(About) SSC: Combined Graduate Level Examination


Staff Selection Commission
Combined Graduate Level Examination

The Staff Selection Commission is conducting The Combined Graduate Level Examination, every year.

Posts included in the Scheme of the Examination are divided into two Groups-A & B based on Grade pay. Names of Posts, Classification, Pay Band and Grade Pay, etc. included in the Groups for this examination are:


Assistant (CSS):

  • Assistant in other Central Govt. Ministries/Departments/CVC etc
  • Inspector of Posts
  • Inspector, Central Excise/Preventive Officer/Examiner
  • Sub Inspectors
  • Inspector of Income Tax
  • Assistant Enforcement Officer
  • Divisional Accountant
  • Statistical Investigator Gr.II


  • CAG Offices
    • Auditors
    • Junior Accountant/ Accountant
  • UDC
  • Tax Assistant
  • Compiler

The Pattern of the Examination will be conducted in three tiers as indicated below:

Tier -I - Written Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Type)
Tier -II - Written Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Type)
Tier -III - Personality Test /Interview/Computer Proficiency Test or Skill Test (wherever applicable).

Posts Tier I Examination Tier II Examination Interview Proficiency/ Skill Test Total Marks
  • Assistant Inspector (Central Excise)
  • Inspector (Income Tax)
  • Inspector (Preventive Officer)
  • Inspector (Examiner)
  • Assistant Enforcement Officer
  • Sub-Inspector (CBI)
  • Divisional Accountant
  • Inspector of Posts
A. General Intelligence + Reasoning - 50 marks

B. Gen.Awareness- 50marks

C. Numerical Aptitude– 50 marks

D. English Comprehension-5 0 marks

Total Marks : 200
Duration: 02 hours
For VH: 2 hours 20 minutes

I. Arithmetical Abilities : 200 marks (100 Questions)
Duration: 2 hours
For VH: 2hours 40 minutes where eligible.

II. English Language & Comprehension: 200 marks.
Total Marks : 400
Duration : 2 hours
For VH: 2 hours 20 minutes wherever eligible.

100 Marks Computer
Test (CPT)
for post of Assistant in CSS only
  • Auditor, Accountant, UDCs and Tax Assistant



Data Entry Skill Test at Speed of 8000 key depression per hour for Tax Assist 600
  • Statistical Investigator Grade-II
-do- Paper-I & II as above
400 marks
Paper-II Statistics
200 marks
100 marks   900
  • Compiler


No   800

NOTE: There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Tier I and Tier II Examination. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.

9 (A). Combined Graduate Level (Tier-I) Examination: Tier –I of the Combined Graduate level Examination would be common for all categories of posts. Scheme of Tier-I Examination for all candidates including Visually Handicapped candidates with visual disability of forty percent and above and opting for availing the assistance of scribe.

Combined Graduate Level (Tier-I) Examination: Tier –I of the Combined Graduate level Examination would be common for all categories of posts .
Scheme of Tier-I Examination for all candidates including Visually Handicapped candidates with visual disability of forty percent and above and opting for availing the assistance of scribe.

Part Subject Max. Marks/Questions Total Duration/Timing for General candidates Total Duration/ Timing for visually Handicapped candidates
A. General Intelligence & Reasoning 50

2 Hours

2 Hours  40 Minutes

B. General Awareness 50
C Numerical Aptitude 50
D English Comprehension 50

NOTE: If and wherever necessary, the examination may be held in 2 (two) or more batches.

Questions will be of Objective Multiple Type Choice. The questions will be set both in Hindi and English in respect of Parts A, B and C.

Scheme of Tier-II Written Examination (Tier-II):

Paper No. Subject / Paper Max. Marks Number of Questions Duration & Timings for General candidates Duration & Timings for VH candidates
I Arithmetical Ability 200 200 2 Hours 2 Hours and 40 Min.
II English Language & Comprehension 200 200 2 Hours 2 Hours. and 40 Min.
III Statistics 200 200 2 Hours 2 Hours. and 40 Min.

NOTE-I : Paper-I & II are compulsory for all the categories of posts. Paper-III is compulsory only for those candidates who apply to be considered for the posts of Statistical Investigators Gr.II & Compiler.

