(Guidance Programme) Combined Graduate Level Examination: TIER - I


SSC : Combined Graduate Level Examination


The tier I is first stage of the journey you need to crack it first to go to next stage. The tier I is quite tougher than tier II as number of candidate is large if we access the no. of candidates appeared in the year 2011 we will find that out of 6,09,572 (Against 9,32,358 candidates registered) candidates actually appeared in this examination only some 90419 selected for tier II. Though we cannot deny that half of them were non serious candidate. So, your real fight with as many as three lakh candidate. This tier has four sections in all, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Numerical Aptitude and English Comprehension. Questions will be of Objective Multiple Type Choice. The questions will be set both in Hindi and English in respect of Parts A, B and C. Each section has 50 marks each making total Marks 200.