Model Questions for SSC CGL (SET-70) GENERAL ENGLISH

Model Questions for SSC CGL (SET-70) GENERAL ENGLISH

Directions: In the following questions, groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.

1. (a) mandatary
(b) circulatory
(c) temporary
(d) regulatory

2. (a) convinience
(b) initative
(c) concessional
(d) exaggerate

3. (a) diologue(b) giraffe
(c) scissors
(d) humourous

4. (a) assiduous
(b) nefarious
(c) macabre
(d) loquacious

5. (a) cortege
(b) damage
(c) milege
(d) plumege

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