SSC CPO Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 04 July 2017" Shift-2 (General Knowledge and General Awareness)
SSC CPO Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 04 July 2017" Shift-2
(General Knowledge and General Awareness)
QID : 251 - Which one of the following is true about mixed economy?
1) Existence of both developed and underdeveloped sectors
2) Equal importance to agriculture and industry
3) Existence of both public and private sectors in national economy
4) Equal partnership of central and states in economic planning and development
Correct Answer: Existence of both public and private sectors in national economy
QID : 252 - Which among the following is the most appropriate measure of an economic growth of a country?
1) Net Domestic Product
2) Gross Domestic Product
3) Per Capita Income
4) Net National Product
Correct Answer: Per Capita Income
QID : 253 - Green revolution was introduced in which Five Year Plan of India?
1) Seventh
2) Fifth
3) Second
4) Third
Correct Answer: Third
QID : 254 - Who among the following is the ex-officio chairman of the NITI Aayog in India?
1) President
2) Prime Minister
3) Vice President
4) Finance Minister
Correct Answer: Prime Minister
QID : 255 - How many Miniratna companies are there in Category – I?
1) 55
2) 56
3) 59
4) 47
Correct Answer: 59
QID : 256 - Who is the father of 'Utilitarian School of Thought'?
1) Hegel
2) Bentham
3) James Mill
4) Locke
Correct Answer: Bentham
QID : 257 - Which of the following is not a good argument in favour of democracy?
I. Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens
II. Democracies are more prosperous than others
III. Democracies resolve conflicts in a better way
1) I and II
2) Only III
3) Only II
4) II and III
Correct Answer: Only II
QID : 258 - What is a voluntary union of sovereign and independent states called?
1) Federation
2) Unitary state
3) Confederation
4) None of these
Correct Answer: Confederation
QID : 259 - What is the minimum age required to become a member of Lok Sabha?
1) Twenty years
2) Thirty years
3) Twenty two years
4) Twenty five years
Correct Answer: Twenty five years
QID : 260 - Who among the following declares National Emergency in India?
1) President) Prime Minister
3) Central Council of Ministers
4) Supreme Court of India
Correct Answer: President
QID : 261 - Indian Constitution contains how many schedules?
1) Ten Schedules
2) Twelve Schedules
3) Fourteen Schedules
4) Eight Schedules
Correct Answer: Twelve Schedules
QID : 262 - Which of the following articles relates to 'abolition of titles'?
1) Article 51
2) Article 50
3) Article 18
4) Article 32
Correct Answer: Article 18
QID : 263 - How many members of Lok Sabha are nominated by the President?
1) Two members
2) Three members
3) Eleven members
4) Twelve members
Correct Answer: Two members
QID : 264 - Which of the following pair is INCORRECT?
1) Hiuen Tsang – China
2) Ibn Battuta – Morocco
3) Magasthenes – Greece
4) Fa-Hien – Malaysia
Correct Answer: Fa-Hien – Malaysia
QID : 265 - Who among the following started Bengal weekly newspaper ‘Samvad Kaumudi’ in year 1821?
1) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
2) Aurobindo Ghosh
3) Ramkrishna Paramhans
4) Debendranath Tagore
Correct Answer: Raja Ram Mohan Roy
QID : 266 - The Vijaynagar ruler Krishna Dev Raya's work 'Amuktamalayada' was written in which language?
1) Tamil
2) Malayalam
3) Kanada
4) Telugu
Correct Answer: Telugu
QID : 267 - Idol of dancing girl (Bronze) is found in which of the following civilzation?
1) Mesopotamian Civilization
2) Indus Valley Civilization
3) Persian Civilization
4) Egyptian Civilization
Correct Answer: Indus Valley Civilization
QID : 268 - Who is also known as 'Light of Asia'?
1) Gautam Buddha
2) Jesus Christ
3) Prophet Mohammad
4) Swami Vivekanand
Correct Answer: Gautam Buddha
QID : 269 - What are the imaginary lines touching both the poles of earth called?
1) Latitudes
2) Longitudes
3) Isobars
4) Isotherms
Correct Answer: Longitudes
QID : 270 - On which of the following date, summer solstice is observed in Northern Hemisphere?
1) 21st June
2) 5th August
3) 18th July
4) 19th December
Correct Answer: 21st June
QID : 271 - Which of the following pair is CORRECT?
1) 49th parallel – United States of America and Canada
2) 38th parallel – China and North Korea
3) Durand Line – India and Afghanistan
4) Radcliffe Line – India and Sri lanka
Correct Answer: 49th parallel – United States of America and Canada
QID : 272 - Near coastal areas, temperature on land in night time gets reduced due to _____.
1) Land breeze
2) Sea breeze
3) Both land and sea breeze
4) Sparsely populated coasts
Correct Answer: Land breeze
QID : 273 - Which of the following wind is also known as 'Snow Eater'?
1) Mistral
2) Chinook
3) Loo
4) Harmattan
Correct Answer: Chinook
QID : 274 - Turmeric is a modified _____.
1) Stem
2) Root
3) Leaves
4) Fruit
Correct Answer: Stem
QID : 275 - Which of the following cell organelle is present in both plant and animal cell?
