BSNL JAO Exam 2017 : Papers with Answer Keys (05 NOV 2017)

BSNL JAO Exam 2017 : Papers with Answer Keys (05 NOV 2017)

Q 101

1. Meaning of "Chicken feed"

    (A) A very small money
    (B) A huge money
    (C) Food for thought
    (D) None of these

Ans- (a)

2. Meaning of "Cost an Arm and a Leg"

(A) Very expensive
(B) War hero
(C) Scene in battle field
(D) Very Cheap

Ans- (a)

3. Meaning of "Fly by night"

(A) Swindler
(B) Night journey
(C) A bird busy in night
(D) Cat’s eye

Ans- (a)

4. Synonym of Exhort

(A) To urge strongly
(B) Weak plea
(C) Beg
(D) Borrow

Ans- (a)

5.Antonym of Blunt

(A) Sharp
(B) Easy
(C) Lazy
(D) Speedy

Ans- (a)

6. Antonym of Brave

(A) Cowardly
(B) Achieve
(C) Gain
(D) Giv

Ans- (a)

7. Synonym of Abjure

(A) To take back
(B) To give
(C) Happy
(D) Sorry

Ans- (a)

8. Synonym of Abrogate

(A) Abolish
(B) Create
(C) Run
(D) Fascinate

Ans- (a)

9. Unfortunately, he ______ a lot of money to the bank

(A) Owed
(B) borrowed
(C) deposited
(D) lent

Ans- (a)

10. I ______ the apartment all day yesterday

(A) cleaned up
(B) clear
(C) washed out
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

11. Choose the word spelt correctly

(A) Masculine
(B) Macsculine
(C) Maxculine
(D) Massculine

Ans- (a)

12. Choose the word spelt correctly

(A) Beginning
(B) Begining
(C) Beignning
(D) Begininng

Ans- (a)

13. Choose the word spelt correctly

(A) Ambulance
(B) Ambulence
(C) Ambulancs
(D) Ambalence

Ans- (a)

14. Choose the word spelt correctly

(A) Criticise
(B) Criticice
(C) Criticael
(D) Criticese

Ans- (a)

15. Choose the word spelt correctly

(A) Substantial
(B) Substandial
(C) Substential
(D) Substendial

Ans- (a)
16. Synonym of Botch

(A) Clumsy effort
(B) Positive effort
(C) Blessing
(D) Mild

Ans- (a)

17.  Synonym of Brusque

(A) Curt
(B) Polite
(C) Speed
(D) Enjoy

Ans- (a)

18.Synonym of Chagrin

(A) Vexation
(B) Delight
(C) Levy
(D) Give up

Ans- (a)

19. Synonym of Congruent

(A) Of the same shape
(B) Of different shape
(C) Salute
(D) Dispose

Ans- (a)

20. Synonym of Copious

(A) Plenty
(B) Less
(C) Good
(D) Discourage

Ans- (a)

 21. Synonym of Debilitate

(A) To weaken
(B) Neat and clean
(C) To strengthen
(D) To discourage

Ans- (a)

22. Synonym of Deluge

(A) Flood
(B) Dry
(C) Less
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

23. Synonym of Fetter

(A) Shackle
(B) Free
(C) Strength
(D) Fat

Ans- (a)

24. Synonym of Gist

(A) Essence
(B) Elaborate
(C) Good
(D) Bad

Ans- (a)

25. Synonym of Innate

(A) Existing since birth
(B) To smell something
(C) To run
(D) To borrow

Ans- (a)
26. Synonym of Limpid

(A) Clear
(B) Cloudy
(C) Enjoy
(D) Sorrow

Ans- (a)

 27. Synonym of Maul

(A) Rough
(B) Smooth handling
(C) Not handling
(D) A shop

Ans- (a)

28.Synonym of Vie

(A) Compete
(B) Withdraw
(C) Lazy
(D) Enjoy

Ans- (a)

 29.Antonym of Wince

(A) Advance
(B) Blench
(C) Cringe
(D) Quail

Ans- (a)

30. Antonym of Vigorous

(A) Dull
(B) Substitute
(C) Alternative
(D) Speed

Ans- (a)

31. Antonym of Segregate

(A) Integrate
(B) Different
(C) Split
(D) Separate

Ans- (a)

32. Antonym of Triumph

(A) Defeat
(B) Win
(C) Victory
(D) Gain

Ans- (a)

