(Result) SSC : Recruitment of Constables (GD) in CAPFs and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles, 2012
Staff Selection Commission
Result : Recruitment of Constables (GD) in CAPFs and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles, 2012.
The Staff Selection Commission conducted recruitment of Constable (GD) in CAPFs and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles Examination, 2012 on 22.4.2012 of those candidates who have qualified the PST/PET.
The results of written examination of 1,58,773 and 2461 male candidates qualified for Detailed Medical Examination were declared on 12-6-2012 and 22.6.2012.
On the basis of the written examination and Detailed Medical Examination, Commission has now declared the result of 37,553 male candidates including 37,346 in Select List and 207 in Reserve List who have been recommended for appointment to the post of Constable (GD) in CAPFs and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles.
The minimum cut-off percentage marks in the written examination are 33% for SC, ST and OBC candidates and 35% for UR and Ex-Servicemen candidates. Domicile in a State/UT is an eligibility condition laid down for consideration against vacancies in the State/UT. Keeping these factors in view Commission fixed different qualifying criteria for different States/UTs for calling the candidates for Detailed Medical Examination.
Post of Constable (GD) In CAPFS & Rifleman In Assam Rifles 2012
(Reserve List) List of Male Candidates Recommended For Appointment In Roll No Order
(Select List) List of Male Candidates Recommended For Appointment In Roll No Order
Click Here For Official Notification
Courtesy : Staff Selection Commission