SSC CPO Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 03 July 2017" Shift-1 (General Awareness)
SSC CPO Exam Paper - 2017 "held on 03 July 2017" Shift-1
(General Awareness)
QID : 51 - What is the full form of GNI?
1) Gross National Interest
2) Gross National Income
3) Gross Net Interest
4) Gross Net Income
Correct Answer: Gross National Income
QID : 52 - Which among the following is an apex institution in the sphere of Agriculture credit in India?
1) NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development)
2) SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India)
3) EXIM Bank
4) NAFED (National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd.)
Correct Answer: NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development))
QID : 53 - Which organisation measures Gross Domestic Product in India?
1) Reserve Bank of India
2) NITI Aayog
3) State Bank of India
4) Central Statistics Office
Correct Answer: Central Statistics Office
QID : 54 - Who among the following suggested the 'Rolling Plan'?
1) John W. Miller
2) D. T. Lakdawala
3) Gunnar Myrdal
4) Sukhmay Chakarborty
Correct Answer: Gunnar Myrdal
QID : 55 - Why was 'Tendulkar Committee' constituted?
1) To measure unemployment
2) To measure growth rate
3) To measure poverty
4) To measure agricultural produce
Correct Answer: To measure poverty
QID : 56 - Which of the following is not a branch of federal form of government?
1) Judiciary
2) Executive
3) Legislative
4) Media
Correct Answer: Media
QID : 57 - What is meant by 'defection'?
1) Changing party after winning election
2) Changing party before winning election
3) Changing party after losing election
4) Changing party before losing election
Correct Answer: Changing party after winning election
QID : 58 - Who among the following said that 'Democracy is the government of the people, for the people and by the people'?
1) Aristotle
2) Plato
3) Abraham Lincoln
4) George Bush
Correct Answer: Abraham Lincoln
QID : 59 - How many types of emergencies can be proclaimed in India?
1) Five
2) Six
3) Two
4) Three
Correct Answer: Three
QID : 60 - Indian Constitution contains how many Parts?
1) Twelve Parts
2) Twenty-two Parts
3) Eighteen Parts
4) Twenty-five Parts
Correct Answer: Twenty-five Parts
QID : 61 - Money bill can be introduced first in which house of Parliament?
1) Only in Lok Sabha
2) Only in Rajya Sabha
3) Both in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
4) Either in Lok Sabha or in Rajya Sabha
Correct Answer: Only in Lok Sabha
QID : 62 - In how many ways Indian citizenship can be lost?
1) One
2) Two
3) Three
4) Four
Correct Answer: Three
QID : 63 - Who of the following appoints the Prime Minister of India?
1) President of India
2) Chief Justice of India
3) Attorney General of India
4) Governor
Correct Answer: President of India
QID : 64 - Who among the following was one of the discoverers of Indus Valley Civilization?
1) Lord Wooley
2) Daya Ram Sahni
3) V. S. Agarwal
4) A. L. Basham
Correct Answer: Daya Ram Sahni
QID : 65 - When was Delhi declared as the capital of India?
1) 1901
2) 1911
3) 1913
4) 1921
Correct Answer: 1911
QID : 66 - Magical charms and spells are given in which of the following Vedas?
1) Rig Veda
2) Sama Veda
3) Yajurveda Veda
4) Atharva Veda
Correct Answer: Atharva Veda
QID : 67 - In Indus valley civilization, Dholavira is famous for which of the following?
1) Rock cut architecture
2) Sea port
3) Water Conservation
4) Pottery
Correct Answer: Water Conservation
QID : 68 - Who was the founder of Arya Samaj?
1) Mula Shankar
2) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
3) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
4) Rabindra Nath Tagore
Correct Answer: Swami Dayanand Saraswati
QID : 69 - Which of the following pair is CORRECT?
1) 23.5° South – Tropic of Cancer
2) 23.5° South – Tropic of Capricorn
3) 23.5° North – Tropic of Capricorn
4) 66° North – Antarctic Circle
Correct Answer: 23.5° South – Tropic of Capricorn
QID : 70 - Which of the following sea has highest salanity?
1) Red Sea
2) Black Sea
3) Dead Sea
4) Arabian Sea
Correct Answer: Dead Sea
QID : 71 - Ox-bow lakes are formed when river is ______.
1) Fast moving
2) At steep slope
3) At very low gradient
4) At near point of origin
Correct Answer: At very low gradient
QID : 72 - In which country Cape Comorin is located?
1) India
2) Pakistan
3) South Africa
4) South America
Correct Answer: India
QID : 73 - Which among the following is a green house gas?
I. Methane
II. Carbon dioxide
III. Nitrogen dioxide
1) I and II
2) I and III
3) II and III
4) All options are correct.
Correct Answer: I and II
QID : 74 - Which of the following cell organelle is present only in plant cell?
