(Result) SSC: Multi Tasking (Non-technical) Staff Examination: 2011


SSC: Multi Tasking (Non-technical) Staff Examination: 2011

The nine Regional/Sub-Regional Offices of the Commission advertised filling up of posts of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical Staff) for each State/UT in their jurisdiction on 04.12.2010. To facilitate easy comprehension and to avoid ambiguity, the Commission published Common Instructions to the candidates on the same day. As the number of applications was large in each State/UT, to avoid inconvenience to the candidates who might have applied for multiple States/UTs, the Commission conducted the examination on 20th & 27th February, 2011 at various centres scattered all over India. Arrangements were made to candidates for multiple States/UTs to appear for the examination only once and their marks taken into consideration for the States/UTs for which they might have applied. Re-examination of one centre was also held on 17th April, 2011. As the examination was advertised by Regional Offices of the Commission, the result of the examination State-wise/UT-wise was processed by the Regional Offices for the States/UTs under their jurisdiction taking into account of the vacancies advertised by them.

Regional Offices except Western Region, have declared the result and Western Region is processing the result. Regional Offices have selected candidates from amongst the applicants for individual State/UT in merit order taking into account vacancies available for different categories. 8,26,695 candidates actually appeared in the examination. The marks of 7,20,240 candidates and the details of 1,06,455 candidates who have been awarded Zero marks as their candidature have been cancelled due to wrong coding of their details on their OMR Answer Sheet, as per common instructions to candidates is now available on Commission’s website http://ssc.nic.in

Multi Tasking (Non-technical) Staff Examination, 2011- Placing of Marks of All Candidates

Multi Tasking (Non-technical) Staff Examination,2011- Placing of Marks of All Candidates (Awarded Zero Marks)

Courtesy: ssc.nic.in