33. Antonym of Wax
(A) Wane
(B) Win
(C) Victory
(D) Gain

Ans- (a)

 34. Antonym of Attic

(A) Cellar
(B) Cockloft
(C) Garret
(D) Loft

Ans- (a)

35. Antonym of Swerve

(A) Straight
(B) Deviate
(C) Sharply
(D) Move

Ans- (a)

36. Antonym of Suavity

(A) Rude
(B) Urbanity
(C) Polish
(D) Soft

Ans- (a)

37.Antonym of Slur

(A) Praise
(B) Hit
(C) Rap
(D) Blur

Ans- (a)

 38. Antonym of Pungent

(A) Sweet
(B) Salty
(C) Sour
(D) Bitter

Ans- (a)

39.Antonym of Progeny

(A) Parent
(B) Kids
(C) Offspring
(D) Lineage

Ans- (a)

40. Antonym of Cavil

(A) Appreciate
(B) Carp
(C) Criticize
(D) Finding fault

Ans- (a)

41. Antonym of Array

(A) One
(B) Marshall
(C) Pattern
(D) Design

Ans- (a)

42. Antonym of Annex

(A) Base
(B) Attach
(C) Affix
(D) Add

Ans- (a)

43. Antonym of Throwback

(A) Gift
(B) Birthright
(C) Estate
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

 44. I was delighted ______her answer

(A) at
(B) on
(C) for
(D) in

Ans- (a)

45. I have no doubt______it

(A) about
(B) at
(C) on
(D) upon

Ans- (a)

46. I assure you______your safety

(A) of
(B) off
(C) from
(D) with

Ans- (a)

47. He competed ________ me for the prize

(A) with
(B) off
(C) to
(D) of

Ans- (a)

48. He is_______difficulties

(A) in
(B) on
(C) from
(D) with

Ans- (a)

49. He is true_________his words

(A) to
(B) with
(C) on
(D) for

Ans- (a)

50. The fan is_________my head

(A) above
(B) on
(C) to
(D) with

Ans- (a)

51. You can see the house _________ the trees

(A) among
(B) to
(C) on
(D) with

Ans- (a)

52. Do you want to speak_________me?

(A) to
(B) with
(C) above
(D) over

Ans- (a)

53. I have not________from him so far

(A) heard
(B) hear
(C) seen
(D) listen

Ans- (a)

54. We_______ there three days ago.

(A) went
(B) go
(C) will go
(D) gone

Ans- (a)

 55.  _________he really a thief ?

(A) is or was
(B) are
(C) were
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

56. They_________ very happy seeing you here

(A) will be
(B) shall
(C) will
(D) were be

Ans- (a)

57. We_________there if you_______us the address at the right time

(A) would have reached; had told
(B) would have reached; tell
(C) should reach; had told
(D) have reached; will tell

Ans- (a)

58. Older Woman=

(A) Matron
(B) patron
(C) Synonyms
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

59. Choose the correct sentence

(A) The police are coming
(B) The police is coming
(C) The police coming
(D) The policeis come

Ans- (a)
60.  Choose the correct sentence

(A) The house is not big enough
(B) The house is not enough big
(C) The house are not big enough
(D) The house are not enough big

Ans- (a)

 61. Choose the correct sentence

(A) There are seven girls in the class.
(B) There is seven girls in the class.
(C) There are seven girl in the class.
(D) There is seven girl in the class.

Ans- (a)

62. I _______a letter to the Principal yesterday

(A) mailed
(B) write
(C) forward
(D) have signed

Ans- (a)

63. Antonym of affectation

(A) Simplicity
(B) Artificial
(C) Behavior
(D) Pretence

Ans- (a)

64. meaning of "Soft-soap"

(A) Gentle urging
(B) Adamant
(C) Suffuse
(D) Inspire

Ans- (a)

65. Antonym of mayhem

(A) Peace
(B) Havoc
(C) Chaos
(D) Continuous

Ans- (a)

66.  Antonym of regression (A)

(A) Progress
(B) Reversion
(C) Backward
(D) Static

Ans- (a)

67. Antonym of tempestuous

(A) Sedate
(B) Stormy
(C) Violent
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

68. Antonym of unhinge

(A) Sane
(B) Mentally Unstable
(C) Unsettled
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

69. Antonym of titillate

(A) Repulse
(B) Stimulate
(C) Excite
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

