(Info) Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board : New Exam Scheme - 2013
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
Govt. of NCT of Delhi
New Examination Scheme : DSSSB
Tier | Indicative Posts | Exam. Code | Time | Total Ques. (MCQ) | Total Marks (MCQ) | Total Marks (Descript.) | Total Marks (Interview) | Grand Total | Syllabus |
One Tier (General Posts) |
Pay Band–1
Posts LDC, Steno, Steno-typist, Warder,Patwari,C.W.,Driver and equivalent posts. |
I T-G | 2 hrs. | 200 | 200 | N.A | N.A | 200 | 1.General Awareness. 2.General Intelligence & Reasoning ability. 3.Arithmetical & Numerical Ability. 4. Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension. 5. Test of English Language & Comprehension. (40 Marks each) |
One Tier (Tech./Teaching Posts) | Pay Band–1 Posts Security Supervisor,DEO,Librarian, Asstt. Sanitary Inspector,ANM,Veterinary and Livestock Inspector,etc. Pay Band–2 Posts Trained Graduate Teacher,Nurse,Sound Technician,PrimaryTeacher, Nursery Teacher, Lab.Technician, Technical Asstt.and equivalent posts. |
I T-T | 2 hrs | 200 | 200 | N.A | N.A | 200 | 1.General Awareness. 2.General Intelligence & Reasoning ability. 3.Arithmetical & Numerical Ability. 4.Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension. 5.Test of English Language & Comprehension. (20 Marks each) Objective type multiple choice questions on the subject concerned as per the qualification prescribed for the post.(100 Marks) |
Two Tier (General Posts) |
Pay Band–2 Posts Gr. II-DASS /Head Clerk, Assistants and equivalent posts. |
I T-G | Tier-I (2hrs)
200 | 200 | N.A | N.A | 200 | 1 General Awareness. 2. General Intelligence & Reasoning ability. 3.Arithmetical & Numerical Ability. 4. Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension. 5. Test of English Language & Comprehension.(40 Marks each) |
Tier-II(3hrs) | 200 | 200 | 75 | N.A | 275 | 1.General Intelligence & Reasoning. 2. Quantitative Abilities. 3.General awareness with special emphasis on the History, Culture, Demography, Geography & Economy of Delhi, Administrative set up and Governance in NCT of Delhi. 4. English Language and comprehension. (50 Marks each) Part– (Descriptive)(75 Marks) Essay (In English):50 Marks Letter writing/ Expansion of ideas (In English):25 Marks |
Two Tier Tech Posts) |
Junior Engg.,Sub Officer,Motor Vehicle Inspector,Food Inspector,Wild Life Inspector,Section Officer etc. | II T-T1 | Tier-I (2hrs) | 200 | 200 | N.A | N.A | 200 | 1. General Awareness 2.General Intelligence & Reasoning. 3. Arithmetical &Numerical Ability. 4.Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension. 5. Test of English Language &Comprehension.(20 Marks each) :100 Marks B). Subject/Qualification Related Paper :100 Marks |
Tier-II (2hrs) | 200 | 200 | N.A | N.A | 200 | Subject Qualification 150 marks (150 Questions) Related Paper (75% Weightage) English Language & Comprehension 50 Marks (50 Questions)(25% Weightage) |
Two Tier Tech Posts-2) |
Post Graduate Teacher,Junior Law Officer, Welfare Officer Gr. II,Publicity Officer and District Staff Officer. | II T-T2 | Tier-I (2hrs) | 200 | 200 | N.A | N.A | 200 | A).1.General Awareness. 2.General Intelligence & Reasoning ability. 3.Arithmetical & Numerical Ability. 4. Test of Hindi Language &Comprehension. 5.Test of English Language & Comprehension. (20 Marks each):100 Marks B).Subject/Qualification Related Paper:100 Marks |
Tier-II(3hrs) | 200 | 200 | 50 | N.A | 250 | Part–I(MCQ): Subject / Qualification: 200 Marks Related Paper(80% weightage) Part–II: (Descriptive)(50 Marks) Essay (In English): 30 Marks Letter writing/:20 Marks Expansion of idea (In English)(20% weightage) |
Three Tier (General Posts) |
Asstt. Assessor & Collector /Admn.Officer, Zonal Revenue Officer and equivalent posts | III T-G | Tier-I (2hrs) | 200 | 200 | N.A | N.A | 200 | 1.General Awareness. 2.General Intelligence & Reasoning ability. 3.Arithmetical & Numerical Ability. 4. Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension. 5. Test of English Language & Comprehension.(40 Marks each) |
Tier-II(3hrs) | 200 | 200 | 75 | 25 | 300 | Part–I (MCQ):1.General Intelligence & Reasoning. 2.Quantitative Abilities. 3.General awareness with special emphasis on the History, Culture, Demography , Geography &Economy of Delhi, Administrative set up and Governance in NCT of Delhi. 4. English Language and comprehension.(50 Marks each) Part–II: (Descriptive)(75 Marks)Essay (In English): 50 Marks Letter writing/ Expansion of ideas(In English): 25 Marks |
Three Tier (Tech Posts) |
Asstt. Director, Asstt. Engineer, Asstt. Law Officer, Manager(DSIIDC),Deputy Manager (DFC),Manager Mech.(DTC),Asstt.Architect and equivalent posts. |
III T-T | Tier-I (2hrs) | 200 | 200 | N.A | N.A | 200 | A).1.General Awareness. 2. General Intelligence & Reasoning ability. 3. Arithmetical & Numerical Ability. 4.Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension. 5.Test of English Language & Comprehension. (20 Marks each) :100 Marks B). Subject/Qualification Related Paper:100 Marks |
Tier-II(3hrs) | 200 | 200 | 50 | 25 | 275 | Part–I(MCQ): Subject / Qualification :200 Marks Related Paper (80% weightage) Part–II:(Descriptive)(50 Marks) Essay (In English) :30 Marks Letter writing/:20 Marks Expansion of idea(In English)(20% weightage) |
- Negative Marking will be applicable and deduction of 0.25 marks will be made for each wrong MCQ answer.
- The Board reserves its right to prescribe a minimum cut off mark for any post as per availability of candidates
- Candidates numbering 6 to 10times of vacancies will be called for Tier–II examination subject to number of vacancies / applicants.
- Skill test / Endurance test will be taken as per requirement of job.
- In Two Tier examinations, Tier I exam to be used for short listing only. Selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained in Tier II Examination.
- In Three Tier examinations, Tier I exam to be used for short listing only. Selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained in Tier II examination and interview.
- In Three Tier examination scheme, if vacancies are 4 and above, candidates numbering three times of vacancies shall be called for interview. If vacancies are 1, 2 and 3 only, candidates numbering 5, 8 and 10 respectively will be called for interview for those vacancies
Courtesy: Delhi Govt.