(Info) SSC Constable (GD) List of additional Male candidates to be called for Medical Examination - 2015
(Info) SSC Constable (GD) List of additional Male candidates to be called for Medical Examination - 2015
Male Candidates Details:
An open competitive written examination for recruitment to the posts of Constable (GD) in CAPFs, NIA & SSF & Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles, 2015 was held on 04-10-2015 and Reexamination held on 22-11-2015 for the candidates who qualified in PET/PST at different centres across the country. Result of the Examination was declared on 14.3.2016 in which following male candidates were qualified in four Lists :-
List-I : 91,138 (State-wise)
List-II : 19,480 (Additional for Naxal/Militancy affected Districts)
List-III: 5,157 (Additional for Border Districts)
List-IV: 1,233 (Candidates qualified for NIA and SSF)
2. Some candidates could not furnish the data of naxal/border codes at the time of filling their application form due to technical reasons. The Regional Offices have sent data of those candidates, who could not provide naxal/border codes, as per their domicile address. The Commission has decided to publish additional result of such candidates. Accordingly the following list of additional candidates are issued.
Additional candidates qualified in List-II
For 9 States viz. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, all the candidates domiciled in Naxal/Militancy affected Districts and qualified in List-I will be considered for vacancies reserved for Naxal/Militancy affected Districts too.
However, for these 9 States, a list of additional candidates is being released at a lower cutoff vis-a-vis List-I for candidates domiciled in Naxal/Militancy affected Districts as below :-
*No cut-off was fixed in result declared on 14.3.2016 for Telangana. It is also clarified that candidates qualified in List-I in the Telangana and domiciled in Naxal/Militancy affected areas in Telangana, will be considered for vacancies reserved for Naxal/Militancy Affected Districts in this State also.
Accordingly, 13,829 additional male candidates qualify for Medical Examination for Naxal/Militancy Affected Districts. State/UT wise and category-wise break-up of the qualifying candidates is as below:
(*10% vacancies are reserved for Ex-serviceman category in each category which has not been shown separately)
Additional candidates qualified in List-III
For 12 States viz. Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Manipur, Nagaland, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal, all the candidates qualified in List-I and domiciled in Border Districts will be considered for vacancies reserved for Border Districts too.
However for these 12 States, a lower cut-off was fixed vis-a-vis List-I for candidates domiciled in Border Districts wherever there were vacancies reported for Border Districts as given below :-
Explanation : * = No vacancy
Accordingly, 819 additional male candidates qualify for Medical Examination for Border Districts. State wise and category-wise break-up of the qualifying candidates is as below:
(*10% vacancies are reserved for Ex-serviceman category in each category which has not been shown separately)
(Note 1: Candidates belonging to reserved categories meeting the cut-off fixed for UR category are shown in the respective category in the TWO Lists.
Note 2: Category, State Code, Naxal/militancy affected district Code, Border district Code and Gender has been taken from Unverified data sent by Regional offices of SSC)
3. To sum up, following additional Male candidates are qualifying in the Lists :-
- List-II: 13,829 (Additional for Naxal/Militancy affected Districts)
- List-III: 819 (Additional for Border Districts)
No additional candidate is qualifying in List-I and List-IV. Each candidate will be called for Medical Examination only once.
4. Result has been prepared on the basis of the data sent by the Regional Offices. If any candidate represents that he does not belong to the Category/State Code/Naxal Code/Border Code etc. as shown in the result, the representation may be sent to the Regional Offices concerned without making any reference to SSC Head Quarter.
5. In case of any mismatch of Category/Name/State Code/Naxal Code/Border Code, the candidate may not be included in the list. Therefore, it is in the interest of the candidates concerned to contact immediately the respective Regional Offices of the Commission in all such cases.
6. The list is PROVISIONAL. The candidates whose roll numbers figure in the list would be called for Medical Examination subject to their fulfilling all the eligibility conditions/requirements as prescribed for the post in the Notice of Examination and also subject to thorough verification of their identity with reference to their photographs, signatures, handwriting, etc., on the application forms, admission certificates, etc. If on verification from the application form, it is found that any candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, he will not be eligible to appear for the Medical Examination. The Commission may cause further verification of details in the OMR sheets of the candidates and also undertakes post examination/post result analysis of OMR sheets to detect incidence of malpractices. Therefore, the result of the written examination are placed on the website, subject to such verification/analysis.
7. Candidates may note that as per Notice of the Examination, they were required to code/write their particulars correctly and append their signature/LTI on the answer sheets. Such answer sheets which are without signature/LTI and where particulars such as Name, Roll Number, Ticket Number and Test Form Number have been coded incorrectly, have not been evaluated. The OMR answer sheets of those candidates found possessing mobiles phones and accessories and other electronic gadgets within the premises of examination centres, whether in use or in switch off mode, and on person or otherwise, have not been evaluated.
8. Some candidates did not exercise their Language option (Hindi/English) in the Part D of the OMR answer sheet as required under Para 9(v)(c) of Notice of the Examination. However, in relaxation of the above provision the Commission has decided to apply answer keys in both Hindi and English Language and lower of the two scores has been taken into consideration.
9. Venue and date for Medical Examination of the qualified candidates will be decided by the CAPFs and intimated to the candidates in due course. CAPFs will issue call letters and conduct DME/RME of the qualified candidates.
Click Here for Official Notification
Click here for Additional Male Candidates Qualified In List 2 For Medical Examination
Click here for Additional Male Candidates Qualified In List 3 For Medical Examination
Courtesy: SSC