SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2019 "held on 20 OCTOBER 2020"Afternoon-Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)
SSC CHSL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2019 "held on 20 October 2020"
Afternoon-Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)
Q1. A study was made for the number of persons of different age group visited in a library in a week which is shown in the histogram. Study the hidtogram and answer the question given below.
The ratio of the nimber of persons in the age groups 15-20 years and 20-25 years together, to the number in the groups 30-35 years and 35-40 years together, is:
1. 14 : 9
2. 13 : 9
3. 14 : 17
4. 15 : 1
Q2. If x= 3+2√2, then the value of is:
1. 36
2. 32
3. 30
4. 34
Q3. If then the value of
is equal to:
1. 50
2. 65
3. 60
4. 55
Q4. A man travelled a distance of 35 km in 5 hours. He travelled partly on foot at the rate of 4 km/h and the rest on bicycle at the rate of 9 km/h. The distance travelled on foot is:
1. 8 km
2. 10 km
3. 15 km
4. 12 km
Q5. If , then the value of x2-4 is equal to:
1. 0
2. 4
3. 2
4. 1
Q6. A,B and c are three points on the circle. If AB=AC=7√2 cm and ㄥBAC = 90o, then the redius is equal to:
1. 7√2 cm
2. 7 cm
3. 14 cm
4. 6 cm
Q7. Two concentric circles form a ring. The inner and outer circumferences of the ring are 22 cm and 33 cm, respectively. The width of the ring is: (take )
1. 1.5 cm
2. 2.5 cm
3. 3 cm
4. 3.5 cm
Q8. Study the following pie-chart and answer the given question.
The pie-chart shows Budget Expenditure of a company in the year 2018 (percentage distribution) on different heads A,B,C,D & E.
It 165 crore were spent in year 2018 on A, what would have been the total expenditure for that year (in crores)?
1. 400
2. 320
3. 350
4. 300
Q9. Study the following pie-chart and answer the given question.
The pie-chart shows Budget Expenditure of a company in the year 2018 (percentage distribution) on different heads A,B,C,D & E.
The central angle of the sector representing expenditure on head D is:
1. 52o
2. 45o
3. 56o
4. 54o
Q10. Study the following histogram and answer the given question.
A study was made for the number of persons of different age group visited in a library in a week which is shown in the histogram. Study the hidtogram and answer the question given below.
What percent of the total number of persons visiting library in the week was the number of perosns of age group 25-30 years?
1. 15%
2. 12%
3. 12.5%
4. 10.5%
Q11. If PA and PB are tangents drawn from an external point P to a circle with centre O such that ㄥAPB=70o, then ㄥ0AB is equal to:
1. 35o
2. 40o
3. 30o
4. 25o
Q12. In ∆ABC,E and D are points on sides AB and AC, respectively, such that ㄥABC=ㄥADE. If AE=6 cm, AD=4 cm and EB=4 cm, then the length of DC is:
1. 8 cm
2. 9.5 cm
3. 10 cm
4. 11 cm
Q13. The Value of is:
Q14. If the 8- digit number 43A5325B is divisible by 8 and 9, then the sum of A and B is equal to:
1. 15
2. 14
3. 12
4. 18
Q15. There is a 60% increase in an amount in 5 years at simple interest. What will be the compound interest on 6,250 for two years at the same rete of interest, when the interest is compunded yearly?
1. 1,480
2. 1,560
3. 1,500
4. 1,590
Q16. If , then the value of
, is equal to:
2. 1
Q17. Amit sold an article for 7,000 and incurred a loss. Had he sold it for 8,750, his gain would have been three-fourth of the amount of loss that he inccured. At what price should he sell the article to get 10% profit?
1. 8, 800
2. 8, 400
3. 8,000
4. 7,800
Q18. A trader marks his goods in such a way that even after allowing 15% discount on marked price he still gains 27.5%. If the cost price of the goods is 200, then its marked price is:
1. 300
2. 250
3. 350
4. 400
Q19. In ∆ABC,D is a point on BC. If , ㄥB=75o, then ㄥBAD is equal to:
1. 50o
2. 45o
3. 30o
4. 60o
Q20. Ravinder invests 3,375 which is equal to 15% of his monthly salary in a medical insurance policy. Later he invests 25% nad 8% of his monthly salary on a child education policy, and mutual funds, respectively. The total amount left with him is:
1. 15,000
2. 8,000
3. 12,000
4. 13,000
Q21. If θ is a positive acute angle and tan2θ tan3θ=1, then the value of θ is:
1. 18o
2. 45o
3. 60o
4. 36o
Q22. The average of four consecutive odd natural numbers is eight less than the average of three consecutive even natural numbers. If the sum of these three even numbers is equal to the sum of above four odd numbers, then the average of four original odd numbers is:
1. 32
2. 24
3. 18
4. 36
Q23. If and A and B are acute angles. The measures of angles A and B (in degrees) will be:
1. A=15 and B=45
2. A=45 and B=15
3. A=45 and B=45
4. A=60 and B=30
Q24. When 50% of a number A is added to B, the second number B increases by 25%. The ratio between the numbers A and B is:
1. 1 : 2
2. 2 : 3
3. 3 : 4
4. 3 : 2
Q25. A and B working together can do 30% of the work in 6 days. B alone can do the same work in 25 days. How long will a alone take to complete the same work?
1. 100 days
2. 60 days
3. 75 days
4. 80 days