(Paper) SSC Stenographers Grade C & D 2014 Exam Paper - 2015 "Reasoning" (held on: 31-01-2016)
(Paper) SSC Stenographers Grade C & D 2014 Exam Paper - 2015 "Reasoning" (held on: 31-01-2016)
1. Optimist : Cheerful : : Pessimist : — ?—
(a) Petty
(b) Helpful
(c) Gloomy
(d) Mean
2. GHJM : QRTW : : CDFL : —?—
(a) XYZE
(b) GHIJ
(c) NOPR
(d) MNPS
3. CIQY : DJRZ : : AGOW : —?—
(a) BHPU
(b) BJRZ
(c) BJPX
(d) BHPX
4. CAFD : IGLJ : OMRP : —?—
(a) UTSR
(b) PONM
(c) ZYXW
(d) USXV
5. 8 : 64 :: 27 : —?—
(a) 212
(b) 125
(c) 64
(d) 81
6. 4 : 20 :: 6 : —?—
(a) 8
(b) 42
(c) 36
(d) 12
7. 27 : 9 :: 64 : —?—
(a) 16
(b) 20
(c) 8
(d) 12
8. Yard : Inch : : Quart : —?—
(a) Milk
(b) Liquid
(c) Gallon
(d) Ounce
9. Pesticide : Crop : : Antiseptic : —?—
(a) Bandage
(b) Bleeding
(c) Wound
(d) Clothing
Directions: In the following Seven questions, find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
(a) Beak
(b) Rudder
(c) Wing
(d) Fin
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Printed Study Kit for SSC Stenographers (Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’) Examination (Paper -1)
एसएससी स्टेनोग्राफर ग्रेड - सी & डी पेपर - 1 परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री (Paper - 1)
(a) LCUF
(b) HJMX
(c) AKWE
(d) PNTO
(a) 99, 99
(b) 36, 33
(c) 28, 82
(d) 24, 44
(a) RQOP
(b) IJSO
(c) CBUV
(d) YXTU
(a) 79, 63
(b) 167, 150
(c) 84, 67
(d) 112, 95
(a) Tend
(b) Inn
(c) Mansion
(d) Lodge
(a) Square
(b) Triangle
(c) Sphere
(d) Circle
17. In the following question, number of letters skipped in between adjacent letters of the series starting from behind increased by one. Which of the following observes the rule?
18. Arrange the following words according to the dictionary order:
a. extol
b. extinct
c. extra
d. extort
(a) d, c, a, b
(b) a, d, b, c
(c) a, d, c, d
(d) b, a, d, c
19. Which number is wrong in the given series?
225, 169, 144, 100, 64, 48
(a) 64
(b) 48
(c) 225
(d) 144
20. Which will appear fourth in the dictionary?
(a) deterioration
(b) determination
(c) degrade
(d) density
Directions: In the following Two questions, which one set of the letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letters series shall complete it?
21. bb_aab_caab_ca_
(a) cbba
(b) acab
(c) abbc
(d) bcab
22. _cdb_ddb_db_c_d
(a) bbcbb
(b) ccbcc
(c) bbbcc
(d) cccbc
23. If the following words are arranged in a dictionary order, which will be 3rd word?
Amphibian, Amorphous, Ambiguous, Ambidextrous, Ambivalent
(a) Ambiguous
(b) Ambivalent
(c) Amphibian
(d) Amorphous
Directions: In the following Four questions, a series is given with one (or more) term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
24. 720, 180, 176, 4, 40, 10, —?—, —?—
(a) 6, 4
(b) 8, 6
(c) 6, 2
(d) 4, 2
25. 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, —?—
(a) 150
(b) 160
(c) 120
(d) 140
26. C4X, F9U, I16R, —?—
(a) L27P
(b) K25P
(c) L25P
(d) L25U
27. 15, 21, 57, —?—, 221
(a) 121
(b) 126
(c) 96
(d) 108
28. From the give alternative words, select the word which can be formed using the letters of the given word.
(a) Summit
(b) Assure
(d) Mantle
29. A’s mother is sister of B and has a daughter C. How can A be related to B from among the following?
(a) Daughter
(b) Father
(c) Niece
(d) Uncle
30. X is elder than Z, Y is younger than Z, Z is elder than W, W is younger than X, who is the eldest?
(a) W
(b) Z
(c) X
(d) Y
31. If Blue means Pink, Pink means Green, Green means Yellow, Yellow means Red and Red means White, then what is the colour of turmeric.