NOTE-II : OMR Type of Answer Sheets will be supplied by the Commission to candidates for recording their answers to Multiple Choice Objective Type Questions. Candidates are advised to read the following instructions very carefully, in their own interest.

i) Part A of OMR Answer Sheet to be filled in Ball Point Pen only.
ii) Part B of OMR Answer Sheet should be filled in HB pencil only, as per instructions given in OMR Answer Sheet.
iii) Candidate should write and code his/her name, Roll Number, Ticket Number, Name of the Examination as mentioned in Admission Certificate, Date of birth and Test Form Number fully and correctly in the relevant places in OMR Answer Sheet. Answer Sheet not bearing candidates Name, Roll Number, Ticket Number and signature will not be evaluated and "Zero" marks will be awarded to them. The Commission prime-facie considers absence of such details/coding as attempt to commit malpractice in the examination or to impersonate. Candidates are advised to follow these instructions meticulously and also duly and fully coded in the appropriate places.

NOTE-III : Tier-I examination will be used to screen the candidates for appearing in Tier-II examination for various papers which will be specifically required for different groups of posts. However, marks of such screened candidates in Tier-I will be taken into account for final ranking of candidates for selecting them for the interview/skill test and also final selection.


  • For posts in Group-A, the Personality Test/ interview will carry a maximum of 100 marks.

NOTE-I : The interview will be held at the Commission‘s Regional /Sub Regional Offices of the Commission or at any other place as decided by the Commission.
NOTE- II : SC/ST candidates called for interview will be paid TA as per Govt. Orders. However, no TA is payable to any candidate for appearing in the written examination.
NOTE- III : Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.

Age Limit:

Category of posts Age limit
Inspector of Income Tax/ Inspector (Central Excise) / Inspector (Preventive Officer)/ Inspector (Examiner)/ Inspector of Posts/ Assistant Enforcement Officer/ Compiler/ Divisional Accountant/ Auditors/ UDCs /Tax Assistants/ Junior Accountant & Accountant 18-27 years
(Not born earlier than 15.04.1984 and not later than 14.04.1993).
Statistical Investigator Gr.II Not exceeding 26 years (Not born earlier than 15.04.1985 )
Assistant/Sub Inspector in CBI 20-27 years (Not born earlier than 15.04.1984 and not later than 14.04.1991).


(i) Compiler : Bachelor‟s Degree with Economics or Statistics or Mathematics as compulsory or Elective subject from any recognized University.
(ii) Statistical Investigator Grade – II : Bachelors Degree with Statistics as one of the main subjects.
Bachelors Degree with Mathematics (with Statistics as a papers studied in one year/two years/all three year as the case may be) as one of the main subjects.
Bachelors Degree with Economics (with Statistics as a paper studied in one year/two years/all the three years as the case may be) as one of the main subjects.
Bachelors Degree with Commerce (with Statistics as a paper studied in one year/two years/all the three years as the case may be) as one of the main subjects.
(iii) All other Posts: Bachelors Degree (Graduation Degree) from a recognized University or equivalent.


Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Physically Handicapped, and Ex-Servicemen eligible for reservation are exempted from paying application fee; as per rule/instructions.

How To Apply:

Candidates May Submit On Line Applications at http://ssconline.nic.in  They Should Retain Registration Number Assigned to Them On Line For Correspondence With The Commission. They Are Not Required to Submit Print Outs of Their Application to the Commission. The Facility of On-line Application will be Available up to 12.04.2011 (5:00 Pm) For Part-I Registration and for Part-II Registration up to 15.04.2011 (5.00 P.M.).

Help Line:

Candidates may contact following Regional Help Lines for clarifications, if any, in respect of filling/submitting applications :

  • SSC(NR), New Delhi - 01164715222, 01165570666
  • SSC(CR), Allahabad - 08765214571, 08765214572
  • SSC(SR), Chennai - 09445195946, 04428251139
  • SSC(WR), Mumbai - 07738422704, 07738422705
  • SSC(ER), Kolkata - 09477461228, 09477461229
  • SSC(MPR) Raipur - 09407921504, 09407921505
  • SSC(KKR), Bangalore - 09483862010, 09483862020
  • SSC(NWR), Chandigarh - 08699111498, 08699103985
  • SSC(NER), Guwahati, - 09864217001, 09435711335

Apply Online:

Courtesy: ssc.nic.in