Model Questions for Scientific Assistant (IMD) Exam (Paper-2) PHYSICS - Set 29

Model Questions for Scientific Assistant (IMD) Exam (Paper-2) PHYSICS - Set 29

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1. No light can pass through this material. The light is absorbed or reflected rather than transmitted.

a. Electromagnetic wave
b. Electromagnetic spectrum
c. Transparent
d. Opaque

2. An oscillating electric charge emits a wave with oscillating electric and magnetic fields.

a. Electromagnetic wave
b. Electromagnetic spectrum
c. Transparent
d. Opaque

3. A darker region that appears when an object blocks the path of rays of light.

a. Electromagnetic wave
b. Electromagnetic spectrum
c. Transparent
d. Shadow

4. The shadow of the earth falls on the moon, so the moon is obscured.

a. Shadow
b. Umbra
c. Penumbra
d. Lunar eclipse

5. The moon’s shadow falls on the earth, so the sun is only partially visible.

a. Shadow
b. Umbra
c. Penumbra
d. Solar eclipse

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6. All of the light is blocked from this region, resulting in the darkest part of a shadow.

a. Umbra
b. Penumbra
c. Solar eclipse
d. Lunar eclipse

7. Only part of the light is blocked from this region, resulting in a lighter region within a shadow.

a. Shadow
b. Umbra
c. Penumbra
d. Lunar eclipse

8. Blue light has ___ wavelength compared to Red light.

a. the same
b. longer
c. zero
d. shorter

9. Earth’s atmosphere lets in most----

a. infrared light
b. ultraviolet light
c. visible light
d. of any kind of radiation

10. Which of these waves have the longest wavelength?

a. blue light
b. X-rays
c. yellow light
d. radio waves


1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (d)

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