(Answer Key) SSC CGL Tier-1 Re - Examination 2013 held on 27.04.2014


Staff Selection Commission

Staff Selection Commission conducted a re-examination at Delhi, Jaipur, Dehradun, Allahabad, Lucknow, Patna and Shimla on 27-4-2014. The Commission used the following Test Question Booklets/Test Forms Nos. in different sessions of the said examination.

Morning Shift.

(Question Booklet No. : CY-2013

  1. 000KG1
  2. 111LH2
  3. 222MI3
  4. 333NJ4
  5. 444OK5
  6. 555PL6
  7. 666QM7
  8. 777RN8


(Question Booklet No. : D A-2013

  1. 000KP1
  2. 111LO2
  3. 222MN3
  4. 333NM4
  5. 444OL5
  6. 555PK6
  7. 666QJ7
  8. 777RI8

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Courtesy : ssc.nic.in