70. Antonym of transfix

(A) Animate
(B) Petrify
(C) Paralyse
(D) Motionless

Ans- (a)

71.  Antonym of succinct

(A) Circumlocutory
(B) Clear
(C) Concise
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

72. We _________ at the party

(A) enjoyed ourselves
(B) enjoyed ourself
(C) played with
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

73. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Obnoxious
(B) Obnaxious
(C) Obnaxious
(D) Obnaxeous

Ans- (a)

74. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Ridiculous
(B) Rediculos
(C) Redeculos
(D) Redicilos

Ans- (a)

 75. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Unification
(B) Unefication
(C) Unefecation
(D) Uneficetion

Ans- (a)

76. Choose the correctly spelt word
(A) Atmosphere
(B) Atmasphere
(C) Atmosphare
(D) Atmesphere

Ans- (a)

77.  Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Opposite
(B) Oposite
(C) Oppositt
(D) Oppusite

Ans- (a)

78. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Circumference
(B) Circumferrence
(C) Circumferance
(D) Circumfurence

Ans- (a)

79. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Waitress
(B) Waitres
(C) Waittress
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

 80. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Expectation
(B) Expactation
(C) Expectition
(D) Expection

Ans- (a)

81. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Animation
(B) Anemation
(C) Animetion
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

82.  Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Moneylender
(B) Moneylander
(C) Monilender
(D) Monieslander

Ans- (a)

83. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Anxious
(B) Anxeous
(C) Anxioes
(D) Anixoas

Ans- (a)

84. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Bonfire
(B) Bonefide
(C) Bornfire
(D) Benfire

Ans- (a)

85. Choose the correctly spelt word
(A) Delivery
(B) Delivary
(C) Delvery
(D) Deliverry

Ans- (a)
86. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Challenge
(B) Challange
(C) Chalenge
(D) Chellenge

Ans- (a)

87. Choose the correctly spelt word
(A) Borrowing
(B) Borrawing
(C) Borowing
(D) Borrowinng

Ans- (a)

88. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Composure
(B) Composare
(C) Composhare
(D) Commposure

Ans- (a)

89. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Permanent
(B) Permenant
(C) Permanant
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

90. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Recommendation
(B) Recommandation
(C) Recommendetion
(D) Recomendation

Ans- (a)

91. Synonym of Ape

(A) Imitate
(B) Yearly
(C) Comments
(D) Fellow

Ans- (a)

92. Synonym of Profane

(A) Irreligious
(B) Poor
(C) Rich
(D) Religious

Ans- (a)

 93.  Out of norm

(A) Eccentric
(B) Bibliophile
(C) Sematic
(D) Asocial

Ans- (a)

94. Choose the correct sentence

(A) The person who works here is from USA
(B) The person that works here is from USA
(C) The person which works here is from USA
(D) The person whose works here is from USA

Ans- (a)

95.  Choose the correct sentence

(A) You must call him immediately
(B) You must to call him immediately
(C) You to call him immediately
(D) You must called him immediately

Ans- (a)

96. Choose the correct sentence

(A) When I arrive, I will call you.
(B) When I will arrive, I will call you.
(C) When I arrived, I will call you.
(D) When I arrive, I called you.

Ans- (a)

97. Study of disease

(A) Pathology
(B) Apathy
(C) Incongruous
(D) Telepathic

Ans- (a)

98. Pertaining to the science of linguistics

(A) Philological
(B) Bibliophile
(C) Sematic
(D) Epitome

Ans- (a)

99. Antonym of Abject

(A) Noble
(B) Pitiful
(C) Despicable
(D) None of above

Ans- (a)

100. Antonym of Accentuate

(A) De-Emphasise
(B) Stress
(C) Highlight
(D) Underline

Ans- (a)

101.  The reports of the Comptroller and Auditor-General, in relation to audit of accounts of a Government company or a corporation referred to in section 19, shall be submitted to the __________

(A) Government or Governments concerned.
(B) Public
(C) Parliament
(D) CMD of the respective Company

Ans- (a)

102.  What is VPN?

(A) Virtual Private Network
(B) Virtual Personal Network
(C) Virtual Protected Network
(D) Valued Premium Network

Ans- (a)

103.  The Airline that has added ATRs in its fleet recently is

(A) Indigo
(B) Air India
(C) Jet Airways
(D) SpiceJet

Ans- (a)

