(Answer Key) SSC : Recruitment for Assistant Grade III in General,Depot, Technical and Account Cadres in the FCI - 2013


Staff Selection Commission

Combined Recruitment for Assistant Grade III in General, Depot, Technical and Account Cadres in the FCI - 2013

The Staff Selection Commission has conducted a Written Examination for Combined Recruitment for Assistant Grade-III in General, Depot, Technical and Account cadre in the Food Corporation of India, 2013 all over the country on 10th & 11th November, 2012.

The Commission used the following different 12 Question Papers/Test Form Numbers in the said examination :--

10.11.2012(EVENING) 	11.11.2012(MORNING & EVENING)
1. 147 RH 8 		1. 222 MN 2 	1. 111 LO 1
2. 148 TG 8 		2. 233 NN 3 	2. 113 PO 1
3. 154 KH 7 		3. 244 NN 3 	3. 122 MN 2
4. 156 SG 7 		4. 287 MM 2 	4. 128 RN 2

The keys of the Question Papers in respect of different Test Form Nos. are now placed in the Commission’s website: http://ssc.nic.in. Claims of discrepancies or incorrect keys should be made in writing to the undersigned citing their name and roll numbers at the earliest and latest by 27.11.2012. The Commission will not entertain/consider any representation received after the stipulated date. To avoid summary rejection of the claim of incorrect keys, candidates are advised to send documentary support for their claims.

  • Answer Key of FCI Examination (Evening Session)- 2013 Date of Exam: 10/11/2012 Click Here

  • Answer Key of FCI Examination (Morning Session)- 2013 Date of Exam: 11/11/2012 Click Here

  • Answer Key of FCI Examination (Evening Session)- 2013 Date of Exam: 11/11/2012 Click Here

 Courtesy: SSC