SSC CHSL 2024 Tier-1 EXAM PAPER : Held on 02 JULY,2024 Shift-1

SSC CHSL 2024 Tier-1 EXAM PAPER : Held on 02 JULY,2024 Shift-1

Q.1 The given sentence is divided into four segments. Select the option that has the segment with a grammatical error.
He organises / a children’s fair every year / and his friends comes / to attend it.
1. to attend it.
2. and his friends comes
3. He organises
4. a children’s fair every year

Q.2 The following sentence has been divided into four segments. Identify the segment that contains an error.
They have decided / to wind out / their business / without delay.
1. They have decided
2. to wind out
3. their business
4. without delay.

Q.3 Select the option that corrects the following sentence.
All the workers have called of the strike.
1. All the workers have called between the strike.
2. All the workers have called off the strike.
3. All the workers have called through the strike.
4. All the workers have called at the strike.

Q.4 The underlined phrase in the given sentence has been used incorrectly. Select the option that can correctly replace the underlined segment.
Samita asked out a favour of going early today.
1. asked for
2. asked over
3. asked around
4. asked after