(Duplicate Admit Card) FCI Exam 2013 (Re-exam) To Be Held On 07/04/2013

Staff Selection Commission

Combined Recruitment For Assistant Grade III in FCI Exam 2013 (Re-Exam)

Dear Candidate,
Please note that Download Admit Card option available here are to only those candidate who opted their exam centre within Uttar Pradesh & Bihar State.

Candidate who opted THEIR exam centre other than UP & Bihar may refer following web portal/email of other Regional/Sub Regional Office of Staff Selection Commission as detail below:-
State/UT Region/Sub Region Web Portal
Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttarakhand North Region www.sscnr.net.in
Maharashtra, Gujrat,Goa Western Region www.sscwr.net
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh MP Sub-Region www.sscmpr.org
West Bengal, Orrisa, Jharkhand, A&N Island, Sikkim Eastern Region www.sscer.org
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram North Eastern Region www.sscner.org.in
Andhra Pradesh, Punduchery, Tamilnadu Southern Region www.sscsr.gov.in
Karnataka, Kerla KKR region www.ssckkr.kar.nic.in
Hariyana, Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh North Western Sub-Region www.sscnwr.org
Uttar Pradesh & Bihar Central Region www.ssc-cr.org

Now Click Here For if you have opted your Exam Centre in UP & Bihar

Courtesy: Staff Selection Commission