(Info) SSC: Candidates Appearing In Tier II of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2013
Staff Selection Commission
Candidates Appearing In Tier II of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2013
Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi in MA
2508/2013 in TA No 48/2013 had stayed all further proceedings in pursuance
of the notification issued for Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2013 until
further order vide its order dated 23.09.2013. The said stay has been
vacated for holding this examination, vide order dated 26.09.2013 of the Hon’ble
CAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi.
In view of above, the Tier - II of the Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2013
will be held on 28th and 29th September, 2013 as per schedule.
Courtesy : SSC