104.  One Commodity Exchange that launched Options on Gold Futures is


Ans- (a)

105.  What number should be added to each term of ratio 2: 5 to make it 3 : 4 ?

(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 8

Ans- (c)

106. Vice President of India is elected by

(A) Elected Members of LokSabha and RajyaSabha
(B) Members of LokSabha and State Assemblies
(C) Members of LokaSabha, RajyaSabha and State Assemblies
(D) Members of State Assemblies

Ans- (a)

107. Secretary General of UN is

(A) Antonio Guterres
(B) David Morgan
(C) Ban-ki-Moon
(D) Joseph Blatter

Ans- (a)

108. What is the tenure of Secretary General of UN

(A) 5 years ( renewable- traditionally limited to 2 years)
(B) 5 years ( renewable- traditionally limited to 5 years)
(C) 3 years ( renewable- traditionally limited to 2 years)
(D) 3 years

Ans- (a)

109.  Two Insurance companies proposing merger are: (A)

(A) Max Life and HDFC Life
(B) Max Life and Bajaj Alliance
(C) HDFC and Bajaj Alliance
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

110. MariyappanThangavelu became India's _________ever gold medalist at the Paralympic Games:

(A) Third
(B) First
(C) Second
(D) Fourth

Ans- (a)

111. Gulf Countries recently cut off ties with ________, another Gulf Country

(A) Qatar
(B) Bahrain
(C) Saudi Arabia
(D) Egypt

Ans- (a)

112.  ICIS=

(A) India Code Information System
(B) India Code Information Scheme
(C) Indian Computer Information System
(D) India Computer Information System

Ans- (a)

101 113 MANAK=

(A) Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge
(B) Measures for Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge
(C) Manpower Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

114.  SAMPADA=

(A) Related to Agro-Marine produce Processing
(B) Marginal farmers' Scheme
(C) Small Savings Scheme
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

115. Kidambi Srikanth won Denmark Open by defeating ____
 (A) Lee Hyun II
 (B) Lee Hyun I
 (C) Lee Ping
 (D) Lee Zen

Ans- (a)
116.  The Airport that is closed every year on a particular date and time for allowing the procession of Deity is
(A) Trivandrum
(B) Mumbai
(C) Kochi
(D) Madurai

Ans- (a)

117. The author of Book "The Coalition Years 1996-2012"

(A) Pranab Mukherjee
(B) RajdeepSardesai
(C) Navy Kapadia
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

118.  The author of book "Democracy's XI-The Great Indian Cricket Story"

(A) Rajdeep Sardesai
(B) Sachin Tendulkar
(C) Navy Kapadia
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

119. TRAI=

(A) Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
(B) Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of India
(C) Telecom Regulatory Agency of India
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

120. Chief Justice of India is
(A) Justice Dipak Misra
(B) Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar
(C) Justice T. S. Thakur
(D) H. L. Dattu

Ans- (a)

121. CPIO

(A) Central Public Information Officer
(B) Chief Public Information Officer
(C) Central Public Inquiry Officer
(D) Chief Public Inquiry Officer

Ans- (a)

122. . Line A(4,3) and B(–2,1) is internally bisected at point C. Coordinates of bisector will be:

(A) 1, 2
(B) –2, 3
(C) 2, 4
(D) 4, 3

Ans- (a)

123. Distance between the points (2, –2) and (–1, 2) will be:

(A) 3 units
(B) 4 units
(C) 5 units
(D) 2 units

Ans- (c)

124.  A trader allows a discount of 10% on the marked price and still makes a profit of 17% on the cost price. What would have been the % of profit had he sold at market price?

(A) 30%
(B) 18.7%
(C) 27%
(D) 33%

Ans- (a)

125. Consider function y = 2x2 – x. It has a stationary point at:

(A) x = 1
(B) x = 1/2
(C) x = 2
(D) x = 1/4

Ans- (d)

126. Since people are sensitive about disclosure of personal information to strangers, asking them in around about and  indirect way ensures collection of the best data:

(A) always
(B) never
(C) most of the time
(D) some of the times

Ans- (c)

127. Complex tabulation is resorted to when:

(A) A number of aspects/attributes/features need to be presented together
(B) ‘protecting' Information is a priority
(C) Readers are found to be too gullible.
(D) Both, ‘protecting' Information is a priority and Readers are found to be too gullible.

