(Syllabus) Rajasthan Police Exam : Post of Sub-Inspector (Technician/Operator) Police Telecommunications
(Syllabus) Rajasthan Police Exam : Post of Sub-Inspector (Technician/Operator) Police Telecommunications
General Knowledge and General Science (Marks-150 )
1. Current events, important organizations, institutions, personalities, games and sports at International, National and State level.
2. Indian National Movement with special reference to non-cooperation movement, Civil disobedience and Quit India Movement. Contribution of Rajasthan in freedom struggle. Integration of princely States and formation of Rajasthan.
3. World and Indian Geography: Physical, Social and Economic Geography.
4. Geography of Rajasthan: Physical, edaphic and biotic features, Natural resources : minerals, water, energy, wildlife, livestock and vegetation.
5. Economic Development and Planning in Rajasthan: Broad features of X and XI Five Year Plans. Programmes and Institutions for Development. Major programmes for removal of poverty and unemployment. Sustainable Development, Demographic features.
6. Art and Culture of Rajasthan : Fairs, Festivals, Folk Dances, Customs, Dialects, Dresses, Ornaments, Folk music and instruments, Paintings, Religious beliefs and saints. Important tourism places.
7. Indian Polity and Governance: Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Elections, Human Rights and Right To Information. Police Administration and Organization in Rajasthan.
8. General Science: Elementary knowledge and understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and experiences(up to X standard). Basic Laws of Science. Human diseases: sources and types of diseases, communicable and non-communicable diseases. Prevention and control measures of AIDS, TB, Jaundice, Typhoid, Malaria and Polio.
9. Basic knowledge of computer and its applications, cyber crimes.
PART —B (Marks-250)
1. Circuit analysis: Networks-some important definitions, loop and nodal equation based on D.C. and A.C. circuits (Kirchhoff's Law). Four terminal networks: Ampere volt conventions, open, close and hybrid parameters of any four terminal network, Input, output and mutual impendence for an active four terminal network. Various circuit theorems: Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, reciprocity, compensation, maximum power transfer and Miller theorems.
2. PN Junction: Semiconductor, P and N type of material, charge densities in N and P materials: Conduction by drift and diffusion of charge carriers, formation and working of PN junction diode, reverse and forward characteristics.
3. Rectifiers and Power supply: Half-Wave, full Wave and bridge rectifier: calculation of ripple factor, PIV, efficiency and regulation; Filters: series inductor, shunt capacitor, L section and it section filters. Voltage regulation: Voltage regulation and voltage stabilization by Zener diode, Regulated power supply, overload and short-circuit protection
4. Transistors: volt-ampere characteristics for bipolar junctions transistor, Concept of load line and operating point, Hybrid parameters. CB, CE, CC configurations. Junction field effect transistor (JEFT) and metal oxide semiconductor filed effect transistor (MOSFET). Circuit symbols. volt- ampere characteristics of Transistors. Source follower operation of FET as variable voltage resister.
5. Power Electronics: SCR, Diac, Triac, UJT
6. Transistor Biasing : Need of bias and stability of Q point, stability factors, and various biasing techniques: fixed bias, collector to base feedback bias and voltage divider bias.
7. Amplifiers: Analysis of transistor amplifiers using hybrid parameters and its gain-frequency response: Cascade amplifiers, basic idea of direct coupled and R.C. coupled amplifiers, Differential amplifiers; Amplifier with feedback: Concept of feedback, positive and negative feedback, voltage and current feedback circuits. Advantage of negative feeilback.
8. Oscillators: criteria for self-excited and self-sustained oscillation, circuit requirement for build-up of oscillation, Basic transistor oscillator circuit and its analysis, colpitt's and Hartely oscillators. R.C. oscillators, crystal oscillators and their advantages.
9. Wave propagation and antenna: Electromagnetic waves, energy density of EM waves, EM waves in different medium, spectrum of EM waves, Radio wave propagation, transmission lines, characteristic impedance, standing wave ratio, matching methods, basics of antenna.
10.Radio-Communication: Modulation: analog modulation (Amplitude, frequency and phase modulation) and digital modulation, Transmission and reception of radio waves, Detection of intelligence signal, Block diagram of radio transmitters and receivers, sensitivity, selectivity and fidelity of radio receivers.
11.Instruments: Conversion of a galvanometer in to ammeter and voltmeter, measurement of basic electrical quantities and parameters, basic knowledge of multi-meter, Oscilloscope and signal generators.
12.Logic circuits : Logic fundamentals : AND, OR,NOT,NOR,NAND,XOR gates, arithmetic circuits, Boolean algebra , De Morgan's theorem, positive and negative logic, circuit realization using DTL and TTL logic, simplification of Boolean expressions.
13.Computer fundamentals: Different number system, their radix conversion and arithmetic operations, Introduction to computers & related terminology, hardware fundamentals, basics of software, types of memory, fundamental of computer architecture, operating systems, application software, different computer network communications & connectivity, internet and its online resources.
Courtesy: Rajasthan Police