SSC CPO Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 02 July 2017" Shift-1 (General Knowledge and General Awareness)
SSC CPO Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 02 July 2017" Shift-1
(General Knowledge and General Awareness)
QID : 51 - Planned economy in India is based on which system?
1) Capitalist system
2) Traditional system
3) Command system
4) Socialist system
Correct Answer: Socialist system
QID : 52 - Planning Commission was constituted in India in which year?
1) 1947
2) 1950
3) 1949
4) 1952
Correct Answer: 1950
QID : 53 - Which one of the following pair is incorrect?
1) Fifth Five Year Plan – 1961-66
2) Eight Five Year Plan – 1992-97
3) Eleventh Five Year Plan – 2007-12
4) First Five Year Plan – 1951-56
Correct Answer: Fifth Five Year Plan – 1961-66
QID : 54 - How many Miniratna companies are there in Category – II?
1) 17
2) 15
3) 13
4) 16
Correct Answer: 15
QID : 55 - GNP – depreciation allowances = ______
1) National Income
2) NDP
3) NNP
4) GNP
Correct Answer: NNP
QID : 56 - When power is shared among different organs of government, then it known as _____.
1) Community Government
2) Separation of powers
3) Coalition Government
4) Amalgamation of powers
Correct Answer: Separation of powers
QID : 57 - Which of the following is CORRECT about coalition form of government?
1) Sharing of power at different levels
2) Sharing of power by different social groups
3) Sharing of power by two or more political parties
4) None of these
Correct Answer: Sharing of power by two or more political parties
QID : 58 - Which type of government is based on free and fair election where those currently in power have a fair chance of losing?
1) Democratic
2) Autocratic
3) Monarchic
4) Authoritarian
Correct Answer: Democratic
QID : 59 - What is the minimum age required to become a member of Rajya Sabha?
1) Twenty years
2) Thirty years
3) Twenty-two years
4) Twenty-five years
Correct Answer: Thirty years
QID : 60 - Since Independence, how many time National Emergency has been declared in India?
1) One time
2) Two times
3) Three times
4) Four times
Correct Answer: Three times
QID : 61 - Who among the following presides over a joint sitting of both the houses summoned by the President of India?
1) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
2) Speaker of Lok Sabha
3) President of India
4) Prime Minister of India
Correct Answer: Speaker of Lok Sabha
QID : 62 - For how much time the Presidents Rule can be extended in India with the approval of Parliament in every six months
1) 6 months
2) 1 year
3) 2 years
4) 3 years
Correct Answer: 3 years
QID : 63 - What is the minimum number of members required to be present in any one of the two houses of parliament for its functioning?
1) One fifth of total members
2) One sixth of total members
3) One seventh of total members
4) One tenth of total members
Correct Answer: One tenth of total members
QID : 64 - In Indus Valley Civilization, Kalibangan is famous for which of the following?
1) Rock cut architecture
2) Sea port
3) Cotton cultivation
4) Pottery
Correct Answer: Pottery
QID : 65 -

1) 1 – a, 2 – b, 3 – c
2) 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a
3) 1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – a
4) 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – b
Correct Answer: 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a
QID : 66 - Who was the first Governor General of Bengal?
1) Robert Clive
2) William Bentinck
3) Warren Hasting
4) Col. Sanders
Correct Answer: Warren Hasting
QID : 67 - Second battle of Panipat was fought between which two armies?
1) Babur and Lodi Empire
2) Babur and Rana Sanga
3) Akbar and Hemu
4) Akbar and Rana of Mewar
Correct Answer: Akbar and Hemu
QID : 68 - Who among the following played an important role in Gadar Movement?
1) Shyamiji Krishna Verma
2) Lal Hardayal
3) Bipin Chandra Pal
4) Vishnu Ganesh Pingle
Correct Answer: Lal Hardayal
QID : 69 - Which among the following imaginary line lies at 0° latitude?
1) Equator
2) Tropic of Cancer
3) Tropic of Capricorn
4) Prime Meridian
Correct Answer: Equator
QID : 70 - Which among the following Indian river flows westwards and falls into Arabian sea?
1) Narmada
2) Ganga
3) Mahanadi
4) Godavari
Correct Answer: Narmada
QID : 71 - What are the imaginary lines encircling the earth horizontally called?
1) Latitudes
2) Longitudes
3) Isobars
4) Isotherms
Correct Answer: Latitudes
QID : 72 - From which of the following continent, all three latitudes i.e. equator, tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn pass?
1) North America
2) Asia
3) South America
4) Africa
Correct Answer: Africa
QID : 73 - Which of the following city is also known as 'zero-mile centre' of India?
1) Jabalpur
2) Allahabad
3) Nagpur
4) Delhi
Correct Answer: Nagpur
QID : 74 - Which of the following is an example of Ball and Socket joint in humans?
1) Wrist Joint
2) Hip Joint
3) Finger Joint
4) Neck Joint
Correct Answer: Hip Joint
QID : 75 - For which of the following a BT seed has also been developed?