Ans- (a)

128.  Histograms are useful to present: (B)

(A) ungrouped data
(B) only grouped data
(C) only raw data
(D) both grouped and ungrouped data

Ans- (b)

 129. A pie chart is suitable for pictorial presentation of data divided into:

(A) over lapping classes
(B) simple additive subgroups
(C) percentage components
D) raw data

Ans- (c)

130. Some bags of wheat weighed 90, 95, 97, 93, 95 kgs. The average was reported to be 94 kgs. Later on it was reported that actual content of the first bag was 99 kg. which was misrecorded as 90 kg. So the average weight of those bags should be:

(A) 95.8
(B) 96.5
(C) 94.5
(D) 95

Ans- (a)

131. Decision in GST Council to be taken by ________majority

(A) 75%
(B) 50%
(C) 90%
(D) 100%

Ans- (a)

132.  IBBI=

(A) Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India
(B) Insolvency and Bankruptcy Bureau of India
(C) Investment and Banking Board of India
(D) Insurance and Bankruptcy Board of India

Ans- (a)

 133. RCM =

(A) Reverse Charge Mechanism
(B) Reverse Cost Management
(C) Recycled Core Mechanism
(D) Reserve Cost Mechanism

Ans- (a)

134.  NEET=

(A) National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test
(B) National Entrance Cum Eligibility Test
(C) National Engineering Eligibility Test
(D) National Entrance and Eligibility Test

Ans- (a)

135. BSNL has customer base of ______ as on 31st October, 2016.

(A) 109.26 million
(B) 148.13 million
(C) 113.13 million
(D) 216.17 million

Ans- (a)
136. FTTH =

(A) Fibre to Home
(B) Food to Home
(C) Facility to Home
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

137.  Find the "odd-one out" from NPCC, HPL, CIL and NBCC:


Ans- (a)

 138. Mitakshara School does not exist in the States of:

(A) West Bengal and Assam
(B) Delhi and Haryana
(C) Tamil Nadu and Kerala
(D) Gujarat and Maharashtra

Ans- (a)

139. What is WMA?

(A) Ways and Means Advance
(B) World Management Association
(C) Wide Management Area
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

 140. What is ASBA?

(A) Applications Supported by Blocked Amount
(B) Applications Supported by Bank Amount
(C) Applications Sanctioned by Bank Agreement
(D) Applications Supported by Bulk Amount

Ans- (a)

141. The first tea garden in the world to secure Elephant Friendly Certificate is

(A) Bodosa Tea farms
(B) Lisa Mills Tea farms
(C) John Tea Farms
(D) None of these

Ans- (a)

142. Who is the PM of New Zealand ?

(A) Jacinda Ardern
(B) Bill English
(C) Winston Peters
(D) Mcmillan

Ans- (a)

143.  The country with highest ranking in the Ease of Doing Business Ranking-2017 is

(A) New Zealand
(C) Singapore
(D) Denmark

Ans- (a)

 144. India’s first UNESCO World Heritage City is:

(A) Ahmedabad
(B) Kolkata
(C) Delhi
(D) Chennai

Ans- (a)

145. Assange is linked with

(A) WikiLeaks
(B) WikiLinks
(C) WikiLeads
(D) WifiLeads

Ans- (a)

146. Battle of Buxar took place in the year
(A) 1764
(B) 1674
(C) 1864
(D) 1684

Ans- (a)

 147.  In how many ways can be letters of the TUESDAY be arranged? (A)

(A) 5040
(B) 4040
(C) 6040
(D) 7040

Ans- (a)

148. As production increases from 6000 to 8000, the total cost of production rises from Rs. 33,000 to Rs.40,000.Assuming linear relationship between output and costs, estimate the total cost for production of 10,000 units:

(A) Rs.47,000
(B) Rs.55,000
(C) Rs.50,000
(D) Rs.45,000

Ans- (a)

149.  Perimeter of a right angled triangle is 30 cms. Its hypotenuse is 13 cms. Find the other sides:

(A) 7, 5 cms
(B) 5, 12 cms
(C) 12, 7 cms
(D) 9, 5 cms.

Ans- (b)

150.  Diagonal of a 20 feet high solid right circular cylinder is 8 feet. Its total surface area will be _______

(A) 300 sq. feet
(B) 299.98 sq. feet
(C) 301.71 sq. feet
(D) 301 sq. feet

Ans- (c)

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