FCI (AG-III) : Download Duplicate Admit Card For Paper II & Paper III Examination Be Held On 03-02-2013
Staff Selection Commission
Combined Recruitment for Assistant Grade III in General, Depot, Technical and Account Cadres in the FCI - 2013
Download Duplicate Admit Card For Paper II & Paper III Examination To Be Held on 03-02-2013
- The results of Paper I of the above examination held on 11/11/2012 in Central Region (UP & Bihar) has been declared by the Commission on 20/12/2013 and is available on the Website http://ssc.nic.in . Candidates who have qualified in Paper-I are thus eligible for appearing in Paper-II/Paper-III which is to be held on 03/02/2013 in Central Region(CR) at Allahabad, Lucknow and Patna Centres . Admission Certificates to the candidates are under dispatch by post, however, the same may also be downloaded from this website.
- It may be noted that the Paper II would be held in Morning Session ( Reporting Time 9:15 AM) and Paper III would be held in Afternoon Session ( Reporting Time 1:15 PM) .Candidates should specially note the following important instructions among others mentioned on the Admission Certificates :
- Candidates found in possession of Mobile phones or electronic gadgets would be treated as resorting to unfair means and would not be allowed to appear for the exam in addition to being debarred for 5 years, without prejudice to other action under relevant rules and criminal proceedings .
- Candidates must bring with them 3 recent stamp size photographs (3 cm X 3.5 cm) and I.D. proof such as driving license, College ID,Voter ID, Pan Card,etc. If any candidate fails to produce the same at the time of examination, he/she would not be allowed to appear in the examination
- Candidature of candidates found obstructing the work of Centre Supervisors/invigilators or representatives of the Commission will be summarily cancelled .
- Candidates are required to inform discrepancy, if any, in the scanned photograph/signature, address and other particulars and should not attempt to correct the same on his own.
Courtesy: Staff Selection Commission