(Notification) SSC-CR : Recruitment For Various Posts in Various Departments Advert. No. CR-1/2013
Staff Selection Commission
Central Region Office, Allahabad
Advertisement No. CR-1/2013 | FILE NO. 232/SSC-CR/1-2013-Rectt (SP)
Applications are invited for following posts in various offices under Government of India falling within the jurisdiction of Staff Selection Commission (Central Region), Allahabad. Last date for receipt of application is 25th March, 2013. Application received after the closing date will not be entertained.
CAT-1: One post of Junior Engineer(Civil) in Dte. General of Lighthouses & Lightships, Noida, (UP).
Pay Scale: PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with G.P. 4200/- (revised) (Group 'B' Non Gazetted, Non-Ministerial).
Vacancy: 01 (UR) (Post is identified suitable for PH candidates with disability of the category OA/OL/BL/HH-One Arm/One Leg/Both legs/Hearing Handicapped
but there is no reservation for such candidates). -
Age: Between 21 to 32 years ( PH candidates by 10 years, Central Govt.Civilian Employees till 37 years).
Educational Qualification: (i). Degree in Civil Engineering.OR
(ii). Diploma in Civil Engineering with 3 years experience.OR
(iii). Equivalent Qualification. -
Job Responsibilities:- 1.To carry out construction and maintenance of Lighthouses and allied buildings. To supervise all civil engineering works under his charge and ensure proper execution of works according to the approved specifications/drawings. To remain at site till completion of works.
2. To arrange procurement of materials and its safe custody. Maintain proper account.
3. To record measurements of works done. To prepare abstract of measurement at the time of preparation of bills.
4. To maintain the prescribed registers/accounts.
5. To prepare estimates after collecting data from site.
6. To prepare Running Account Bill.CAT-2: Three posts of Senior Hindi Translator in M/o Small and Medium Enterprises O/o Development Commissioner, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises , New Delhi.
CAT-2: Three posts of Senior Hindi Translator in M/o Small and Medium Enterprises O/o Development Commissioner, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises , New Delhi.
Vacancy: 03 (UR) (Post is identified suitable for OH candidates with disability of the category OA (One Effected) but not suitable for HH &VH
Age: Not exceeding 30 years. ( Relaxable by 5 years for Government Servant)
Pay Scale: PB-2, Rs. 9300-34800/- Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-(Group 'B' Non Gazetted, Non-Ministerial).
Educational Qualification: 1. Master’s Degree of a recognized university or equivalent in Hindi/English/ with English/Hindi as a compulsory/elective subject or as medium of examination at Degree level.ORMaster’s Degre of the recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi/English with Hindi/English medium and English/Hindi as a compulsory/elective subject or as medium of examination at Degree level.ORMaster’s Degree of the recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi/English, with Hindi and English as compulsory/elective subject or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as a compulsory/elective subject at Degree level. AND
2.Recognised Diploma Certificate Course in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa or two year’s experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government Offices including Government of India Undertakings. -
D.Q: i.) Knowledge of Sanskrit and/or a Modern Indian Language.
ii) Basic Knowledge of Computers particularly application side of currently used software/packages in Hindi for Offices. -
Job Responsibilities: NILCAT-3: One post of Dietician in IAF O/o the Air Headquarters Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi.
CAT-3: One post of Dietician in IAF O/o the Air Headquarters Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi.
Vacancy: 01- UR ( Not suitable for OH, HH &VH candidates)
Age: Not exceeding 30 years {( Relaxable by 5 years for Government Servant)
Pay Scale: PB-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade pay of Rs. 4200/- /-(Group 'B' Non Gazetted, Non-Ministerial).
Educational Qualification: i. Post Graduate Degree in Food Nutrition or Food Service Management and Dietetics or Institutional Management and Dietetics from a recognized University or Institute and .
ii. Two years experience as a Dietician in a Hospital or Medical Institute.OR
i. Degree in Home Science along with Diploma in Dietetics from a recognized University or Institution, and
ii. Two years experience as a Dietician in a Hospital or Medical Institute. -
Job Responsibilities : 1.Planning of Menus and overall supervise of cooking and distribution of patient’s food.
2.Based on the instructions of MO’s the dietician will work out the permissible quantities of ingredients of ration articles and so on to make up the total prescribed calories and salt and fluid requirements. Prepare alternate menus based on the quantities of ration worked out as above.