1) Cell wall
2) Lysosomes
3) Chloroplasts
4) Mitochondria
Correct Answer: Mitochondria
QID : 276 - What is the nature of cell membrane?
1) Permeable
2) Semi-permeable
3) Non-permeable
4) Freely permeable
Correct Answer: Semi-permeable
QID : 277 - Which of the following is the longest bone in human body?
1) Forearm bone
2) Chest bone
3) Femur bone
4) Shoulder bone
Correct Answer: Femur bone
QID : 278 - What is the main function of white blood cells (WBC's)?
1) To transport oxygen
2) To fight against infection
3) Blood clotting
4) To provide red colour to blood
Correct Answer: To fight against infection
QID : 279 - Arrangement of leaves in a plant is called as ______.
1) Phyllotaxy
2) Phototaxy
3) Phytotaxy
4) Lianataxy
Correct Answer: Phyllotaxy
QID : 280 - Law of Inertia is also known as _____.
1) Newton's fist law of motion
2) Newton's second law of motion
3) Newton's third law of motion
4) None of these
Correct Answer: Newton's fist law of motion
QID : 281 - Surface water of a lake is about to freeze. What will be the temperature (in 0C) of water at the bottom of the lake?
1) 0
2) -1
3) 1
4) 4
Correct Answer: 1
QID : 282 - By the use of photovoltaic cell while converting solar energy which of the following is produced?
1) Light energy
2) Electric energy
3) Chemical energy
4) Heat energy
Correct Answer: Electric energy
QID : 283 - Hydraulic brakes used in automatic vehicles is direct virtual application of which law?
1) Pascal's law
2) Archemedes' principle
3) Newton's law
4) Boyle's law
Correct Answer: Pascal's law
QID : 284 - Which among the following is/are input devices?
I. Keyboard
II. Scanner
III. Joy-stick
1) I and II
2) II and III
3) I and III
4) All options are correct.
Correct Answer: All options are correct.
QID : 285 - Which among the following is a light sensitive device used for converting images to their digital form?
1) Printer
2) Monitor
3) Scanner
4) RAM
Correct Answer: Scanner
QID : 286 - Which of the following elements are commonly found in most fertilizers?
1) Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus
2) Sodium, Potassium, Calcium
3) Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus
4) Nitrogen, Potassium, Calcium
Correct Answer: Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus
QID : 287 - Which of the following is used as moderator in atomic reactor?
1) Sodium
2) Uranium
3) Graphite
4) Boron
Correct Answer: Graphite
QID : 288 - 'Oil of vitriol' is the common name of which of the following?
1) Nitric Acid
2) Carbonic Acid
3) Acetic Acid
4) Sulphuric Acid
Correct Answer: Sulphuric Acid
QID : 289 - Which among the following acid is also known as 'Muriatic Acid'?
1) Hydrochloric Acid
2) Sulphuric Acid
3) Carbonic Acid
4) Nitric Acid
Correct Answer: Hydrochloric Acid
QID : 290 - What is a Vermicompost?
1) Organic fertilizer
2) Inorganic fertilizer
3) Toxic Substance
4) Type of soil
Correct Answer: Organic fertilizer
QID : 291 - Plants which can survive in very less water are called as ______.
1) Halophytes
2) Xerophytes
3) Heliophytes
4) Saprophytes
Correct Answer: Xerophytes
QID : 292 - Which among the following represents plateau phase in population?
1) Birth rate and Death rate are equal
2) Birth rate and death rate are not equal
3) Birth rate is higher than death rate
4) Death rate is more than birth rate
Correct Answer: Birth rate and Death rate are equal
QID : 293 - Programme for capacity building of Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) of panchayats has been launched at _____.
1) Nagaur, Rajasthan
2) Ranchi, Jharkhand
3) Patna, Bihar
4) Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Correct Answer: Ranchi, Jharkhand
QID : 294 - Who invented computer?
1) Alexander Fleming
2) Charles Babbage
3) Bill Gates
4) Michael Faraday
Correct Answer: Charles Babbage
QID : 295 - Which of the following pair is CORRECT?
1) Snooker – Cue
2) Golf – Pole
3) Rugby – Bat
4) Squash – Net
Correct Answer: Snooker – Cue
QID : 296 -

1) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d
2) 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a
3) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c
4) 1-d, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a
Correct Answer: 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a
QID : 297 - Who among the following is not a recipient of Nobel Prize 2016 in the field of Chemistry?
1) Jean – Pierre Sauvage
2) Sir J. Fraser Stoddart
3) Bernard L. Feringa
4) John M. Kosterlitz
Correct Answer: John M. Kosterlitz
QID : 298 - 'Life on my terms: from the grassroots to the corridors of power' is an autobiography of _____.
1) P. Chidambaram
2) Jaswant Singh
3) Sharad Pawar
4) L.K. Advani
Correct Answer: Sharad Pawar
QID : 299 - The 'One belt, One road' summit was held in which of the following cities?
1) Shanghai
2) Beijing
3) Guangzhou
4) Hangzhou
Correct Answer: Beijing
QID : 300 - Maitree Express' is an international train between India and ______.
1) Pakistan
2) Bhutan
3) Bangladesh
4) Nepal
Correct Answer: Bangladesh