1) Wheat
2) Maize
3) Cotton
4) Pulses
Correct Answer: Cotton
QID : 76 - Which of the following contains highest amount of Vitamin C?
1) Capsicum
2) Tomato
3) Grape
4) Lemon
Correct Answer: Lemon
QID : 77 - Dolly was an example of cloned _____.
1) Dog
2) Cow
3) Sheep
4) Hen
Correct Answer: Sheep
QID : 78 - Which of the following is a cold blooded animal?
1) Ape
2) Mouse
3) Snake
4) Wolf
Correct Answer: Snake
QID : 79 - Which of the following glands secret growth hormone?
1) Adrenal
2) Pituitary Gland
3) Gonads
4) Pancreas
Correct Answer: Pituitary Gland
QID : 80 - Jet engine works on the principal of conservation of _____.
1) Heat
2) Mass
3) Linear momentum
4) Angular momentum
Correct Answer: Linear momentum
QID : 81 - What will happen to the level of water in a vessel when a piece of ice floating in it melts?
1) Decreases
2) Increases
3) Remains same
4) First increases and then decreases
Correct Answer: Remains same
QID : 82 - Which of the following quantity is a measure of inertia?
1) Velocity
2) Acceleration
3) Mass
4) Weight
Correct Answer: Mass
QID : 83 - The instrument used to study the laws of vibrating string is _____.
1) Hydrometer
2) Sonometer
3) Sphygmomanometer
4) Electrometer
Correct Answer: Sonometer
QID : 84 - Which of the following is/are CORRECT?
I. GUI – Graphical User Interface
II. VDU – Visual Display Unit
III. ALU – All Logical Unit
1) I and II
2) I and III
3) Only III
4) Only II
Correct Answer: I and II
QID : 85 - Which among the following is not a word processor?
1) Microsoft Word
2) Word Perfect
3) Microsoft Excel
4) Word Star
Correct Answer: Microsoft Excel
QID : 86 - In which of the following silicon is not used?
1) Solar Panels
2) IC manufacturing
3) Optical glass
4) Ink pen
Correct Answer: Ink pen
QID : 87 - Which of the following is used as control rods in Atomic reactor?
1) Sodium
2) Uranium
3) Graphite
4) Boron
Correct Answer: Boron
QID : 88 - Which of the following is used for the preparation of dynamite?
1) Methyl alcohol
2) Iron oxide
3) Nitro Glycerol
4) Copper sulphate
Correct Answer: Nitro Glycerol
QID : 89 - Which among the following is added to commercial nitric acid to make it coloured?
1) Carbon dioxide
2) Sulphur dioxide
3) Colored impurities
4) Nitrogen dioxide
Correct Answer: Nitrogen dioxide
QID : 90 -

1) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
2) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
3) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
4) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
Correct Answer: 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
QID : 91 - Which among the following type of trees are also called as sun loving trees?
1) Xerophytes
2) Heliophytes
3) Saprophytes
4) Halophytes
Correct Answer: Heliophytes
QID : 92 - Which of the following is an air pollutant?
I. Water vapour
II. Carbon dioxide
III. Hydrogen Gas
1) Only I
2) Only II
3) Only III
4) Both II and III
Correct Answer: Only II
QID : 93 - Which among the following is an initiative proposed by The Ministry of Civil Aviation to make boarding pass and security check-in digital?
1) Digi yatra
2) Digi Udan
3) Digi Sewa
4) Digi Yatri
Correct Answer: Digi yatra
QID : 94 - Who amongst the following invented 'chronometer'?
1) John Harrison
2) William Harvey
3) Friese Greene
4) Robert Koch
Correct Answer: John Harrison
QID : 95 - 'Calibre' is related to which sport?
1) Shooting
2) Cycling
3) Baseball
4) Golf
Correct Answer: Shooting
QID : 96 - All souls day is a _____ festival.
1) Buddhism
2) Jainism
3) Christian
4) Muslim
Correct Answer: Christian
QID : 97 - Who is the recipient of Padma Vibhushan 2017 in the field of Art – Music?
1) Vishwa Mohan Bhatt
2) Vaishali Bisht
3) Aruna Mohanty
4) K. J. Yesudas
Correct Answer: K. J. Yesudas
QID : 98 - Who has authored the book 'The People's Maharaja' based on the life of Amarinder Singh?
1) Venkaiah Naidu
2) Khushwant Singh
3) Ram Kamal Mukherjee
4) Shri Vijay Kumar
Correct Answer: Khushwant Singh
QID : 99 - Which country has dropped the largest non-nuclear weapon over Afghanistan in April 2017?
1) Russia
2) France
3) United States of America
4) Syria
Correct Answer: United States of America
QID : 100 - Under 'Muktijodha Scholarship Scheme', India will give 35 crore rupees to children of freedom fighters in ______.
1) Pakistan
2) Bangladesh
3) Sri Lanka
4) Nepal