3.Visit all the wards frequently and check up the food distribution and enquire from the patients about their complaints or any trouble regarding their diets.
4.Make out the correct diets and menus for patients discharged from the hospital after treatment and also for patients attending the outpatient department.
5.Give lectures on nutrition to the probationer nurses.
CAT-4: Three posts of Draughtsman Grade-I O/o the Commandant & MD 510 Army Base Workshop, Meerut Contonment, Meerut (U.P.) & O/o the Commandant & MD 508 Army Base Workshop, Fort, Allahabad (UP)
Vacancy: UR-01, OBC- 02( The post is identified suitable for PH candidate with disability in the sub-category of OA(One Arm) OL (One Leg) and HH (Hearing Handicapped) but there is no reservation for such candidates.
Age: Not exceeding 30 years (Relax-able by 3 years for OBC candidates and 5 years for Govt. Servant in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Govt. from time to time.)
Pay Scale: PB-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-(Group 'B' Non Gazetted, NonMinisterial).
Educational Qualification: i) Higher Secondary (10+2) of a recognized university/Board/Institution of equivalent.
ii) Three years Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering of a recognized university/Board/Institution or equivalent. -
Job Responsibilities :Preparation and interpretation of drawing manually and computer aided.Docketing and storage of drawing prepared etc.
CAT-5: One post of Junior Chemist in O/o Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Branch Head Office, New Secretariat Building, Civil Lines, Nagpur.
Vacancy: UR- 01( Not suitable for OH, HH &VH candidates)
Age: Not exceeding 30 years (Relax able for Govt. servants up to 35 years in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Central Govt.)
Pay Scale: PB-1, Rs. 5200-20200with Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-( Group 'C' Non Gazetted, Non-Ministerial).
Educational Qualification: 1. Master Degree of a recognized University in Chemistry or Diary Chemistry or Oil technology or Food technology of a recognized University or equivalent or B.Sc. Degree with Chemistry as one of the subject or B.Sc.(Hons.) in Chemistry with two years experience in analytical work.
Desired Qualification: NILI.P.:- Kanpur ( UP) with All India Service Liability.
Job Responsibilities:- Chemical Analysis of sample of all Agmark articles.
CAT-6: Three posts of Laboratory Assistant in O/o Director, CCS National Institute of Animal Health, Bhagjpat
Vacancy: UR- 03 ( These posts are not identified for PH & Ex-Servicemen. candidates. Not suitable for OH, HH &VH candidates)
Age: 18-27 years (Relax able up to 40 years for departmental candidate to Central Govt. employee having 3 years regular service and continuous in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Central Govt.)
Pay Scale: PB-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-( Group 'C' Non Gazetted, Non-Ministerial).
Educational Qualification: B.Sc in Chemistry, Microbiology or Biotechnology from a recognized University/Institution.
Desired Qualification: i. M.Sc in Chemistry, Microbiology or Biotechnology from a recognized University/Institution.
ii. Two years Experience in research/manufacture of vaccines and biological in a recognized Government /Autonomous institution in manufacturing/testing biological. -
Job Responsibilities:- 1. To carry out all work related to preparation and management of Bacteriological media.
2. To prepare reagent, solutions etc. fro Bacteriological and Virological tests.
3. To prepare & maintain Cell Culture, egg candling and inoculation.
4. To assist in all lab work in BSL level-2 and BSL leve-3.
5. To maintain stocks and records. To assist in animal experiments and other animal house activities.
Application Fee:
Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only).
No fee for SCs, STs, Female candidates, Physically Handicapped and
Ex-Servicemen. However, such EXS candidates who have
already secured employment under the Central Govt. in Civil side after availing
the benefit given to them as EXS for their re-employment are eligible for
age-relaxation only prescribed for EXS for securing another employment in a
higher grade but will not be eligible for the benefit for reservation for EXS &
would have to pay the requisite fee of Rs. 50/- for this recruitment.. Fee
concession is not admissible to sons & daughters or dependents of EXS. Service
Clerks in the last year of their color service are also not exempted from
payment of fee.
How to Apply:
Applications separately for different categories of posts must be submitted in the form published along with the advertisement in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar of 23.02.2013. The applications may be typed out in double space or Computer printed or written in hand neatly, but format should be the same as published. Candidates may use a photocopy of the form published in the Employment News but should not use Employment News /Rozgar Samachar cuttings as Application forms.
Last Date : 25-03-2013
Courtesy : Staff Selection Commission