(Answer Key) SSC : Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspector in CISF (Tier–II) Examination, 2012


Staff Selection Commission

The Staff Selection Commission conducted (Tier – II Examination) on 29.7.2012 all over India, for those candidates who declared qualified in Paper – I by the Commission for recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspector in CISF. The Commission used the following different four Question Papers/Test Form Numbers in Paper –II of the said examination:-

  1. 012NL5
  2. 012RH5
  3. 023SG4
  4. 023PJ4

The answer keys of the Question Papers in respect of different Test Form Nos. are now placed in the Commission’s website: http://ssc.nic.in. Claims of discrepancies or incorrect keys should be made in writing to the undersigned citing their name and roll numbers by letter/fax at the earliest and latest by 13.08.2012. The Commission will not entertain/consider any representation received after the stipulated date. To avoid summary rejection of the claim of discrepancy or incorrect keys, candidates are advised to send documentary support for their claims.

Courtesy: Staff Selection Commission