Model Questions for Scientific Assistant (IMD) Exam (Paper-2) PHYSICS - Set 13

Model Questions for Scientific Assistant (IMD) Exam (Paper-2) PHYSICS - Set 13

Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.

1. A region where mass is so highly concentrated that even light can not escape the gravitational field of the concentrated mass.

a. Law of universal gravitation
b. Gravitational field
c. Black hole
d. Big bang

2. If the mass of the sun and the earth are both tripled, and the distance between them is also tripled, the force between them will be----

a. doubled
b. the same
c. nine times
d. one ninth

3. You don’t see tides in your swimming pool. This is because-----

a. the pool is too shallow for tides
b. the pool is too deep for tides
c. the tides happen at night when you are asleep
d. all parts of the pool are at about the same distance to the moon

4. The distance between the earth and the moon is reduced to one third. The gravitational force between them becomes-----

a. 3 times bigger
b. 3 times smaller
c. 9 times bigger
d. 9 times smaller

5. What keeps the earth from falling into the sun?

a. strings hold the earth up
b. gravity holds the earth up
c. the earth’s tangential speed
d. smoke and mirrors

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6. What is a black hole ?

a. space with no stars
b. space with no light
c. space with no mass
d. a space with mass so highly concentrated that even light cant escape the resulting gravity

7. An oval path that a satellite follows as it orbits the earth.

a. Projectile
b. Parabola
c. Satellite
d. Ellipse

8. A projectile must reach this speed to escape the gravitational pull of the earth.

a. Parabola
b. Satellite
c. Ellipse
d. Escape speed

9. A small body that orbits a larger celestial body; e.g., the moon orbiting the earth.

a. Projectile
b. Parabola
c. Satellite
d. Ellipse

10. An object that is moving under the influence of gravity.

a. Projectile
b. Parabola
c. Satellite
d. Ellipse


1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (a)

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