SSC MTS 2020 EXAM PAPER : Held on 13 October-2021 Shift-3 ::GENERAL AWARENESS::
SSC MTS 2020 EXAM PAPER : Held on 13 October-2021 Shift-3
Q.1 वर्साय की संधि किस वर्ष में हस्ताक्षरित हुई थी?
1. 1921
2. 1919
3. 1933
4. 1940
Correct Answer is: 2
Q.2 What does UNDP stand for in the context of Economics?
1. United Nations Disinflation Programme
2. United Nations Development Programme
3. United Nations Defaulting Programme
4. United Nations Deregulation Programme
Correct Answer is: 1
Q.3 Who was the author of the three-act play, 'Post Office'?
1. Vishnu Sharma
2. Karan Singh
3. MK Gandhi
4. Rabindranath Tagore
Correct Answer is: 2
Q.4 The Central Board of Directors of the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) is appointed/nominated for a period of _____ years.
1. five
2. six
3. three
4. four
Correct Answer is: 2
Q.5 By which British statute were Indian representatives, for the first time, allocated seats for election in Indian Legislative Councils?
1. Government of India Act, 1833
2. Indian Councils Act, 1892
3. Government of India Act, 1915
4. Indian Councils Act, 1861
Correct Answer is: 1
Q.6 Poonam Yadav won the 2019 Arjuna Award for which sport?
1. Badminton
2. Cricket
3. Shooting
4. Wrestling
Correct Answer is: 2
Q.7 'धनगरी गजा' एक नृत्य शैली है जो मुख्य रूप से से संबंधित है।
1. उत्तर प्रदेश
2. झारखंड
3. महाराष्ट्र
4. छत्तीसगढ़
Correct Answer is: 4
Q.8 भलरी,के लोकप्रिय लोक-गीतों में से एक है, जिसे किसानों द्वारा अपने खेतों में काम करते समय गाया जाता है।
1. राजस्थान
2. महाराष्ट्र
3. हिमाचल प्रदेश
4. बिहार
Correct Answer is: 1
Q.9 As of August 2020, who among the following was the Chief Economic Adviser to the Finance Ministry of India?
1. Ajit Pai
2. Krishnamurthy V Subramanian
3. Ravi Anshuman
4. Anand Nandkumar
Correct Answer is: 2
Q.10 Emperor Ashoka embraced Buddhism after the:
1. Kalinga War
2. Battle of Buxar
3. Battle of Haldighati
4. Battle of Tarain
Correct Answer is: 1
Q.11 गम्भीर, धाली और जात्रा किस राज्य की प्रसिद्ध नृत्य शैली है?
1. पंजाब
2. पश्चिम बंगाल
3. तमिलनाडु
4. उत्तर प्रदेश
Correct Answer is: 4
Q.12 What does Herpetology deal with?
1. Study of fish
2. Study of insects
3. Study of reptiles and amphibians
4. Study of birds
Correct Answer is: 3
Q.13 Name the only sea in the world that does NOT have a land boundary.
1. Sargasso Sea
2. Pechora Sea
3. Amundsen Sea
4. Iroise Sea
Correct Answer is: 1
Q.14 Which of the following elements can be used to treat/purify water?
1. Potassium
2. Magnesium
3. Chlorine
4. Lead
Correct Answer is: 3
Q.15 Which of the following is the largest west flowing river in Rajasthan?
1. Luni
2. Chambal
3. Banganga
4. Banas
Correct Answer is: 1
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Q.16 What does Article 61 of the Indian Constitution deal with?
1. Fundamental Duties
2. Impeachment of the President
3. Financial Emergency
4. National Emergency
Correct Answer is: 2
Q.17 Which of the following acids is released by the gastric glands present in the stomach?
1. Acetic acid
2. Nitric acid
3. Citric acid
4. Hydrochloric acid
Correct Answer is: 4
Q.18 Which country has the most time zones in the world?
1. France
2. United States of America
3. Russia
4. United Kingdom
Correct Answer is: 3
Q.19 On 22 July 2020, ______, Deputy Commissioner of Mumbai Customs, was appointed as an honorary adviser to the steering committee for BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) young leaders for the period 2020-2023.
1. Amit Ghawate
2. Sahil Seth
3. Yogesh Yadav
4. HM Patel
Correct Answer is: 4
Q.20 Who discovered the TB vaccine?
1. Edward Jenner
2. Jonas Salk and Camille Guerin
3. Leon Calmette and Camille Guerin
4. Louis Pasteur
Correct Answer is: 2
Q.21 Which Part of the Constitution of India deals with finance, property, contracts and suits?
1. Part XII
2. Part IX
3. Part X
4. Part VIII
Correct Answer is: 1
Q.22 उस देश का नाम बताये किसके पास सबसे अधिक AFC (ए.एफ.सी.) एशियाई कप खिताब है।
1. दक्षिण कोरिया
2. सऊदी अरब
3. जापान
4. ईरान
Correct Answer is: 1
Q.23 Who was the first woman Election Commissioner of Maharashtra?
1. Neela Satyanarayan
2. Rekha Sharma
3. Minati Behera
4. Sugatha Kumari
Correct Answer is: 3
Q.24 Which newspaper was founded by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa in 1903?
1. Young India
2. Indian Opinion
3. Swaraj Hind
4. Navajivan
Correct Answer is: 2
Q.25 Which of the following gases is used in electric bulbs?
1. Halogen
2. Nitrogen
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Hydrogen
Correct Answer is: 2
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