(Answer Key) SSC: Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors (Executive) in Delhi Police Exam - Held On 19-08-2012
Staff Selection Commissions
Recruitment Sub-Inspectors (Executives) in Delhi Police - 2012
Staff Selection Commission conducted an open examination for Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors (Executive) in Delhi Police, 2012 - at different centres across the country in both the session on 19.8.2012. The Commission used the following Test Question Booklets/Test Forms Nos. in Paper-I (held in Morning Session only ) in the said examination. The details are as under:
Test Question Booklet/Test Form No. used (Paper-I)
- 334 PK 9
- 347 PM 3
- 501 PM 9
- 556 PT 3
The answer keys of the questions in respect of different Test Forms, as given by the experts assisting the Commission, are now placed on the Commission’s website :http://ssc.nic.in. Discrepancies relating to questions/incorrect keys, if any, should be brought to the notice of the undersigned on or before 3.9.2012 Representations received after the stipulated date shall not be examined.
Staff Selection Commission conducted an open examination for Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors (Executive) in Delhi Police, 2012 - at different centres across the country in both the session on 19.8.2012. While placing the keys of Paper-I of the said examination, it was, inter-alia, stated that the answer key of Paper-II will be placed on the website shortly. The Commission used the following Test Question Booklets/Test Forms Nos. in Paper-II (held in Evening Session) in the said examination. The details are as under:
Test Question Booklet/Test Form No. used (Paper-II)
- 035MN2
- 012KP1
- 036LN2
- 034PP1
The answer keys of the questions in respect of different Test Forms as given by the experts assisting the Commission are now placed on the Commission’s website :http://ssc.nic.in. Discrepancies relating to questions/incorrect keys, if any, should be brought to the notice of the undersigned on or before 8.10.2012. Representations received after the stipulated date shall not be examined.
It may be noted that Paper-II of only those candidates who have qualified for PET will be evaluated by the Commission as per the notice of the examination.
Courtesy: Staff Selection Commission