(a) Pink
(b) Yellow
(c) Red
(d) Green
32. Unscramble the following letters to frame a meaningful word, then find out the correct numerical position of the letters:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(a) 735124389
(b) 756432189
(c) 639185251
(d) 637914825
33. If DANGER is coded as 11 – 8 – 21 – 14 – 12 – 25, then how will be coded the word MACHINE?
(a) 10 – 21 – 15 – 14 – 26 – 17 – 18
(b) 20 – 8 – 10 – 16 – 17 – 22 – 13
(c) 20 – 10 – 8 – 12 – 15 – 16 – 7
(d) 20 – 8 – 10 – 15 – 16 – 21 – 12
Direction: In Four questions, select the missing number from the given responses.
(a) 11
(b) 12
(c) 22
(d) 33
2 7 14
3 4 5
75 162 ?
(a) 165
(b) 425
(c) 185
(d) 285
(a) 15
(b) 20
(c) 11
(d) 10
(a) 20
(b) 15
(c) 40
(d) 10
If ‘–’ denotes ‘+’
‘+’ denotes ‘×’
‘÷’ denotes ‘–’
‘×’ denotes ‘÷’
Then 27 × 2 ÷ 6 + 9 – 8 = ?
(a) 35
(b) 3.5
(c) 15
(d) 14.5
39. What will be the correct mathematical signs that can be instead in the following?
4 _ 6 _ 2 _ 4 _ 8 = 16
(a) + ÷ – ×
(b) × ÷ – +
(c) – × + ÷
(d) ÷ + × –
40. Babua Chandan started from his house and went 2 km east, then he turned right and went 3 km, again turned right and went 3 km, again he turned right and covered 1 km and finally after turning right and going 1 km he reached point ‘K’. In which direction was Babua Chandan walking when reached?
(a) South
(b) North
(c) West
(d) East
41. 4 friends ABCD are sitting in a coffee shop. A and B are sitting face to face. D is not sitting next to A but can see the facial expression of A clearly. B is talking to C who is sitting opposite to him. Who are sitting together?
(a) D and C
(b) A and B
(c) A and C
(d) A and D
42. Three statements are given followed b three conclusions I, II and III. You have to consider the three statements to be true given if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statement.
1.Mary said, “Ann and I both have cats.”
2. Ann said, “I don’t have a cat.”
3.Mary always tells the truth, but Ann sometimes lies.
I. Ann has a cat.
II.Mary has ca cat
III. Ann is lying
(a) I, II and III
(b) I only
(c) II only
(d) I and II only
43. What do you infer from the following set of statements?
I have observed many plant roots.
All these plant roots were found to grow downward.
(a) A plant roots grows downward.
(b) Most of the plant roots grow downward.
(c) I am botanist.
(d) Some plant roots grow downward.
45. If the number indicates the number of persons, then how many youth graduates are there?
(a) 20
(b) 30
(c) 40
(d) 50
46. Choose the correct figure to complete the matrix:
47. From the given answer figures: select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.
48. A piece of paper is folded and punched as shown below in the question figure. From the given answer figures, indicates how it will appear when opened.
49. If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure?
50. A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 3 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 4 to 7. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., ‘D’ can be represented by 01 and ‘R’ can be represented by 44. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word ‘TALE’.
(a) 64, 00, 31, 32
(b) 46, 13, 00, 23
(c) 00, 31, 64, 32
(d) 30, 76, 23, 32