SSC MTS 2019 EXAM PAPER : Held on 22 August-2019 Shift-2 ::GENERAL AWARENESS::
SSC MTS 2019 EXAM PAPER : Held on 22 August-2019 Shift-2
Q.1 Piece of land surrounded by water on 3 sides is known as ______.
1. Strait
2. Lagoon
3. Peninsula
4. Bay
Correct Answer: Peninsula
Q.2 Which of the following is
1. Purvanchals
2. Satpura
3. Himalayas
4. Mahabharat range
Correct Answer: Satpura
Q.3 In which of the following states is the famous Vaishno Devi Shrine located?
1. Jammu & Kashmir
2. Uttar Pradesh
3. Himachal Pradesh
4. Madhya Pradesh
Correct Answer: Jammu & Kashmir
Q.4 अर्थशास्त्र में 2018 का नोबेल
1. अमर्त्य सेन
2. रघुराम राजन
3. फ्रांसिस अनॉल्ड और जॉर्जस्मिथ
4. विलियम नॉर्डहॉस और पॉल रोमर
Correct Answer: विलियम नॉर्डहॉस और पॉल रोमर
Q.5 Who among the following has been awarded the Martha Farrell Award 2019 for women empowerment in March 2019?
1. Yougan Tamang
2. Reena Ramteke
3. Manu Gulati
4. Nadiya Shafi
Correct Answer: Manu Gulati
Q.6 In which of the following order were the Satyagraha movements organised by Mahatma Gandhi?
1. Dandi March, Rowlatt, Champaran, Kheda
2. Dandi march, Champaran, Rowlatt, Kheda
3. Champaran, Kheda, Rowlatt, Dandi March
4. Champaran, Kheda, Dandi March, Rowlatt
Correct Answer: Champaran, Kheda, Rowlatt, Dandi March
Q.7 Digestion of food begins in which part of alimentary canal in human beings?
1. Stomach
2. Small intestine
3. Large intestine
4. Mouth
Correct Answer: Mouth
Q.8 What percent of solar energy is absorbed by terrestrial ecosystem?
1. 2%
2. 0.1%
3. 0.5%
4. 1%
Correct Answer: 1%
Q.9 What is the mode of transmission of disease 'Yellow vein mosaic of bhindi (okra)'?
1. Insect
2. Seeds
3. Water
4. Air
Correct Answer: Insect
Q.10 In which form of government, rulers are directly elected by the people of the country?
1. Democracy
2. Dictatorship
3. Autocracy
4. Republic
Correct Answer: Democracy
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Q.11 Tropic of Cancer does NOT pass through which of the following Indian state?
1. Mizoram
2. Gujarat
3. Tripura
4. Maharashtra
Correct Answer: Maharashtra
Q.12 The book 'Timeless Laxma' is based on life of which of the following person?
1. O.P. Laxman
2. R.K. Narayan
3. V.V.S. Laxman
4. R.K. Laxman
Correct Answer: R.K. Laxman
Q.13 Which central agency regulates and monitors housing sector in India?
2. RBI
3. LIC
Correct Answer: RERA
Q.14 Who was the founder of Hyderabad state?
1. Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah
2. Sa'adat Khan
3. Tipu Sultan
4. Murshid Quli Khan
Correct Answer: Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah
Q.15 Who is the Supreme Commander of the defence forces of India?
1. President
2. Chief of Defence
3. Prime Minister
4. Defence Minister
Correct Answer: President
Q.16 Which of the following organisms reproduce by Spore Formation?
1. Bryophyllum
2. Planara
3. Rhizopus
4. Plasmodium
Correct Answer: Rhizopus
Q.17 All the festivals listed below are festivals of Assam. Of these, which of the following festivals is specifically hosted in the Kamakhya Devi temple in Guwahati?
1. Ambubachi Festival
2. Bihu Festival
3. Baishagu Festival
4. Majuli Festival
Correct Answer: Ambubachi Festival
Q.18 National Emblem of India is taken from Mauryan Pillar located at ______.
1. Sarnath
2. Amravati
3. Delhi
4. Meerut
Correct Answer: Sarnath
Q.19 2011 क्रिकेट विश्व कप के क्वाटर फाइनल
1. इंग्लैंड
2. ऑस्ट्रेलिया
3. श्रीलंका
4. पाकिस्तान
Correct Answer: ऑस्ट्रेलिया
Q.20 The fund into which the proceeds from disinvestment of Central Public Sector Enterprises are channelised is known as _______.
1. National Fund
2. National Infrastructure Fund
3. National Investment Fund
4. National Rural and Urban Fund
Correct Answer: National Investment Fund
Q.21 Magnetic Field inside a
1. increases from one end to another
2. zero at the middle
3. varies from point to point
4. uniform
Correct Answer: uniform
Q.22 किस अधिनियम ने ब्रिटश सरकार को
1. रॉलेट एक्ट
2. इल्बर्ट बिल
3. आर्म्स एक्ट
4. वर्नाक्युलर एक्ट
Correct Answer: रॉलेट एक्ट
Q.23 निम्न मे से किसके विरूद्ध न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य (MSP) किसान कि रक्षा करता है?
1. अप्रत्याशित रोगो या कीट संक्रमण के कारण फसल का नुकसान
2. स्थानीय मुद्रा कर्जदाताओं द्वारा ब्याज की उच्च दर
3. अत्यधिक सूखा या बाढ़ या कोई अन्य प्राकृतिक आपदा
4. बंपर उत्पादन के दौरान कीमत मे अत्य धिक गिरावट
Correct Answer: बंपर उत्पादन के दौरान कीमत मे अत्य धिक गिरावट
Q.24 In which of the following countries, Presidential System of Government does not exist?
1. USA
2. Russia
3. Turkey
4. India
Correct Answer: India
Q.25 International Kabaddi Federation was founded in which year?
1. 2015
2. 2004
3. 1950
4. 2010
Correct Answer: 2004
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