(Jobs) Recruitment of Male Constables at Punjab Armed Police: 2011
Punjab Armed Police
Applications are invited from Male candidates for filling up of the 200 posts of Male constables in the Armed Bns. Cadre in Punjab Armed Police.
Vacancy Details:
Name of Posts: Male Police constables
No of Posts: 200
Place of Duty: Selected candidate(s) can be deployed anywhere in Punjab, India and even abroad.
Eligibility Criteria:
Educational qualifications: The minimum educational qualification for recruitment is 10+2 or its equivalent. It is compulsory for each candidate to have passed matriculation examination with Punjabi as compulsory /optional subject. However, in case of Ex- Servicemen the minimum educational qualification will be matriculation.
Age Limit: The minimum and maximum age for recruitment shall be 18 years and 25 years respectively
Selection Process:
Selection shall be made by the Recruitment Board constituted under the Chairmanship of Inspector General of Police IR Bns., Patiala. Selection process would comprise of three phases for male candidates.
- Physical Measurement
- Physical Efficiency Test
- Interview.
How To Apply:
Application Form can be obtained by paying Rs. 100/- cash w.e.f. 24.10.2011 to 10.11.2011 on all working days during office hours (9.00 a.m. to 1.30 P.M and 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.) from the office of the following Armed Bns.
Candidates may also apply on forms downloaded from the official website of the Punjab Armed Police www.punjabarmedpolice.org such downloaded application forms should be accompanied by an Account Payee, Demand Draft amounting to Rs. 100/- in favour of “Chairman, Recruitment Board –cum- Inspector General of Police, I.R.Battalions camp at PAP Line, Jalandhar Cantt” payable at Jalandhar Cantt.
Important Dates:
Last Date of Submission of Application Form: 24.10.2011 to 10.11.2011 from 9.00 A.M to 5.00 P.M
Courtesy: punjabarmedpolice.org