(Result) CHSLE : Re- Exam for Recruitment of Lower Division Clerk & Data Entry Operator - 2012


Staff Selection Commission

Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2012

Declaration of Re-examination held on 13-1-2013 to call the candidates
For Typewriting Test/ Data Entry Skill Test

Staff Selection Commission conducted a re-examination of the Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Examination, 2012 on 13-1-2013 for recruitment to the post of Data Entry Operators and Lower Division Clerks. A total of 1.473 candidates appeared in the said examination.

Following is the list of 15 candidates qualified provisionally in the written part of the examination for typing test for LDC and 5 candidates for skill test for Data Entry Operator on the basis of their performance in the written examination subject to their fulfilling all eligibility conditions and also correctness of the information furnished by them in their application.

List I : Candidates qualified for Typing Test for LDC.

Category Cut-of Marks Candidate Available

























Total : 15

List II : Candidates qualified for Skill Test for Data Entry Operator

Category Cut-of Marks Candidate Available

























Total : 5

The above said lists are purely provisional and subject to the recommended candidates fulfilling all the eligibility conditions prescribed for the respective post in the Notice of Examination and also subject to thorough verification of their identity with reference to their photographs, signatures, handwritings, etc., on the application forms, admission certificates,  etc. The candidature of the candidates are liable to the cancelled by respective Regional Directors in case candidates are found not fulfilling the eligibility conditions or any other genuine reasons including but not limited to resorting to unfair means.

Commission undertakes post examination analysis and candidature is liable to be cancelled at any stage of recruitment if any candidate is, prima- facie, found to be
involved in unfair means based on such analysis.

For candidates belonging to reserved categories for whom certain percentage of vacancies are reserved as per Government Policy, the category status is indicated against their Roll Numbers. It is important to note that some of these candidates have been declared qualified only for the category mentioned against their Roll Numbers. If any candidate does not actually belong to the category mentioned against his/her name, he/she may not be eligible to be included in the list. It is, therefore, in the interest of the candidates concerned to immediately contact the respective Regional Office of the Commission in all such cases where they do not
belong to the category shown against their Roll Numbers. Candidates whose names and Roll Number do not match should also bring such mismatch to the notice of the concerned regional offices for detailed examination.

Skill tests will tentatively commence from 23-02-2013. Schedule for holding the Type Test/Data Entry Skill Test on computers will available on Commission’s website shortly. In this connection, the following points are brought to the notice of the candidates.

Skill Test for Data Entry Operator :

  • The skill test will be administered on computers.
  • The ‘Data Entry Speed’ Skill Test would be qualifying in nature. Candidates allowed to take this test, will have to qualify the test at the prescribed speed on computer, to be provided by the Commission at the centre/venue so notified.
  • None of the candidates including PH candidates who qualify in the written part of the examination will be exempted from the skill test as passing of the skill test is a precondition and an essential qualification for appointment the post of Data Entry Operator.
  • Only such candidates who qualify in the skill test at a speed of not less than 8,000 key depressions per hour will be eligible for being recommended for appointment as per their position in the merit list.
  • The duration of the said skill test will be 15 (fifteen) minutes and printed matter in English containing about 2,000 strokes/key depressions would be given to each candidate who would enter the same in the computer.

Skill Test for LDC :

  • The skill test will be administered on computer.
  • Typing test will be qualifying in the nature and will be conducted in English or in Hindi as opted by the candidates.
  • English Typing @ 35 w.p.m. (Time allowed 10 minutes) (30 minutes for VH candidates)
  • Hindi Typing @ 30 w.p.m. (Time allowed 10 minutes) (30 minutes for VH candidates).(35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. corresponds to 10500 Key Depressions Per Hour/ 9000Key Depressions Per Hour on an average of 5 Key Depressions for each word).

Representations received from candidates about incorrect Questions and their Answers in the Question Papers in the examination have been carefully examined and answer keys modified suitably, wherever necessary.

Regional Offices will verify the options of the candidates in the two lists with reference to their applications before calling them for the skill tests. Candidates who have not exercised options for any post have been considered for all posts. This, however, will not confer any right on them for selection, as the Commission follows the policy of considering candidates who have exercised option for inclusion in the select list and if any surplus vacancies are available, reserve list is prepared for considering candidates who had failed to exercise options.

Commission, in pursuance of Addendum dated 22-8-2012 to Notice of the Examination, is examining the feasibility of equating of marks of the candidates as the examination was conducted in multiple batches on three days. To avoid delay, the result is being declared on the basis of raw marks secured by the candidates. Any additional list/ change in the list of candidates qualified provisionally to appear for Typing Test/ DEST, consequent to such equating will be declared by the Commission in due course.

Result of this examination is available on SSC’s Website http://ssc.nic.in. Marks of qualified & Non-qualified candidates will made available on the Commission’s website after decision is taken on equating and the exercise of equating the marks is completed.

Important Links:

Courtesy : Staff Selection Commission