1) Mitochondria
2) Cell wall
3) Cell membrane
4) Vacuole
Correct Answer: Cell wall
QID : 75 - Which of the following is a vestigial organ in human body?
1) Wisdom teeth
2) Spleen
3) Thyroid
4) Gall bladder
Correct Answer: Wisdom teeth
QID : 76 - Which of the following enzyme is essential for clotting of blood?
1) Amylase
2) Thrombin
3) Pepsin
4) Renin
Correct Answer: Thrombin
QID : 77 - Which of the following is a genetic disease?
1) Down syndrome
2) Elephantisis
3) Asthama
4) Night blindness
Correct Answer: Down syndrome
QID : 78 - Onion is an example of bulb, which is a modified ______.
1) Stem
2) Root
3) Leaf
4) Flower
Correct Answer: Stem
QID : 79 - Which of the following gives colour to human skin?
1) Adenosine
2) Thymine
3) Melanin
4) Guanine
Correct Answer: Melanin
QID : 80 - A flying jet possesses ______.
1) Potential energy
2) Kinetic energy
3) Wind energy
4) Both kinetic and potential energy
Correct Answer: Both kinetic and potential energy
QID : 81 - Direction of heat flow depends on ______.
1) Density
2) Energy
3) Mass
4) Temperature
Correct Answer: Temperature
QID : 82 - Which of the following phenomena is involved in Kaleidoscope?
1) Refraction
2) Reflection
3) Total Internal reflection
4) Diffraction
Correct Answer: Reflection
QID : 83 - In a magnifying glass ______ lens is used.
1) Convex
2) Concave
3) Plano concave
4) Plano convex
Correct Answer: Convex
QID : 84 - Which of the following is also termed as main memory of computer?
1) RAM.
2) ROM.
3) Hard disk
4) Compact disk
Correct Answer: RAM
QID : 85 - BIT is also known as _____.
1) Binary language
2) Binary digit
3) Binary Number
4) Gigabyte
Correct Answer: Binary digit
QID : 86 -

1) 1 – a, 2 – c, 3 – b
2) 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a
3) 1 – a, 2 – b, 3 – c
4) 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – b
Correct Answer: 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a
QID : 87 - Which of the following is radioactive in nature?
1) Helium
2) Sodium
3) Thorium
4) Platinum
Correct Answer: Thorium
QID : 88 - Which of the following is used as fuel rods in Atomic reactor?
1) Sodium
2) Uranium
3) Graphite
4) Boron
Correct Answer: Uranium
QID : 89 - Bleaching action of Chlorine is due to which reaction?
1) Oxidation
2) Hydrolysis
3) Redox
4) Decomposition
Correct Answer: Oxidation
QID : 90 - Which of the following is a major component of water pollution in Bengal Basin?
1) Chromium
2) Arsenic
3) Calcium
4) Potassium
Correct Answer: Arsenic
QID : 91 - Identify correct type of food chain:
Dead animal ---> maggots ---> frog ---> snake
1) Decomposer food chain
2) Detritus food chain
3) Grazing food chain
4) Parasitic food chain
Correct Answer: Detritus food chain
QID : 92 - In which of the following ecosystem pyramid of biomass is upright?
1) Pond ecosystem
2) Grassland ecosystem
3) Fresh water ecosystem
4) Forest ecosystem
Correct Answer: Grassland ecosystem
QID : 93 - Ministry of Health and family welfare has launched the 'Test and Treat Policy' for ______ patients.
1) Polio
2) HIV
3) Malaria
4) Cancer
Correct Answer: HIV
QID : 94 - Karl Landsteiner is known for the discovery of which one of the following?
1) Cresco graph
2) Radioactivity
3) Blood group
4) X-rays
Correct Answer: Blood group
QID : 95 - National sport of Malaysia is _____.
1) Badminton
2) Hockey
3) Table Tennis
4) Chess
Correct Answer: Badminton
QID : 96 - Lotus Temple is known for which religion?
1) Judaism
2) Buddhism
3) Bahai
4) Taoism
Correct Answer: Bahai
QID : 97 - Who is the recipient of Padma Shri for the year 2016 in the field of sports – Cricket along with Virat Kohli?
1) Polly Umrigar
2) Amit Bhandari
3) Shekhar Naik
4) Bishan Singh Bedi
Correct Answer: Shekhar Naik
QID : 98 - Who has written the book named 'The People's President: Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam'?
1) S. M. Khan
2) Sourabh Duggal
3) Tarun Vijay
4) Shri Vijay Kumar
Correct Answer: S. M. Khan
QID : 99 - Which country has opened its consulate in Chennai on 28 April 2017?
1) Kazakhstan
2) Uzbekistan
3) Iran
4) Israel
Correct Answer: Kazakhstan
QID : 100 - Katchatheevu Island was ceded by India to which country in 1974?
1) Sri Lanka
2) Maldives
3) Indonesia
4) Myanmar
Correct Answer: Sri Lanka