SSC Scientific Assistant (IMD) Exam : Held on 22 Nov 2017 Shift-1 (Quantitative Aptitude)

SSC Scientific Assistant (IMD) Exam : Held on 22 Nov 2017 Shift-1

(Quantitative Aptitude)

QID : 226 - What is the largest 4 digit number exactly divisible by 91?

1) 9909
2) 9929
3) 9949
4) 9919

Correct Answer: 9919

QID : 227 - P is twice as good as workman as Q and together they finish a piece of work in 28 days. In how many days will P alone finish the work?

1) 28
2) 35
3) 49
4) 42

Correct Answer: 42

QID : 228 - What is the area (in sq cm) of a rectangle of perimeter 200 cm and breadth 45 cm?

1) 4275
2) 2475
3) 4675
4) 6475

Correct Answer: 2475

QID : 229 - If the selling price of an item is Rs 1740 after getting a discount of 25%, then what was the marked price (in Rs)?

1) 2320
2) 3230
3) 2230
4) 3320

Correct Answer: 2320

QID : 230 - If 4A = 2B = 3C; then what is A : B : C?

1) 3 : 2 : 4
2) 3 : 6 : 4
3) 1/4 : 1/6 : 1/3
4) 1/3 : 1/6 : 1/4

Correct Answer: 3 : 6 : 4

QID : 231 - The average cost of 3 items in a shopping list is Rs 3,200. If one more item whose cost is Rs 1,000 is added to the list what will be the new average (in Rs)?

1) 2650
2) 2550
3) 2750
4) 2850

Correct Answer: 2650

QID : 232 - If a vendor sells oranges at Rs 108/dozen he makes 10% loss. If he sells at Rs 138 then what will be the profit (in %)?

1) 20
2) 15
3) 10
4) 5

Correct Answer: 15

Study Kit for SSC Scientific Assistant (IMD) Examination

QID : 233 - 5 is 0.025% of __________.

1) 20000
2) 2000
3) 200
4) 200000

Correct Answer: 20000

QID : 234 - A taxi going at 60 km/hr takes 25 minutes to travel a certain distance. By how much should it increase its speed (in km/hr) to travel the same distance in 15 minutes?

1) 60
2) 40
3) 80
4) 20

Correct Answer: 40

QID : 235 - Compound interest received on a certain amount for the 3rd year is Rs. 9,600. What will be the compound interest (in Rs) for the 4th year on the same amount at 12% rate of interest?

1) 10752
2) 11752
3) 10252
4) 11252

Correct Answer: 10752

QID : 236 - If (3x)/5 - (4/5)(10/3 - x/2) = -2/3, then what is the value of x?

1) -2
2) 10/3
3) 2
4) -10/3

Correct Answer: 2

QID : 237 - If a3 + b3 = 208 and ab = -12, then what is the value of a + b?

1) 8
2) 12
3) 11
4) 4

Correct Answer: 4

QID : 238 - A fraction is greater than thrice its reciprocal by 23/6. What is the fraction?

1) 9/2
2) 2/9
3) 9/4
4) 4/9

Correct Answer: 9/2

QID : 239 - What is the sum of the first 12 terms of an arithmetic progression if the 3rd term is -14 and the 6th term is -5?

1) -239
2) -42
3) 164
4) 218

Correct Answer: -42

QID : 240 - What is the reflection of the point (-2, 6) in the line x = -1?

1) (-2 , -8)
2) (2 , 6)
3) (0 , 6)
4) (-2 , 8)

Correct Answer: (0 , 6)

QID : 241 - In what ratio is the segment joining point (3 , -3) and point (-5 , 2) divided by the y-axis?

1) 5 : 3
2) 3 : 2
3) 3 : 5
4) 2 : 3

Correct Answer: 3 : 5

QID : 242 - What is the slope of the line 5x + 4y = 10?

1) 5/4
2) -4/5
3) -5/4
4) 4/5

Correct Answer: -5/4

QID : 243 - ∆XYZ is similar to ∆PQR. and XY:PQ=4:1. If Area of ∆PQR is 4 sq cm, what is the area (in sq cm) of ∆XYZ?

1) 16
2) 32
3) 64
4) 28

Correct Answer: 64

QID : 244 - What is the value of 1/√3 Tan 45o + Cosec 60o = ?

1) (√3 + 2)/2
2) (√3 + 2)√3
3) √3
4) √3 + 2

Correct Answer: √3

QID : 245 - ∆ PQR is right angled at Q. If m∠R = 30o then Cos P x Cosec P =?

1) √3
2) √2
3) 1/√3
4) 1/√2

Correct Answer: 1/√3

QID : 246 - If Cos θ = 0.6 , then Tan θ = ?

1) 0.8
2) 4/3
3) 1.25
4) 3/4

Correct Answer: 4/3

QID : 247 -

Which two ingredients are required for the cake in the same quantity?

1) Sugar and Chocolate
2) Baking powder and butter
3) Dry fruit and Eggs
4) Eggs and butter

Correct Answer: Sugar and Chocolate

QID : 248 -

Weight of dry fruit is lesser (in %) than the combined weight of sugar and chocolate by?

1) 10
2) 3
3) 3.3
4) 12

Correct Answer: 10

QID : 249 -

If only butter was doubled, then butter would be what percent of the total ingredients?

1) 18
2) 11.11
3) 20
4) 22.22

Correct Answer: 20

QID : 250 -

If 2 dozen cakes each of 180 gms have to be baked then how much butter (in gms) will be required?

1) 480
2) 240
3) 120
4) 360

Correct Answer: 480

Study Kit for SSC Scientific Assistant (IMD) Examination

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