Current Affairs for SSC CGL Exams - 10 February 2022

SSC CGL Current Affairs

Current Affairs for SSC CGL Exams - 10 February 2022


4,844 foreigners granted Indian citizenship in 5 years, 1,773 in 2021 alone: Govt

  • As many as 4,844 foreigners have been granted Indian citizenship in the past five years, the government told the Lok Sabha Tuesday. In 2021, the government granted almost three times the number of Indian citizenships compared to 2020, the House was informed.
  • According to the data, 817 foreigners were granted Indian citizenship in 2017, 628 in 2018, 987 in 2019, 639 in 2020 and 1,773 in 2021.
  • “The citizenship of India is governed under the provisions of the Citizenship Act, 1955.
  • Citizenship to eligible foreigners is granted by registration under section 5, by naturalization under section 6 or by incorporation of territory under section 7 of the Citizenship Act, 1955. The reasons for taking Indian citizenship vary in terms of specific circumstances of each applicant subject to the provisions contained in the Citizenship Act, 1955 and rules made thereunder,” Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai said in reply to a question.
  • According to data provided by the government in Parliament earlier, as many as 8,244 people from Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Christian faith from the three countries applied for Indian citizenship of which 3,117 were granted the same till December 2021. Interestingly, between 2018 and 2020, the total number of foreigners from across the world who were granted Indian Citizenship stood at 2,254. The overall data for 2021 was not available.
  • “Number of citizenship applications received from Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Christian minorities groups from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan during the year 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 is 8244. The number of Indian citizenship granted to people belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Christian minorities groups from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan during the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 is 3117,” MoS Home Rai told the Rajya Sabha in a written reply to a question.
  • The CAA was enacted by Parliament on December 12, 2019, but its rules have not been framed as yet. The legislation, which grants citizenship to illegal immigrants belonging to Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Parsi, Christian and Buddhist communities from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, was passed by Parliament amid vehement criticism from the Opposition that pointed out the communal agenda behind the law as it conspicuously left out Muslims. Indian does not have a refugee policy.


Trump ripped up, stuffed presidential papers down White House toilet: Report

  • Among the documents, were official correspondence with North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un -- "love letters," as Donald Trump described them at the time. Similarly included in the Florida stash was a letter outgoing president Barack Obama had left for Trump in the Oval Office.
  • Documents ripped up, stuffed down the toilet or carted off to Florida -- the list of former US leader Donald Trump's alleged flouting of laws on preserving presidential papers grew longer and more bizarre.
  • Trump's shredding of many previously accepted norms of presidential decorum was part of his populist attraction to Republican supporters. But now the National Archives, which is in charge of preserving presidential records, reportedly wants Trump investigated over, among other things, his habit of literally tearing up White House papers while in office.
  • Among the documentswere official correspondence with North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un -- "love letters," as Trump described them at the time. Similarly included in the Florida stash was a letter outgoing president Barack Obama had left for Trump in the Oval Office.
  • Last week, the Archives confirmed reports that Trump had torn up documents, some of which have since been taped back together.
  • Under the 1978 Presidential Records Act (PRA), which was passed in the wake of the Watergate scandal, US presidents are required to transfer all emails, letters and other work documents to the National Archives.


Johnson & Johnson temporarily halts Covid-19 vaccine output: Report

  • Johnson & Johnson has temporarily suspended production at a key plant manufacturing the Covid-19 vaccine, the New York Times reported.
  • The facility in the Dutch city of Leiden halted output late last year, according to the report, which cited people familiar with the decision.
  • J&J, without confirming or denying the report, said it has continued to fulfill delivery commitments, a company spokesman said.
  • The factory, which is currently making an experimental vaccine, is expected to resume production of the Covid-19 vaccine again in a "few" months, the Times reported.
  • J&J currently has "millions of doses of our Covid-19 vaccine in inventory," according to the J&J spokesman.
  • "We continue to fulfill our contractual obligations in relation to the Covax facility and the African Union," the company spokesman said.
  • J&J has projected sales of $3 billion to $3.5 billion in 2022 for its Covid-19 vaccine, much less than the $32 billion forecast by Pfizer for the same period.
  • But the J&J vaccine has been sought after in developing countries because, unlike other options, it does not require transportation at very cold temperatures. Also, the vaccine was originally billed as a single-shot inoculation.


IPL 2022: Ahmedabad IPL franchise to be called 'Gujarat Titans'

  • The Ahmedabad team of the Indian Premier League will be called the Gujarat Titans, the franchise announced.
  • The franchise, owned by private equity firm CVC Capital and to be led by India all-rounder Hardik Pandya, said the name was chosen to pay tribute to the state's rich cricketing legacy.
  • Debuting in the 15th season of the IPL, the Gujarat Titans will pay tribute to the state's rich cricketing legacy, which has seen it produce countless Indian international cricket legends over the years, the franchise said in statement.

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