) 10

Correct Answer: 9

QID : 7 - Amir Khusrow was the disciple of whom?


1) Mirza Ghiyas Beg
2) Nizamuddin Auliya
3) Asadulla Beg
4) Sheikh Salim Chisti

Correct Answer: Nizamuddin Auliya

QID : 8 - Which year has been set as goal for completing the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project operated with the help of Japan?


1) 2022
2) 2023
3) 2024
4) 2025

Correct Answer: 2022

QID : 9 - Krishna Sobti is the recipient of the 53rd Jnanpith Award. Which of the following books has not been written by her?


1) Daar Se Bichhudi
2) Mitro Marjani
3) Zindaginama
4) Vishw Mithok Sarit Sagar

Correct Answer: Vishw Mithok Sarit Sagar

QID : 10 - Which of the following countries border does not touch China?


1) Cambodia
2) Laos
3) Vietnam
4) Myanmar

Correct Answer: Cambodia

QID : 11 - Rayon is obtained from which among the following?


1) Silk
2) Wood pulp
3) Wool
4) Cotton

Correct Answer: Wood pulp

QID : 12 - Which of the following can be beaten and converted into thin sheets?


1) Zinc
2) Phosphorus
3) Sulphur
4) Oxygen

Correct Answer: Zinc

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