(Info) SSC Annual Report 2011-12 : Question Bank Project
Staff Selection Commission
Annual Report 2011-12
The Staff Selection Commission has developed a Question Bank which contains objective type questions for use in Examinations conducted by the Commission. For replenishing the Question Bank and to facilitate selection of good quality and standard questions, the Commission organizes Question Bank Projects/Workshops on different Subjects / Component of testing viz, General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, Arithmetic abilities & Numerical aptitude, Comprehension&Writing Ability in English and Comprehension&Writing Ability in Hindi Language.
(i) In these workshops, organized in different parts of the country, a large number of academicians, scholars, professors, & experts on objective testing techniques are invited from various universities/ institutions to participate. Commission also nominates eminent specialists in the respective fields as resource faculty for such workshops.
(ii) In the Phase I of the workshop, item writers are introduced to the principles of objective testing and techniques for writing good quality questions. Itemwriting exercise is conducted and group discussion held in the light of general guidelines issued by the Commission. Queries raised by the participants are clarified by resource faculty.
(iii) In the two-day Phase II of the Workshop which follows after two months,group Validation of question items submitted by the item writers takes place. The process includes scrutiny of each question regarding its thematic contents, language, grammar, difficulty level, responses and time taken etc. The resource persons and senior officers of the SSC (HQ) and regional offices of Staff Selection Commission supervise the group exercise and other workshop activities.
(iv) During the year under report the following Question Bank workshops were organized by the Commission.
(a) Biological Sciences at Chennai.
(b) Objective type Multiple Choice Question Papers for
Question Paper Setters/Moderators atNewDelhi.
(c) English Language and Comprehension atNewDelhi
Workshops held during the year and second half of 2010-11 enabled the Commission to add 19533 pre-validated objective type question items to its well stocked Question Bank.
A conference of Regional Directors /Deputy Regional Directors is held generally once every year to discuss operational problems and implementations of policy decisions of the Commission. The basic objective of holding the conference is to discuss intensively operation related problems and policy issues governing the recruitment and selection processes adopted by the Staff Selection Commission. Follow up action taken and outcome of the decisions taken in the previous meeting are also discussed and reviewed as a regular feature in such meetings. Such meetings also provide a forum to field level functionaries for exchanging views so as to drawcommonstrategies.
During the period of this report, one Regional Directors' Conference was held on 5th and 6th January, 2012.
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Courtesy : Staff Selection Commission