SSC MTS 2020 EXAM PAPER : Held on 12 October-2021 Shift-2 ::GENERAL AWARENESS::


SSC MTS 2020 EXAM PAPER : Held on 12 October-2021 Shift-2


Q.1 What is the unit to measure the wavelength of light?

1. Faraday
2. Candela
3. Dyne
4. Angstrom

Correct Answer is: 2

Q.2 Who invented the capillary feed fountainpen?

1. David Hughes
2. Ian Donald
3. LE Waterman
4. Alfred Nobel

Correct Answer is: 3

Q.3 Which of the following is the world’s largest delta?

1. Irrawaddy Delta
2. Rhine-Meuse Delta
3. Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta
4. Amazon Delta

Correct Answer is: 3

Q.4 Who wrote the book ‘Kundalini: The Mother of the Universe’, which Includes an English translation of ‘Lalita Sahasranama’?

1. Rishi Singh Gherwal
2. Rabindranath Tagore
3. Vikram Seth
4. Dr. S Radha Krishnan

Correct Answer is: 4

Q.5 Which part of the Constitution of India deals with the relation between the Union and the States?

1. Part VIII
2. Part XI
3. Part VII
4. Part IX

Correct Answer is: 4

Q.6 The Planning Commission was established by an executive decision of Government of India in ______.

1. 1955
2. 1945
3. 1960
4. 1950

Correct Answer is: 4

Q.7 Who is the author of the book ‘Beyond the Lines’?

1. Vishnu Sharma
2. Omar Khayyam
3. Kuldip Nayar
4. VV Giri

Correct Answer is: --

Q.8 Filmmaker Utpal Borpujari’s documentary, 'Songs of the _______' is based on the folk songs and culture of the Naga tribes.

1. Blue River
2. Blue Sky
3. Blue Earth
4. Blue Hills

Correct Answer is: --

Q.9 In the context of Economics, what does P stand for in EPF?

1. Planning
2. Profit
3. Promotion
4. Provident

Correct Answer is: --

Q.10 The La Liga Trophy is associated with which sport?

1. Tennis
2. Football
3. Weightlifting
4. Cricket

Correct Answer is: 2

Q.11 Rauf and Hikat are the dance forms of ______.

1. Odisha
2. Jammu and Kashmir
3. Manipur
4. Sikkim

Correct Answer is: 2

Q.12 Which dynasty ruled India between 320 AD and 550 AD?

1. Mauryan Dynasty
2. Hoysala Dynasty
3. Magadha Dynasty
4. Gupta Dynasty

Correct Answer is: 3

Q.13 'Pandavani' is the most celebrated folklore of ______.

1. Maharashtra
2. Chhattisgarh
3. Rajasthan
4. Karnataka

Correct Answer is: --

Q.14 The ‘Procedure for Amendment of the Constitution’ in the Indian Constitution is borrowed from which of the following country’s constitutions?

1. Russia
2. Germany
3. South Africa
4. Canada

Correct Answer is: 4

Q.15 When was the first battle of Panipat fought?

1. 1479
2. 1326
3. 1526
4. 1632

Correct Answer is: 3


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Q.16 Which instrument is used to measure very high temperature?

1. Fathometer
2. Manometer
3. Salinometer
4. Pyrometer

Correct Answer is: 4

Q.17 Which of the following is a Kharif crop in north and Rabi crop in south India?

1. Ragi
2. Sesamum
3. Sunflower
4. Sugarcane

Correct Answer is: 2

Q.18 Which of the following Vedas dealt with music?

1. Sama Veda
2. Rig Veda
3. Yajur Veda
4. Atharva Veda

Correct Answer is: 1

Q.19 Vitamin K deficiency in our body leads to:

1. delayed clotting of blood
2. interference with reproduction
3. night-blindness
4. scurvy

Correct Answer is: 1

Q.20 Infant Mortality Rate (or IMR) indicates the number of children that die before the age of ______ as a proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year.

1. 6 months
2. 3 months
3. 1 year
4. 3 years

Correct Answer is: --

Q.21 ‘Kolkali’ is one of the traditional folk dances of which state?

1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Nagaland
3. Kerala
4. Arunachal Pradesh

Correct Answer is: 4

Q.22 Who discovered the smallpox vaccine?

1. Jonas Salk
2. Louis Pasteur
3. Edward Jenner
4. Leon Calmette

Correct Answer is: 2

Q.23 Anju Bobby George is associated with which of the following sports?

1. Boxing
2. Athletics
3. Shooting
4. Hockey

Correct Answer is: 3

Q.24 What does Article 21 of the Indian Constitution deal with?

1. Right to property
2. Fundamental duties
3. Right to life
4. National emergency

Correct Answer is: 3

Q.25 Which soils are widespread in the northern plains and the river valleys and cover about 40% of the total area of India?

1. Black soil
2. Laterite soil
3. Red soil
4. Alluvial soil

Correct Answer is: 4


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