(Answer Key) SSC : Recruitment of SI in Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI in CISF Exam Held on 22.06.2014
Staff Selection Commission
The Staff Selection Commission conducted the written examination (Paper-I) for the post of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspector in CISF Examination, 2014 all over the country on 22.06.2014. The Commission used the following 12 Test Forms in the said examination :
000KP 0 111 LO 1 222 MN 2 333 NM 3
444 OL 4 555 PK 5 777 RI 7 999 TG 9
666 NM 3 777 MN 2 888 LO 1 999 KP 0
Important Links :
Courtesy : ssc.nic.in