Model Questions for SSC CGL TIER-2 Maths Set - 15
Model Questions for SSC CGL TIER-2 Maths Set - 15
Directions: Questions are based on the following bar graph. Read the
graph and answer the questions.
1. What is the percentage increase in the gross traffic receipts in 1995-96
as compared to 1993-94?
(a) 33.9%
(b) 41.5%
(c) 20.7%
(d) 17%
2. If profit = gross traffic receipts – total expenditure, then in 1996-97, what percentage of gross traffic receipts is the profit made?
(a) 5.9%
(b) 6.4%
(c) 7.2%
(d) 8%
3. In which year was the profit as a percentage of gross traffic receipts the highest?
(a) 1997-98
(b) 1996-97
(c) 1995-96
(d) 1994-95
4. In order to make a profit of 10%. What should have been the gross traffic receipts (in Rs. crores) in 1994-95, total expenditure remaining the same?
(a) 5,667
(b) 5,876
(c) 6,444
(d) 7,667
5. By what amount (in Rs. crores) has the expenditure increased over the period 1993-94 to 1997-98?
(a) 4,100
(b) 3,900
(c) 3,850
(d) 3,700
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7. Assume that
(a) 36,164
(b) 37,304
(c) 36,304
(d) 37,164
8. On simplification of
(a) 1
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
9. Evaluate :