(Info) SSC Planner : Nature of Exam
SSC Planner
Nature of Exam
SSC encounters the majority of candidate due to the nature of job. The final selection is preceded by a number of written tests and a personality test to judge various aspect of your personality with accordance to the ones required for the offered job.
SSC conducts the Combined Graduate Level Exam for the recruitment of qualified aspirants to fill in the various vacancies coming up in the public sector companies and government organizations. The test is carried out in two levels mainly Tier-I and Tier-II. Aspirants who qualifies both the tests with the required score have to attend an Personal Interview which follows the Exam.
Tier-I uses to screen the candidates for appearing in Tier-II for various Papers which will be specifically required for different groups of posts .However to avoid replication at tier- II level ,marks of such screened candidates in Tier-I will be taken into account for ranking of candidates for selecting them for the interview and also final selection.
Tier - II of the examination will consist of three objective multiple choice papers which the candidates will be required to take depending upon their qualifications and options for various posts.
Tier - III will consist of interview, additionally for posts Tax Assistant and skill test in Data Entry /Computer. Proficiency will be qualifying nature are Compulsory marks of interview will apportioned appropriately to test the competencies which might have been adequately tested through objective type testing in Tier-I and Tier - II.