Study Material for SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, Prasar Bharti, FCI Exams : Indian Polity (MCQ)
Indian Polity (MCQ )
1. The President can make a proclamation of
emergency in the state of J & K
(a) with prior consent of the parliament
(b) with the concurrence of the CJ of India
(c) with the concurrence of the state legislature
(d) with the concurrence of the state governor.
2. The Parliament can make laws with respect to J&K
(a) only in subjects in the union list
(b) only on subjects in the concurrent list
(c) only regard to subjects in the union as well as concurrent list
(d) on subjects included in all three lists.
3. The special status of the State of
Jammu and Kashmir
(a) does not prevent the Union Government from making changes in the
name and boundaries of the State
(b) does not prevent the President from exercising his right to
suspend the constitutional machinery of the State on the ground that
the State Government has failed to carry out directions of the Union
(c) does not prevent the Union Government from making any
international agreement affecting the State without taking the
consent of the State Legislature
(d) prevents the Union Government from making any alteration in the
name and boundaries of the state
4. The Lt. Governor of a Union Territory
(a) can issue an ordinance only after obtaining instruction from the
(b) can issue ordinances on the recommendation of Legislative
Assembly, if any
(c) can issue ordinances of his own discretion
(d) cannot issue any ordiance
5. For the protection and promotion of
the interests of the backward classes (scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes-seats have been reserved for them:
(a) in public services
(b) in the defence services
(c) in none of the above
(d) in public services as well as Legislatures