General Knowledge for SSC Exams (Important Battles of World History)

General Knowledge for SSC Exams (Important Battles of World History) 



Countries Involved

  • Battle of Megiddo
608 BC Necho of Egypt and Josiah of Judsh; Egyptians victorious
  • Battle of Marathon
490 BC Athenians and Persians; King Darius of Persia defeated.
  • Battle of Thermopylae
480 BC Spartans led by Leonidas and Persians by Xerxes; Spartans were defeated.
  • Battle of Salamis
480 BC Athenian and Persian fleet in the Bay of Salamis; Persian fleet defeated
  • Battle of Platae
479BC Greek and Persian forces; Persian forces defeated.
  • Battle of Mycale
479 BC Greek and Persian forces; Persian fleet defeated.
  • Spartan War I
459 BC Sparta and Athenes, also called ‘Pelponesian War’: it lasted for 30 years.
  • Spartan War II
431 – 421 BC Sparta and Athenes; Spartans victorious
  • Battle of Arabia
331 BC Greek and Persian forces; Greeks victorious.
  • Battle of Magnesia
190 BC Syrian and Roman forces; Syrian forces defeated (north-west Lydia).
  • Hundred Year War
1337 – 1453 France and England
  • War of Roses
1455 – 1485 Civil War in England between the two rival royal houses of Lancaster and York; White and red rose were their respective symbols.
  • Anglo-Spanish War
1588 Spanish and English fleets fought in the English Channel; Defeat of the Spanish fleet.
  • Thirty Year War
1618 – 1648 Started as religious-cum-political war between (Conto) the Lutherans and Catholics in Germany and developed into an international war.
  • Civil War of England
1642 – 1649 Between Cavaliers (King Charles supporters) and forces of the Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell; King Charles I executed.
  • Battle of Gibraltar Bay
1607 The Dutch defeated the Spaniards and the Portuguese.
  • Seven Year War
1756 – 1763 Britain and France against Austria and Prussia; British alliance won.
  • Battle of Nile
1798 British and French fleets; Britain victorious.
  • Battle of Trafalgar
1805 British fleet defeated fleets of France and Spain; British fleets commanded by Admiral Nelson, who was killed in the battle.
  • Battle of Austerlitz
1805 Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia on one side and France on the other, French forces victorious.
  •  Battle of Borodino
1812 France and Russia; the French forces were commanded by Napoleon who was defeated.
  • Battle of Leipzig
1813 Germany and combined forces of Austria, Prussia and Russia defeated Napolean (French forces).
  • Battle of Waterloo
1815 British forces led by Duke of Wellington defeated French forces led by Napolean Bonaparte; it was Napolean’s last battle; Napolean abdicated and was exiled to the island of St Helena in South Atlantic where he died in 1812.
  • First China War
1840 China and Britain; Chinese force yielded. It was a trade war and also known as the ‘Opium War’.
  • American Civil War
1861 -11865 Northern Vs Southern states of America for the abolition of slavery; Abraham Lincoln defeated the Southern states.
  • Russo – Japanese War
1904 – 1905 Russia and Japan in the Sea of Japan; Russia defeated; also called the ‘Battle of Port Arthur’ or ‘Battle of Yalu’.
  • Balkan War I
1912 Turkey and Balkan countries (Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece); Turkey defeated.
  • Balkan War II
1913 Invasion of Serbia and Greece by Bulgaria; Bulgaria defeated by combined forces of Serbia, Greece, Romania, Montenegro, which stripped Turkey for most of its European territories.
  • World War I
1914 – 1918 Germany (with Austria, Hungary and Turkey) against Britain (with France, US, Russia, Japan, Canada, Austria and Belgium); Germany and its allies were defeated.
  • Battle of Jutland
1916 During World War I – Naval battle between Germany and England in which Germany was defeated.
  • World War II
1939 – 45 Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) against the Allies (Britain, USSR, US, France and several countries); Axis powers were defeated.
  • Deseret War
1942 Italian Army from Libya invaded Egypt in order to attach British forces.
  • Korean War
1954 South Korea invaded by North Korea; North Korea was forced back by UN forces.
  • Isrel – Arab War
1967 Six-day war. Shortest war in history; Arab forces led by Egypt, Syria and Jordan were defeated.
  • Pakistan-Bangladesh War
1971 Mukti Bahini forces aided by India against the Pakistani forces stationed in Bangladesh (former East Pakistan); Pakistani forces surrendered and Bangladesh came into being.
  • Gulf War
1991 US led multinational forces attacked Iraq to oust Iraqi troops from Kuwait.
  • Kargil War
1999 India defeated Pakistani forces at Kargil.
  • US-Afghanistan War
2001 US led coalition forces attack Afghanistan to bring down the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in retaliation to the 11 September terrorist attach in the USA.
  • Gulf War II
2003 US led coalition forces dethroned the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
  • Israel-Lebnon
2006 Hezbullah kidnaps two Israeli soldiers and kills other three. Israel responds with massive air strikes and artillery fire on targes in Lebanon.

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