(Result) SSC: Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff , 2012
Staff Selection Commission
Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff , 2012
The Staff Selection Commission conducted Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff , 2012 on 25.03.2012 for regularly appointed Group ‘C’ staff in Lower Division Clerk of the following Services/Cadres :-
- Central Secretariat Clerical Service ;
- Armed Forces Headquarters Clerical Service ;
- Grade IV of IFS Branch ‘B’ ;
- Central Vigilance Commission Clerical Service.
A total of 343 candidates actually appeared in the said examination. Out of them, 69 candidates have been awarded ‘zero’ marks due to various reasons. Medium of examination indicated by the candidates in their application forms has been followed for evaluation.
Details of the cut-off marks fixed by Commission in Paper-II for evaluation of Paper-I is as under :-
Category | SC | ST | PH | UR | Total |
Cut – off marks | 25.00 | 25.00 | 25.00 | 30.00 | |
Candidates available | 63 | 53 | 02 | 124* | 242 |
The result of Paper-II and marks of 274 candidates qualified /non-qualified and details of 69 rejected.
Courtesy: ssc.nic.in