SSC CGL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2016 "held on 7 September 2016" Morning Shift (Reasoning)
SSC CGL (Tier - 1) Online Exam Paper - 2016 "held on 7 September 2016" Morning Shift (Reasoning)
EXAM DATE : 7-September-2016
EXAM START TIME : 10:00:00
EXAM NAME : SSC Examination 2016
Question 1.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
Bacteria : Microscope :: Moon : ?
1) Night
2) Earth
3) Satellite
4) Telescope
Correct Answer: Telescope
Question 2.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
Correct Answer: FHJL
Question 3.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
27 : 125 : 64 : ?
1) 517
2) 162
3) 216
4) 273
Correct Answer: 216
Question 4.
For the following questions
Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
1) Novel
2) Paper
3) Pencil
4) Pen
Correct Answer: Novel
Question 5.
For the following questions
Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
1) acDD
2) egHH
3) ikLL
4) QSTt
Correct Answer: QSTt
Question 6.
For the following questions
Find the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
1) 65 - 90
2) 73 - 97
3) 112 - 137
4) 162 - 187
Correct Answer: 73 - 97
Question 7.Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary
a. Guarantee b. Group c. Grotesque d. Guard e. Groan
1) a, c, e, b, d
2) b, e, a, d, c
3) b, c, e, a, d
4) e, c, b, a, d
Correct Answer: e, c, b, a, d
Question 8.Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
xy_kx_zk_yzk xyz_ _
1) zyxkx
2) zykxz
3) zkxyk
4) zxykx
Correct Answer: zyxkx
Question 9.Find the missing number in the series:
219, 211, 204, 198, ?, 189
1) 189
2) 192
3) 193
4) 196
Correct Answer: 193
Question 10.If M is the sister of Z , Z is the wife of P and P is the son of A, how Z relates to A?
1) Daughter-in-law
2) Daughter
3) Wife
4) Mother
Correct Answer: Daughter-in-law
Question 11.The sum of ages of 4 children born at intervals of 4 years each is 60. What is the age of the youngest child?
1) 7
2) 9
3) 10
4) 12
Correct Answer: 9
Question 12.From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word:
Correct Answer: OINTMENT
Question 13.In a certain code CAMEL is written as MFNBD. How shall TIGER be written in that code?
Correct Answer: SFHJU
Question 14.If x stands for - , + means x , ÷ means + and - means ÷ , then what is the value of the given expression?
175 - 25 ÷ 5 + 2 x 3 + 10 = ?
1) 77
2) 160
3) 240
4) 2370
Correct Answer: 77
Question 15.If 4 * 2 = 3
and 8 * 4 = 3 ,
then 21 * 7 = ?
1) 4
2) 3
3) 8
4) 16
Correct Answer: 4
(E-Book) SSC CGL (Tier-1) Exam Question Papers PDF with Ans Download
Crash Course for SSC CGL (Tier-1) Exam
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Question 16.Select the missing numbers from the given alternatives
1) 9
2) 16
3) 25
4) 36|
Correct Answer: 9
Question 17.A man walks 5 kilometre towards South and then turns to the right. After walking 3 kilometre, he turns to the left and walks 5 kilometre. Now in which direction is he from the starting point?
1) West
2) South
3) North-East
4) South-West
Correct Answer: South-West
Question 18.Consider the given statement/s to be true and decide which of the given conclusions/assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement.
Statements: Life means stresses and strains.
Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life.
Conclusions: I. Life is not worth living.
II. One should avoid stresses and strains in life.
1) Only conclusion I follows
2) Only conclusion II follows
3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
Correct Answer: Only conclusion II follows
Question 19.How many triangles are there in this geometric figure?
1) 12
2) 16
3) 18
4) 20
Correct Answer: 18
Question 20.Which of the answer figures best indicates the relationship between:
Doctors, Nurses, Hospital
Question 21.Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?
Question 22.From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded
Question 23.A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Question 24.If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure?
Question 25.In the question, a word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., 'G' can be represented by 01 and 'P' can be represented by 10, 44, etc. Similarly you have to identify the set for the word 'BARK'
1) 32, 55, 69, 24
2) 32, 03, 66, 57
3) 67, 42, 66, 00
4) 23, 30, 66, 97
Correct Answer: 67, 42, 66, 00