Daily GK Questions for SSC CGL,CHSL Exams - Set 1
Daily GK Questions for SSC CGL, CHSL Exams - Set 1
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Q- 1.Which one of the following is an insulator?
Q- 2. Bubbles of air rise up through liquids due to?
(a) Surface tension and adherence
(b) viscosity and buoyancy.
(c) air current over the liquid and buoyancy
(d) Up thrust and surface tension.
Q- 3. Zeolite is
(a) hydrated ferric oxide
(b) hydrated sodium aluminium silicate
(c) sodium hexameta phosphate
(d) sodium tetra borate
Q-4 The boiling point of liquids vary as
(a) pressure varies
(b) temperature varies
(c) volume varies
(d) density varies
Q- 5.Trickle down theory ignores the impact of economic growth on
(c)Income distribution
(d) Investment
Q- 6 The Comptroller and Auditor General of India does not audit the receipts and expenditure of
(a)state Government
(b)Local Bodies
(c) Central Government
(d)Private Companies
Q- 7.In which year did the Kakori conspiracy case take place?
(a) 1925
(b) 1923
(c) 1928
(d) 1927
Q-8. The Taj Mahal is called 'a dream in marble'. Which monument is called as 'a dream in stone'?
(a) The Taj Mahal
(b) The Panch Mahal
(c) The Red Fort
(d) The Lotus temple
Q- 9.Sexratio in India is measured as
(a) Number of males per thousand females
(b) Number of females per thousand males
(c) Number of males per hundred females
(d) Number of females per hundred males
Q-10. Companion cells are unique to
(a) Bryophytes
(b) Pteridophytes
(c) Angiosperms
(d) Gymnosperms