(Sample Material) SSC CGL (Tier -2) Study Kit "English Language and Comprehension - Idioms and Phrases"

Sample Materials of SSC CGL (Tier -2) Study Kit

Subject: English Language and Comprehension

Topic: Idioms and Phrases

Directions: Choose the correct meaning of the foreign words and phrases out of the four responses a, b, c and d.

1. Beau Jour

(a) good times
(b) bad times
(c) A.and B.
(d) None of these

2. ‘Cafe’ word is originated from

(a) Japan
(b) India
(c) French
(d) Russia

3. French word ‘creme’ means

(a) cream
(b) creem
(c) crme
(d) creemee

4. ‘cara sposa’ means

(a) husband
(b) Dear wife
(c) Daughter
(d) son

5. ‘Basta’ word is originated from

(a) Italian
(b) French
(c) Russia
(d) Japan

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