Subject-I : General English & General Aptitude/Awareness:
a) General English: Comprehension of given passages and Grammar, usage and vocabulary.
b) General Aptitude/Awareness: current events of national and international importance: Indian polity & economy; General Mental ability; Test of reasoning & Qutitative Technique.
Subject-II : Financial and Commercial Accounts
Paper-II - Financial Management/Cost Accounting/Tax and Commercial Laws
I) Advanced Accounting
1. Company Accounts introduction; shares & debentures etc.
2. Company Accounts;,final Accounts
3. Cash and fund flow statements
II) Auditing
1. Nature, objective and basic principles of auditing
2. Techniques of auditing physical verification, eKamination of documents and vouching, direct confirmation, analytical review.
3. Planning and audit, aiidit programmes, working papers, audit process
4. Valuation of internal controls.
5. Various types of Audit.
III) Financial Management- an over view:
1. Goals of Financial Management.
2. Key activities of Financial Management.
3. Relationship of Finance to Accounting and Audit.
4. Organization pf Finance Function.
IV) Financial Statements:
1: Basic concepts underlying accounting.
2. Balance Sheet
3. Prdfit and Loss Accounts
4. Source and usage of final statements
5. Financial topics related to balances received and profit and loss accounts
6. Analyzing financial peUormance
7. Financial ratios
8. Applications of financial analysis
9. Problems in financial statements and analysis
10.Break-even analysis and leverages.
V) Financial Management in Public sector Enterprises:
1.Capital Budgeting
2.Long term financing
3.Working Capital Management Memorandum of Understanding Financial Management & Control
VI) Bare Acts:
1.Company’s Act 2013 (with amendments) GST Act
2.Contract Act
3.Partnership Act
4.Pilyment of“ Gratuity Act
5.Consumer Protection Act
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Courtesy : BSNL