(Apply Online) Recruitment of Assistant Manager and Assistant Accountant at BSFCSCL - 2015
(Apply Online) Recruitment of Assistant Manager and Assistant Accountant at BSFCSCL - 2015
Procedure for Online submission of application (BSFCSCL-2015)
1. Online Registration Starting Date: 03.09.2015
2. Online Registration Closing Date : 24.09.2015 (Server Time)
3. Last Date for payment through Challan : 29.09.2015
3. Last Date for filling complete online application form (by Registered
Candidates) : 30.09.2015
4. Last Date for Sending Online Application Form : 10.10.2015 (at 5:00 PM)
Candidates should supply all the required details while filling up the online form. Mandatory fields are marked with * (asterisk) sign.
You should make following preparations before going to the website. Candidates also must complete the process within prescribed time frame. After given time period, links are automatically terminated.
Preparations before making the registration:
1. Have a valid and active e-mail ID.
2. Keep a scanned copy of your recent passport size Black & White / Coloured
photograph with contrasting background in jpg, jpeg, png, gif format size not
more than 400kb on a pen drive or hard disk of computer.
Minimum Height for Photo should be 175px and width should be 150px.
3. Keep a scanned copy of your signature in Hindi and English with a black ink ball pen on white paper as a background. The format of the scanned signature should be in jpg, jpeg, png, gif format size not more than 200kb on a pen drive or hard disk of computer.
Minimum Height for English and Hindi signature should be 50px and width should be 150px.
4. Keep a strong password. This should be remembered in memory. You are advised to don't share your password with any one.
5. Get confirmed your category (i.e. SC/ST/BC/EBC/GENERAL)
6. Keep with you Six printed copies of the same passport sized Black & White / Coloured photograph which was used for scanning in point number 2.
Now proceed to website for filling up the online application form.