SSC: Stenographers Grade 'C' and 'D' Examination : About The Examination

Stenographers Grade 'C' and 'D' Examination

About The Examination

The examination will consist of a written examination and skill test in stenography.

The written examination will consist of one objective type paper as shown below :

Part Subject  Maximum Marks
1 General Intelligence & Reasoning ( 50 questions ) 50
2 General Awareness ( 50 questions ) 50
3 English Language and Comprehension ( 100 questions ) 100

Note: The Paper will consist of Objective Type- Multiple choice questions only. The questions except in Part III will be set both in English & Hindi.

Note: Candidates are not permitted to use Mobile Phone, Calculators or any other electronic / electrical device for answering any paper (Test Booklets). Candidates must not, therefore, bring Mobile Phone, Calculators or any other electronic / electrical device inside the Examination premises. Possession of these items , whether in use or not, will be considered as ―use of unfair means‖ in the Examination and appropriate action will be taken by the Commission against such candidates, as per extant policy of the Commission. CANDIDATES SHOULD NOT KEEP MOBILE PHONES ETC. WITH THEM EVEN AFTER SWITCHING IT OFF.

Note: There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions


The candidates will have to appear for the stenography test. The candidates will be given one dictation for 10 minutes in English / Hindi at the speed of 100 w.p.m. for the post of Stenographer Grade ‗C‘ and 80 w.p.m. for the post of Stenographer Grade ‗D‘. The matter will have to be transcribed on computer only. The transcription time is as follows:-

For Stenographer Grade ‗D‘ :

  • 50 minutes ( English )
  • 65 minutes ( Hindi )

For Stenographer Grade ‗C‘:

  • 40 minutes ( English )
  • 55 Minutes ( Hindi )


  • If the candidates do not indicate the medium of stenography test in Column No.14 of the Application Form, the Commission will consider ENGLISH as the medium of STENOGRAPHY TEST for such candidates and the candidates will not be allowed to change the medium at a subsequent stage.
  • There is no exemption from skill test for any category of candidates.
  • Candidates who opt to take the Stenography Test in Hindi will be required to learn English Stenography and vice versa after their appointment.
  • VH candidates will be required to transcribe the matter in 75 minutes for English Shorthand or in 100 minutes for Hindi Shorthand for the post of Stenographer Grade ‗D‘ and in 70 minutes for English Shorthand test and in 95 minutes for Hindi Shorthand test for the post of Stenographer Grade ‗C‘.
  • The SKILL TEST will be held at the Commission‘s Regional/Sub Regional Offices or at other Centres as may be decided by the Commission.
  • Detailed instructions regarding Skill Test will be sent by the concerned Regional/Sub Regional Offices of the Commission to the candidates called for the Skill Test.
