EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness (Set-7)
EPFO Exam Model Questions : General Awareness
1. Which countries are part of solar alliance announced by India in COP 21?
A. Countries above equator
B. Countries Between tropic of cancer and capricorn
C. Countries between equator and Tropic of Cancer
D. Countries between equator and Tropic of Capricorn
2. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Nuclear suppliers Group?
I. It was established after India's first nuclear test.
II. Imp Decision in NSG are taken on the basis of two-third majority.
III. Presently there are 48 members in NSG
A. I, II
D. All
3. FCRA has been seen in the news recently, it is related to which of the following?
A. Health Indicators
B. Malnutrition
C. NGO's
D. Security
4. Which of the following country has not signed an open sky offer with India?
A. Sri Lanka
B. Jamaica
C. Nepal
D. Czech Republic
5. West Bank area mostly seen in news, is related to which of the following parts of the world?
A. Central Asia
B. South East Asia
C. Southern America
D. Middle east