SSC CHSL 2021 Tier-1 EXAM PAPER : Held on 10 JUNE,2022 Shift-3

SSC CHSL 2021 Tier-1 EXAM PAPER : Held on 10 JUNE,2022 Shift-3

Q.1 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
1. Interpretation
2. Tremendous
3. Persistent
4. Pronounciation

Q.2 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. To think that a computer would one day replace a book is indeed unthinkable and far fetched.
B.The thoughts and ideas contained in a book are immortal like Tulsidas’s Ram Charitra Manas, Ved Vyas’ Mahabharata, The Bible and many other religious and literary works like Shakespeare’s plays etc.
C.On the other hand a computer is but a machine, that at best can visually display the contents of a specific book.
D.A good book in the words of John Milton “is the precious lifeblood of a master spirit,embalmed and treasured up to a purpose to a life beyond life.”

Q.3 The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that contains an INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Shanu’s inquisitive mind could not / accept the seemingly ingenous reply / of the man and he resolved to solve the mystery / to mitigate the pain of the old couple.
1. of the man and he resolved to solve the mystery
2. accept the seemingly ingenous reply
3. Shanu’s inquisitive mind could not
4. to mitigate the pain of the old couple

Q.4 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
1. Committee
2. Develop
3. Referance
4. Beginning