(Jobs) Rajasthan High Court : Rajasthan District Judge Recruitment 2021
(Jobs) Rajasthan High Court : Rajasthan District Judge Recruitment 2021
On-line Applications are invited in the prescribed online format from the eligible Advocates for direct recruitment to the vacant posts (shown in the chart at point No.2) in the Cadre of District Judge in accordance with the provisions of Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010 (As amended from time to time) (hereinafter referred to as'Rules') in pay scale of Rs. 51"550- 1230-58930-1380-63070. Unless contrary appears from the context, the pronoun "he" and its derivatives are used for any person, whether male or female hereinafter in the Notification.
Post Details:
Educational Qualification:
- must hold a degree of Bachelor of Laws (Professional) of any University established by Law in lndia and recognized as such under the Advocates Act, L96L;
- must have been an Advocate for a period of not less than seven years on the last date fixed for receipt of online application i.e 71 .02.2O21', and
- must possessess a thorough knowledge of Hindi Written in Devnagri Script and Rajasthani Dialects and Social Customs of Rajasthan.
Age Limit:
A candidate for direct recrultment to the service must have attained the age of 35 years and must not have attained the age of 45 years on the 1st day of January 2022.
Provided that the upper age limit mentioned above shall be relaxed by 5 (five) years in case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, More Backward Classes and Women Candidates.
Application Fee:
- General/Economically Weaker Sections/ Other Backward Classes/More Backward Classes / Candidates of other States : RS. 1100/-
- Scheduled Castes/Sched u led Tribes Cand idates of Rajasthan State/ Persons with Benchmark Disabilities : RS. 550/-
1) Syllabus for Preliminary Examination is prescribed in Schedule Vlll of the "Rules".
2! Syllabus for Main Examination is prescribed in Schedule lX of the "Rules"
3) Candidates are again adviced to read the Rutes carefully.
1) The scheme of competitive examination for direct recruitment to the cadre of District Judge shall be as prescribed in Rule 40 read with schedule Vll of the " Rules".
2) There shall be no negative marking for wrong answers in Preliminary Examination.
3) The Preliminary Examination shall be conducted on OMR Answer Sheets.
4) Model answer key to the question paper of Preliminary Examination shall be published on the official website i.e. http://www. hcra i. nic.in of this Court forthwith after holding of the Preliminary Examination. The objections from candidates against the model answer key shall be sent within such time limit and such manner prescribed by Rajasthan High Court. Such objections shall be considered by a competent Commlttee and if needed, after modifying the answer key, the final answer key may be published on the official website of this Court, simultaneously, with the declaration of result of Preliminary Examination.
5) To qualify for Main Examination, the candidates of SC/ST category shall have to secure minimum 40% marks and candidates of all other categories shall have to secure 45% minimum marks in the Preliminary Examination.
6) The Committee constituted by the Chief Justice shall scrutinize the applications of the applicants who are qualified for main examination and shall satisfy itself before granting of certificate in case that the application has been made strictly in accordance with the provisions of Rajasthan ludicial Service Rules, 2010 and the decision as to the eligibility or otherwise of the candidates for admission in the Main Examination shall be final. No candidate shall be admitted to the Main Examination unless he holds a certificate of admission granted by the person authorized by the Ch ief I ustice.
7) After interview, a merit list of the candidates (category wise) shall be prepared on the basis of their aggregate marks obtained in Main Examination and lnterview considering the suitability in general. Provided that notwithstanding anything contained in any rule or schedule and having regard to the requirement of efficiency in service, the court may determine such cut off marks as considered fit for being recommended for appointment.
How to Apply :
The instructions for filling-in online application form will be uploaded on the official website of Rajasthan High court, well in time. The candidates are advised to go through carefully with the instructions before filling-in online application form and also advised to visit regularly the official website of Rajasthan High Court.
Important Dates :
- Application Begin : 27/01/2021
- Last Date for Apply Online : 27/02/2021
- Last Date Fee Payment : 28/02/2021
Click Here for Official Notification
Click Here to Apply Online
Courtesy: Rajasthan High Court